61. The Painful Ride

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[tw: ptsd]

1 week later
September 28th 2016
9:39 am

It's been a week since Elijah has fully woken up, and the boy has been healing up nicely according to the doctors. Even though the boys stitches, cuts, and bruises are healing up nicely.

Elijah's mental health hasn't. He's been on edge as if something bad will happen at any given moment. Since that's all he's thought of during the painful 7 months he's been away from his mother.

That's also another thing. Elijah has been working hard on forcing himself to remember things. While he does so he always gets a bad migraine after then dreams about his memories. But sadly the people in them are fuzzy still. He hates himself for not remembering. Even though Lizzie and Robbie stay with him and talk to him about his memories and just stick by his side to help. He still can't seem to remember. And he can tell by how Lizzie always looks at him that he's missing the big picture. And he hates how he can't remember his life before the abuse. All he ever wants is to remember and at least get to have his mother back, but he can't. Since he's scared to let people in again and let them touch and hold him.

Right now Elijah was sitting on the side of the bed looking down at his legs that used to be covered. He was staring at how his body looked so thin in the hospital gown. He could remember how the times where Rick and Gloria refused to feed him. And the many hard days and nights where he would get locked up in the basement and skip meals.

As he was staring down at his legs he soon heard the familiar voices walk back into tv room. "Hey Bub. We have your regular clothes." Lizzie said as she seen her son sitting up fully looking towards the couch. Eli just sat there not ready to look over at her. Lizzie frowned a bit before she looked at Robbie who did a sad sigh. The couple soon walked over to face Eli.

Elijah flinched a bit before he soon looked over at Lizzie and Robbie. They gave him a sad smile before Lizzie spoke up "come on. Let's go get you change into something more comfortable." Lizzie said as she walked over to her son. Elijah watched her like a hawk before he finally seen how Lizzie was about to help him up. Eli flinched harder before he soon closed his eyes shut as Lizzie raised her hands up slightly. Lizzie looked at her hands before she put them down with a sad sigh. "O-ok let's go at your pace. If you need help getting up I'll be right here to help you ok baby?" Lizzie said.

Eli opened his eyes and looked at how Lizzie was now upset. "I-I'm sorry.." Eli said sadly before he started to fiddle with his cast. Lizzie frowned before she soon stood in front of Eli. "Hey. It's not your fault.. let's go when your ready ok?" Lizzie said as she took a shaky breath in. Eli looked into her green eyes before he looked over at Robbie who was giving them a sad look. Eli soon looked back at Lizzie before he nodded slowly, which soon made Lizzie give him a small smile.

Time skip

After Elijah got back in his normal regular comfy clothes. The boy has seemed to not even look at himself in any mirror, since he's so ashamed of what he's gonna see. Plus he doesn't want to see his now thinner self in his clothes that used to fit him. Since the clothes are now a bit baggy for him. So Eli would simply look a different direction from any sort of mirror or reflection while he was now fully up and walking.

And of course since he's up and walking he's getting watched like a hawk. Since he stumbled a bit and wobbles since he hasn't used his legs in over 5 weeks.

"You ready bud?" Robbie asked as he looked over at the boy who was looking out over the city. "Mhm.." he hummed out quietly before he slowly turned to face Robbie. Right as he turned to face Robbie he seen how Robbie looked at him in a caring way. All Eli could feel is sadness since he knew that he looked at him like that when he lived with them back when he remembered.

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