18. The babysitter

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The next morning
8:14 am

When Eli woke up he was asleep on a bed, he looked around and saw he was in a little room. He sat up and stretched with a yawn, he then looked around and remember that he was with his dad. He also remembered that his dad had to work, he quickly got out of bed and walked out of the room to be greeted by his dad in the kitchen with a man that looked like he was in his late 20s and looked pretty young. "Hey Eli! Good morning! This is your babysitter, Jacob this is Elijah! Elijah this is Jacob. He will be watching you while I work for a couple of hours." His father stated. Eli did a little wave at Jacob "h-hello.." he said in a shy voice before looking over at his father. "Ok well Eli you be good I'll be back in a couple of hours." He said as he walked over and kissed Elis head. "Bye kiddo!" He said before he then walked out of the house. Eli looked at the door then back over at Jacob how kinda looked stunned, Eli gave him a little smile and walked over to the couch and sat down.

Jacob just looked at Eli before he snapped out of his trance, the young adult then walked over and sat on a chair next to Eli. "So. Elijah. Um your father told me about you. He said you love to sing and play soccer?" Jacob said but when he said father he said in a weird way. Eli looked over at him and nodded, he was a bit confused on why he said father in a weird way. "Yeah. I'm on my schools team. Or I was. I'm on online school now so I can't play.." Eli said before he looked over at him and looked down at his hands and started to play with his fingers. "Ah. Well did you know I um..Lizzies boyfriend when we where in high school?" He said before he put his hands together and looked at Eli again. "You where??" Eli asked as he said. Jacob nodded "Yup. But I was really stupid and ended it all since something happened. I was scared." He said in a pity way. Eli just looked at him before he looked down at his hands. "Oh.. Lizzie probably wouldn't mind if I'm with you. You seem cool!" Eli blurted out with a small smile.

Jacob smiled at him before he went over and hugged Eli, Eli was a bit stunned but he hugged him back. After they both pulled away Jacob ruffled his head and smiled "Hey you wanna get out of here and go ride around? We can go out to the park and play soccer if you want?" He said with a smile. Elis eyes lightened up as he nodded "YEAH! Let me go grab my phone and jacket!" The young Olsen blurted out as he then got up from the couch and ran to the little room to get ready. Jacob watch him go get ready, he this had a little sad look on his face before he mumbled something. "I'm sorry for not being there for you." He said as he the waited for Eli.

When Eli grabbed his phone he seen that there was more messages. But this time there was some even from Trent, he just sighed and shoved his phone in his pocket. He then mumbled to himself "wow. Now they want to try to call me back." He said in a little sassy way. He then put his jacket on and slipped his shoes on and ran out of the room to go to meet up with Jacob.

Time skip

11:30 am

Eli and Jacob cruised on the beachside in Jacob's car, they where singing and having a good time. Eli didn't know why but he felt a strong instant connection with Jacob. "Hey Little Li? You wanna go meet up with some friends of mine for lunch? We will go play soccer in the park when we are done ok bud?" He said as he glanced over at Eli. "Yeah Im down for it Jacob!" Eli said as he looked over at Jacob with a smile. Jacob smiled and quickly ruffled Elis head "Good! We will be at the place in about 5 minutes! Since this speedster is fast!" Jacob stated as he then drove off. Eli smiled as he felt the cool breeze go on his skin from the open window. He loved the beach side since the air from the beach smelled nice to him, it also calmed his nerves down.

Time skip

When Eli and Jacob made it to the little sports restaurant they where greeted by Jacob's friends. Eli stood a bit close to Jacob since he didn't know anyone but him. "Hey guys! This is my Son Elijah!- I-I mean this is the kid I'm babysitting! Yeah!" He said as he greeted his friends. Eli looked up at Jacob a bit confused then looked at his group of 5 friends. His friends all looked down at Eli with a friendly smile "don't worry little guy we don't bite. It's nice to meet you." A guy with dirty long blonde hair said. Eli smiled at him a bit before he grabbed Jacob's hand "Ok. Let's go eat. Im pretty sure Eli here is starving I know I am." Jacob stated as he led the way in while he held onto Elis hand. The 5 groups of friends chattered among themselves and followed them inside.

While they got seated and ordered their drinks

Eli sat at the end next to Jacob, he was watching the National soccer team play on the tv while Jacob and his friends talked and catches up. "Hey Lil dude. When where you born??" The guy in front of Eli asked him. Eli looked at him "uh March 25th 2003..why?" He asked as he then tilted his head a bit. "Oh just wondering. You look pretty young." He said. "Noah! Come on man." Jacob gave him a little glare. Noah shrugged and looked at Jacob "dude come on I know he's yours! The time line and everything adds up!" He said. Eli was confused by what he said, he then looked at Jacob with a confused look. "Don't worry about him. Do you know what you want to eat?" He asked.

Eli nodded and smiled "Yep. I want chicken tenders!" Eli said proudly. Noah and the guy sitting next to him both gave each other a look. Jacob smiled "Ahh I see you get the same thing I always get. You can never go wrong with good chicken tenders am I right son?" He said, but to his surprise he didn't catch what he said. Eli nodded and continued to watch the soccer match that was playing on the tv. Eli did have some thoughts run inside his head about how his friends acted and how Jacob acted. The young Olsen just shook it off and just continued to have fun with Jacob and his friends.

Time skip

After they all ate and paid for the food Eli and Jacob where left with Noah and another one of their friends, which Eli caught his name as Xander. "Yo where you guys heading from here??" Noah asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh we are going to head to the park to play a little match of soccer. Yo wanna tag along??" Jacob asked. "Oh I'm down! Just so you know I'll beat you two!" Xander stated as he said in a jokingly way. "In your dreams dudeee!!" Eli blurted out. Noah and Jacob both laughed at Eli, Jacob then ruffled Elis head and smiled down at him.

"Hey Eli you want to ride with me to the park? We will beat your old man here." Noah said with a little smirk. Eli looked at him before he looked at Jacob who looked like he wanted to punch Noah. "Yeah Im down! Let's go!!" Eli said with a smile. "Alrighty. We will see you guys at the soccer park!" Noah said as he took Elis hand and walked to his car. Jacob and Xander both looked at them then walked back to Jacob's car to go leave and head to the soccer park.

Once Eli and Noah where in the car, Noah started to drive. "Hey you know your dad loves you right?" Noah said as he glanced over at Eli. Eli looked at Noah with a slightly confused look "My dad? You know him?..yeah I know he's been off at work and hasn't been there for me..but Lizzie and momma told me he cares for m-" Eli was cut off. "No no. Not that dad. I mean Jacob." Noah said. Eli looked at him and then down at his hands "w-what do you mean?.." he said as he then looked back at Noah. "Jacob is your dad. Me and Xander are his closest friends. We known about you since you where born. He's been wanting to see you but he's been scared little dude" Noah said.

Eli was a bit shook up but he looked out the window. "Your telling me that my momma and dad aren't who they say they are then.." he asked as he then looked over at Noah. Noah sighed "yeah. I'm sorry.. but Your real father is here now. He wants to spend time with you. Just don't tell him I told you ok? You should ask you 'dad' about this. Ok?" He said. Eli nodded "y-yeah ok. I'll do that. Wait if Jacob us my dad then who's my momma?.." Eli asked. Noah just tensed up "u-uhh you should figure that out on your own. It won't be that are bud." Noah said before he then looked over at Eli. "Oh ok. I'll worry about that later..for now can we just listen to music and go play soccer so I can get my mind off of this??" Eli said. Noah nodded "yeah of course." He said as he then turned the radio up and continued I drive.

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