38. Momma and Me

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2 days later

Eli was now in his room with his leg elevated properly, and his shirt off. He had his shirt off since the morning since his stitches where starting to get irritated by his shirt, so he threw the shirt off. Through out the past 2 days Eli has been getting treated like a baby, and to him he doesn't like it. If he wasn't hurt or put through any trauma then he would like it, but ever since the car accident and everything that happened in general. He just didn't like it, he felt like people thought he was going to break at any moment about his feelings, and that he was going to hurt himself more due to his injuries. He hated it all, all he wanted was to be treated like a normal, but he couldn't.

He hasn't even had proper sleep due to the fact he keeps getting nightmares. He also has barely talked to Lizzie or Robbie about his feelings. Even though it's really bad he just couldn't seem to talk to them. The bad thing about that is it's the fact that Lizzie is going to leave that night. Shes leaving to go and film for wind river, and Eli had to stay back with Robbie. He has to go on months without his mother. And throughout the months he is going to get his cast off along with physical therapy after, and also with many doctor appointments throughout the months.

Eli picked up his phone and decided to go ahead and look at his Instagram. He hasn't really been on Instagram for a long time since he was doing filming and just off of media things. Once he opened Instagram he seen he was tagged in some photos. He was a bit curious since he rarely got tagged in things. Once he looked went to his tagged photos he seen that Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth both posted photos that they had of him with them. He smiled at how they both posted saying for him to feel better and to have a good recovery, and along with them hoping to see them again. He liked the posts and commented a thank you. The little Olsen then seen that he had gotten a large following from them tagging him.

He really didn't care about the people following him, all he really cares about is doing his little job to make people happy. He doesn't care about the fame and glory even though kids want to be famous at his age. He honestly was just happy for being able to do what he does. Elijah decided to take a little selfie and go ahead and post it. In the description he put 'Feeling better. Recovery going by slow! Thank you for the get well wishes ❤️' Right after he posted that he exited out of instagram and decided to get up.

Right when he got up he grabbed his crutches and went ahead and walked out of his room. He didn't bother to put his shirt back on so he just left. Right when he got to the stairs he slowly started to go down them. Right when he got to the bottom of the stairs he did a little huff and looked around. "Momma! Robbie!" Eli called out as he stood at the bottom of the stairs catching a little breather. "In the kitchen! Bubs!" Lizzie called out. Eli did a little huff again before he started to walk to the kitchen. He stopped and looked at Lizzie who looked like she just got done gardening. "Whats up? You hurting anywhere?" Lizzie asked as she was cleaning the fruits she just picked. "No I'm not hurting anywhere momma. Um.. I was just bored of staying in my room. I was lonely.." Eli said as he walked over to sit down. "Ah. I see. So you just wanna spend time with me huh?" Lizzie said as she looked over and gave Eli a smile.

"Yes.. and Um.. what is there to eat? Im starting to get hungry." Eli asked as he looked over at Lizzie. Lizzie smiled before she turned over to the counter and picked up a sandwich with fruits cut up, she then walked over to Eli and placed the plate down. "I made this earlier. I kinda knew you where going to ask for something later. So eat up." She said as she then kissed Elis head and walked back over to wash up the fruits. "Thank you momma. I love you." Eli said before he started to eat. Lizzie scrunched up her nose and smiled "I love you to bubs." She said as she started to finish up.

After Eli got done eating he looked outside and just kinda dozed off. He starting to think and daydream about how it will be like when Lizzie is gone. He was gonna miss his mom, even though he just now started to slowly open up with her and be with his mom, she was just going to leave again. He felt his eye start to gloss over with tears, he then started to slowly blink away his tears. "Hey? Whats wrong Bubs?.." Lizzie asked as she started to walk over to her son. Eli didn't budge he just sat there with tears in his eyes, he then looked over at Lizzie with a sad look. "Hey hey..your ok baby.. whats wrong?" She asked again and she put her hand on Elis cheek. "I-I don't want you to g-go.." Eli said as he then started to just sob. Lizzies heart broke when she seen how Eli was, she then pulled him into a hug. "Shhh..shhh..it's going to be ok..it's only going to be for 7 months..I'll facetime you and call you everyday if I have to. You'll be ok.. I'll be back as soon as you know it." Lizzie said as she tried to comfort Eli.

Eli just sobbed and just held onto Lizzie "b-but that's too long..I-I just got you back m-momma.." Eli said before he let out another sob. Lizzie pulled back and put both of her hands on Elis face "Hey look at me. You'll be ok. I promise. Grandma and Trent will swing by to see how your doing ok? Robbie will be here with you as well. He even told me the fun you guys are going to do through the time I'm gone. Your always going to have me Bubs. Because I'm your Momma and I will always be back. So let's wipe these tears away and let's go watch some tv and cuddle. How does that sound?" Lizzie said as she wiped Elis tears away. Eli sniffled and nodded "o-ok momma.." he said before he slowly got up. Lizzie smiled and helped him over to the couch.

Right when they got to the couch she helped Eli settle in and get comfortable, she soon then sat down next to Eli and pulled him close to her. Eli just cuddled up to her and sniffled, he then looked at the tv and just seen the selection of things to watch. "Ok what do you want to watch. Godzilla? Avengers?" She asked as she ran her hand through Elis short hair. "Um..can we watch high school musical?" Eli asked as he seen it pop up. Lizzie was a bit surprised at his choice and just decided to play it "yeah let's watch that. It's been a while since I seen it." She said before she went ahead and started to cuddle Eli. Eli smiled as she was brought closer by Lizzie, he was going to definitely miss her. So he is going to make the most of his time with her within this time he has. 

During the middle of the movie Lizzie fell asleep, Eli notice her asleep as soon as soon as he felt her grip onto him more. He smiled as he just laid there continuing to watch the movie. The little Olsen was then greeted by Robbie who just came back from rehearsal with his band. "Hey bud. How you feeling?" Robbie quietly asked Eli as he walked over and sat down next to them. "Good. I'm kinda cold though.. but momma is asleep and I don't wanna wake her up. She seems tired.." Eli said quietly. Robbie smiled as he got up "well I'll go get you a blanket. Then we can watch something else when this is over. How does that sound?" Robbie said with a smile. "Yeah. Sounds good Robbie." Eli said. Robbie soon then left to go get into comfortable clothes and go get Eli a blanket.

When Robbie came back with the blanket he put it over Eli and smiled. Eli smiled and just got more comfortable and continue to watch the rest of the movie. Robbie smiled at him before he kissed the top of his head and Lizzies, he soon then sat down on the other couch. Right when high school musical ended Robbie went ahead and turned on Brave. Robbie and Eli both watched the movie, they both enjoyed it. Even though Eli had build up his walls he was slowly starting to break them down with Robbie and Lizzie. During the middle of the movie Eli started to fall asleep. Right when he fell asleep lizzie started to wake up, she soon then looked down at Eli and smiled. She then looked over at Robbie who was watching the movie. Even though she has to go up and check if she's ready for traveling in a bit she just decided to enjoy the little family time she has.

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