24. Packing

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The next morning

6:03 am

When Eli woke up he let out a little yawn, he felt refreshed and well rested. The young boy was about to get up but he felt arms around him, and he heard light gentle breathing. He turned over and saw Lizzie fast asleep, he was a bit surprised by her. Eli didn't want to wake her up or anything, so he just laid in bed just looking at Lizzie.

Eli just looked at Lizzie who was peaceful asleep, he just admired her. He used to look up to her as his sister, now he can finally look up to her as his mother. To him I is weird to say that or even hear it, he then smiled a little. He then started to talk in his head. 'I can say I have a cool mom. Woah now that is weird to say. Lizzie my mom. This is crazy still.' Eli said in his head. 'My friends will be so confused. Wait..does that make Robbie my dad now?!..no my dad left Lizzie..and Robbie my new dad?...this is all so weird..and strange.' Eli said in his head again. He let out a small huff and he freezes when Lizzie started to move 'oh no! I woke Liz-Mom-Lizzie up!' Eli said in his head before he had a terrified look on his face. Lizzie pulled Eli closer to her and continued to sleep peacefully. Eli let out a sigh of relief, he felt safe yet again in her arms. The young Olsen then started to get comfortable and sleepy again, After about 5 minutes of Eli listening to Lizzies calm breathing he fell asleep.

9:26 am

Eli woke up to his head getting scratched, he did a little groan and snuggled closer to Lizzie. He then heard a light chuckle and his head getting scratched. "Elijahh come on baby. I don't want to be in bed all day." Lizzie said playfully. Eli looked up at her a bit before he did a slight huff, he then pulled away from Lizzie and went under the covers and slowly started to fall asleep again. "Eli come on. Jeez you do take after me. Come on MK, Ashley and Trent want to see you." Lizzie stated as she put her hand on Elis back. Eli took the covers off of him and looked at Lizzie with a slightly tired look, Lizzie smiled at him and put her hand on Elis cheek. "Well good morning Bubs. Nice to finally see my baby boy awake now." Lizzie said with a smile as she sat up.

Eli looked at her before he also sat up in bed, he let out a little yawn. "Morning Lizzie." Eli said as he gave her a little smile. Lizzie brought Eli close to her and hugged him, Eli didn't know what to do but he hugged Lizzie back. After a couple of moments they pulled away "Well I better get going downstairs. Who knows what your Aunts and Uncle is doing right about now." Lizzie stated as she got up from the bed and walked to the door. "Oh ok. Un Lizzie?" Eli called out. Lizzie stopped at the door and looked at Eli "whats up?" She asked. "Uh.." Eli looked down at the ground before he spoke again, he had this question running through his head since he found out about Lizzie. "Um..am i going to stay here?..o-or live with you now?.." Eli asked, he felt scared to look up at lizzie. Lizzie was a bit shocked, but she also had the same question as him.

She was honestly going to ask him after breakfast so they could pack and head back to her home. "Eli I was going to ask you after breakfast but. Do you want to come live with me? It's up to you baby. You can stay here with Grandma or live with me. It's your choice I'm not going to force you." Lizzie stated as she seen Eli look up at her. "C-Can I go with you?..I don't wanna go through that mess again with Da-Grandpa.." Eli said as he then started to play with his hands. Lizzie gave him a small smile before she walked back over to him, she kissed the top of his head and looked at him. "Of course you can come with me. Plus Robbie will be glad to see you again when he comes over." Lizzie stated as she grabbed Elis hands. She noticed how whenever she was with him or seen him he would either play with his hands or thump his leg. She knew that he had her Anxiety but she didn't know if he had her social anxiety, she needs to ask her mom about that still and soon.

"Ok. Well I'll go tell Grandma about you coming home with me. You get ready and do your own thing ok?" Lizzie said as she then walked to the door of his room. "Ok Lizzie." Eli said with a little smile before he got up from his bed and walked over to his closet to go get changed. Lizzie smiled at him and left his room. Eli just went and got clothes and went straight over to the bathroom to get freshened up.

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