59. Nightmares do come true

360 16 6

September 2nd 2016

Lizzie and Robbie both ran into the hospital eagerly. As they ran in they seen the desk woman look up at them. "How may I help you young couple??" She asks as she soon pushes aside her folder work.

"I'm here for my s-son! P-please I got a call saying h-he was here!" Lizzie said with a shaky voice. The woman furrows her eyebrows "ma'am I'm gonna need you to relax. Can you tell me his name so I can search him up in the system?" She asked as she soon turned to her computer.

Lizzie was feeling as if she was going to break down at any given moment. "His name is Elijah Roman Olsen, he's 13 years old.." Robbie spoke up as he wrapped his arm around Lizzie and tried to comfort her. As the desk lady typed up his name she soon frowned. The young couple watched the lady do her work but they were in so much worry. "He's the little guy that got into that terrible accident.." she said as she soon looked up at the couple.

Lizzie gripped onto Robbie's hand and had tears welding up in her eyes. Robbie kissed Lizzie's head before he spoke up "where is he at? Please we need to know if he's ok!" Robbie blurted out as his voice was laced with worry. "Ok ok. Just calm down.." she said as she soon looked at the really worried couple. "Calm down?! Please! We need to know! She's worried half to death! We need to know his condition and where he's at!" Robbie started to shout out. "Sir. He's in the middle of surgery! He's been in surgery ever since he's been admitted here at 6:46!" The desk lady stated.

Lizzie held her hands up to her chest and let out a small sob. The desk woman sighed "alright. A doctor will be with you shortly. So if you may go over to the waiting room." The said as she soon pointed in the direction of the waiting room. Robbie sighed before he started to lead Lizzie "ok. Thank you.." he responded sadly.

Right as the young couple got into the waiting room Lizzie completely broke down. Robbie held Lizzie close to him and tried to soothe and calm her down. "He's ok.. he's ok babe.. just relax... he's still here.." Robbie soothed her as they soon had to play the waiting game.

September 3rd 2016
4:23 am

Lizzie and Robbie where both wide awake waiting for the doctor again. A doctor came in and told them about the surgery going on and that they still need time around 1.

They were wide awake waiting. Even though the time felt like it was going by really really slowly.

During the time they where in the waiting room. Lizzie had contacted her mother and siblings about Elijah. They where on their way and really worried as well. Robbie had contacted his family also, since Elijah was apart of his family, and his family considered Elijah and Lizzie as apart of their own. So both sides of the family where coming over to see the boy but not as fast like they did.

5:39 am

Lizzie was passed out laying on Robbie's shoulder. While Robbie was staring off into space waiting still. They both where physically and mentally exhausted. But they needed to be there for Eli and see if he is alive and ok.

"Elijah Olsen?" A male voice called out in the waiting room. Robbie perked his head up and soon woke up Lizzie. Lizzie shot up awake as if she wasn't asleep, the soon looked over at the doctor who gave them a sad smile.

Lizzie was unsteady about his smile, she felt all her nerves shoot up her spine. The doctor went over to them and did a sigh. Robbie and Lizzie didn't like the sound of his sigh. Robbie was soon starting to bite his lip while Lizzie felt her hands get clammy.

"You're son is doing ok. There where a lot of complications.. we kept loosing him in the middle of operation. But we had him stable." The doctor stated. Lizzie and Robbie both released a breath they were holding. "But your boy is a strong fighter.." he stated as he looked at the now relieved couple. "What are his injuries?.." Robbie asked as he held Lizzie close.

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