62. The House of Horror

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The next day
September 29th 2016
3:46 am

Elijah woke up with a jolt. The 13 year old held his good arm over his chest as he breathed heavily. He soon looked over to see Lizzie and Robbie both asleep in the bed near his. He then looked over at the clock that was on the nightstand.

'3:47 am. Great..' he said in his mind before he did a shaky sigh. As he sat in the bed he looked over at the couple in the bed. He wished he could sleep as peaceful as them, but he couldn't. Every time he would try to sleep it would always end up with the same nightmare. As he shook that scared sad feeling away he soon and quietly got out of the bed.

As he got out of bed he quietly walked over to the window. The boy furrowed his eyebrows before he soon pulled the curtain a bit and started to look out the window. As he looked out the window all he could see is the pretty night sky with the distant buildings. He found himself at peace. Only for a bit. He liked it. But now he only wondered if he could get his peace back with Lizzie and Robbie. And whoever else knew him.

As he stood there looking at the calming cityscape he soon heard someone start to toss and turn. Eli was quick to turn around and look over to see Lizzie who looked as if she was having a nightmare. Eli stood there and just watched as her breathing became quicker. Eli tilted his head a bit before he soon started to walk over to her side of the bed. He didn't know why he was going over but he felt as if he needed too.

Right as he was about to go and wake her up he got scared and jumped back right when she woke up with a gasp sitting up. Eli looked at her with sad eyes before he watched her soon calm herself down a bit before she looked over at him. Lizzie did a little jump as she looked at Eli who was staring at her. "Oh my god.." she whispered in her trembling shaky voice.

Elijah held his arm up and did a little shiver "I-I'm sorry!.. I d-d-didn't mean to watch you sleep.. y-you where tossing a-and turning.." Eli blurted out in a whisper before he closed his eyes tightly waiting for a type of hit to come his way. But all he heard was a sad shaky sigh "it's fine.. why are you up at this time anyway?.." he heard Lizzie ask. The boy looked at her in the dark as he sighed, he then looked at the ground. "I-I had a nightmare.." he said shamefully.

Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows before she soon stood up and held her arms out for the boy. Eli looked up to see Lizzie offering a hug for him, he hesitated for a bit before he soon walked over to her and hugged her. He felt her rub his back and kiss his buzzed head. "It's okay.. we all get them.." she whispered as she swayed them. Eli nuzzled his head against her and did a little sigh. 'She had a nightmare too..' that all he said to himself before he and her both pulled away from the hug.

"Let's get some sleep.. we have a sort of a big day later on.." Lizzie whispered as she put her hand on his buzzed head. Eli sighed again before he nodded "okay.." he whispered before he soon walked over to his bed. Lizzie watched him with a sad smile before she soon got back into her shared bed. Right as Eli got comfortable in his bed he bit the bottom of his lip before he looked over at Lizzie.

"L-Lizzie?.." he called out quietly. "Yes bub?" She responded. Eli soon started to mess with the covers "c-can you sleep with me?..I-I'm scared.." he said with a shaky voice. Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows before she nodded "okay." She said before she soon got out of bed and went over to Eli's.

Right as she got into Elijahs bed she felt the boy scoot closer to her. Lizzie did a sad smile before she finally got comfortable in bed. "Thank you.." he whispered before he looked at her sadly. "No problem my prince.." Lizzie cooed out before she went and put her hand over the side of his face. Eli cracked a small smile before he finally went ahead and scooted closer to her. Right when he was close to her he breathed in her comforting sent and closed his eyes. Lizzie did a small little chuckle before he pulled Eli closer to her and closed her eyes. The two felt the comfort they've been needing for weeks on end. They then finally let their fears melt away and let sleep overtake the both of them.

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