25. Home & Bonding

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2 hours later

When Eli and Lizzie got home they went ahead and started to unpack. Eli helped Lizzie with rolling the suit cases to the door and bringing them inside. Lizzie had the hard part of bringing the suitcases upstairs to Elis room, Eli wanted to help but Lizzie didn't let him. She was afraid that he would hurt himself, so Eli went ahead and grabbed his 2 backpacks filled with personal belongings and his PS4.

Right when they finally got everything into Elis room Lizzie and Eli both flopped on the bed. They both looked at each other then smiled "Welcome home bubs" Lizzie said with a smile. Eli smiled back at her "home" is what all Eli said. Lizzie sat up and did a little sigh, Eli sat up as well. They both looked at the suitcases "well we better start unpacking." Lizzie stated as she got up and started to go ahead and work on putting Elis clothes away. "Yeahhhh" Eli responded before he then got up and started to help out.

1 hour later

4:56 pm

The Olsens both finally got done with unpacking. Eli was laying on the floor while Lizzie sat in his desk chair, they both looked clearly tired. "That was exhausting." Lizzie stated before she looked down at her son. Eli nodded in agreement before he sat up and rubbed his hair, his hair was short from him getting a buzz cut but it was growing. "Yeah. I'm tired and hungry now" Eli stated and looked up at Lizzie. Lizzie just smiled "well we could go downstairs and watch a movie and just order food." Lizzie said. Elis eyes lightened up before he smiled "can we?!" Eli asked. Lizzie nodded and chuckled "Yeah! We can watch any movie you want." Lizzie stated before she got up from the chair and helped Eli up. Eli was excited "can we watch Godzilla!!" Eli blurted out before he started to jump up and down. Lizzie just laughed "yeah yeah. Come on let's go." Lizzie stated before she walked out the room. Eli followed behind her and technically just ran past her.

When Eli made it to the living room he jumped onto the couch and sat down to wait. Lizzie smiled at him before she went and sat down next to him, she then grabbed the remote and turned onto the tv. She went and put Godzilla on and looked down at Eli who kept his eyes on the tv. She smiled and put her arm around Eli bringing him close to her. Eli was a bit surprised but he just scooted closer to Lizzie. The two of them watched Godzilla until it came to Aaron and Lizzies first appearance. Eli physically cringed and looked away "that's weird now! You and Aaron both played brother and sister! That's weird!" Eli blurted out. Lizzie looked down at him and laughed "I see what you mean. And plus that my son is what the acting world is like." Lizzie stated. Eli looked up at her and gave her a little side smile then continued to watch the movie. Lizzie kissed his head and continued to watch the movie with him.

After the movie

After the movie ended Eli and Lizzie both where laying on the couch by now. Eli was laying on Lizzie while Lizzie just held him close to her. "Hey Bubs? What do you want to eat for dinner?" Lizzie asked as she looked down at the small 11 year old laying on her. Eli thought for a moment "can we get pizza?" Eli asked as he drew little circles on Lizzies stomach. Lizzie rubbed his back "yeah we can do that. But your gonna have get up so I can go call and order a pizza." Lizzie stated. Eli did a little groan "but your comfy.." Eli stated. "How about after when I order the pizza we can cuddle some more. Does that sound better?" Lizzie asked. "Deal!" Eli blurted out before he got off of Lizzie. Lizzie smiled before he got up and walked over to go get her phone.

Eli stayed on the couch and waited, he looked at the tv that had a whole selection of movies. He flipped himself upside down on the couch and looked back at the tv, he then started to giggle at how the movie covers that had people on them where upside down. He then let his hands hang loose over the couch as well, he started to then make up a little song. "I'm up side down, chilling on my couchhhh. We waiting for foooooddd~" Eli sang, which after he sang he just started to laugh a bit. The one thing Eli didn't notice was Lizzie recording him, once Eli felt a strange activity he looked over and saw Lizzies phone on him. "HEY!" He blurted out before he tumbled off of the couch.

Right when Eli tumbled off of the couch he bumped his leg against the table, he then did a little groan. Lizzie stopped recording and ran over to him "oh my god! Are you ok?!" Lizzie asked him as she got him up. She then put her hands over his cheeks and looked for any cuts or bruises that are forming. "Lizzie! I'm fine! I j-just bumped my leg!" He stated before the then rubbed his leg. His leg was just ok but he knew it would form a tiny bruise nothing to serious. Lizzie let out a sigh of relief before she sat down on the couch "Lizzie you don't have to worry about me I'm not a baby." Eli stated before he sat down next to Lizzie. "I will constantly worry about you. Your my baby. Even though you may not be a baby your still a baby to me." Lizzie stated before she hugged him. Eli did a little happy sigh and hugged her back.

"Now. Shall we continue our movie day?" Lizzie asked as she looked down at Eli. Eli nodded and looked up at her "yeah!" He smiled. "Alrighty then. Now let's watch hmm let's see." Lizzie said as she grabbed the remote and started to look through the movies. Eli just cuddled up against her and looked at the tv. "Hm. Oh you want to watch full house?" Lizzie asked as she looked down at Eli who looked all cozy. Eli nodded and just looked at the tv, Lizzie smiled then pressed play on where she left off on full house. They both watched full house for mean time till there food showed up.

2 episodes later

The doorbell rang Eli and Lizzie both looked over to the door. Eli got up "I got it!!" Eli blurted out before he then ran tot eh door. "Eli! Wait!" She yelled out before she ran over and grabbed her cash to pay for the pizza. When Eli stopped at the door he called out "Who is it?!" It took a second before there was a response "I have a pizza delivery for Lizzie!" A female voice replied. Eli smiled as he opened the door, once he opened the door he looked up at a young woman who smiled down at him. "Oh! Hello here's your pizza little guy. That will be $16.45." She said. Eli was about to call for Lizzie but she put a hand on his shoulder, she then handed the pizza lady a $20 bill. "You Can keep the change." Lizzie stated as she gave the young lady a smile. "Oh thank you! Hope you guys enjoy!" She said with a smile before she then left.

Lizzie led Eli inside, Lizzie then shut and locked the door while Eli walked to the dinning room to go put the pizza on the table. Once Eli put the pizza on the table he sat down at the table and smiled. "It smells good!" He stated before he looked over at Lizzie who was walking over. "Now that sure does." Lizzie said as she went over and grabbed paper plates. Once she came back with the paper plates the two of them then started to dig into the pizza. Once they both had their pizza slices they started to chow down. Eli did a little dance in his chair while he was chewing, Lizzie glanced over at Eli and started to laugh a bit. "Bubs what are you doing??" She asked. Eli did a little nose scrunch and wiggled again "my pizza dance!" He said before he took a bite out of his pizza and started to dance. Lizzie just laughed at him before she went back to eating her pizza.

After pizza

Once the two Olsens where done eating they moved back over to the couch and continued watching full house. Eli laid his head on Lizzies stomach and looked at the tv, Lizzie put her arms around Eli and watch the show with a smile on her face. "Lizzie?" Eli called out. "Yes Bubs?" Lizzie responded as she then looked down at Eli. "Did I look like the twins when I was younger?" He asked. Lizzie was a bit confused "where did that come from??" She asked. "Because Michelle from full house is the twins." Eli stated. "Did I look like that when I was younger?" He asked again before he drew little circles on Lizzies stomach.

"Well you did look like them, but you looked a lot more like me when I was younger, but the one thing that was different from all of us was your eyes. They where bright green. And your hair, Oh boy it was really curly too." Lizzie stated as she rubbed Elis back. "You where so small too. You always wanted to be held onto and picked up." Lizzie stated as she looked down at him. Eli looked up at her and smiled a little "You my baby are a little version of me." Lizzie said as she then gave him a kiss on the head. Eli smiled and went up and put his head on her chest "I love you Lizzie." He said before he then turned his attention to the tv. Lizzie smiled before she rubbed his back again "I love you too Guppy" she said. Eli smiled from her calling him that, he liked how it was from the Filming and now it's starting to stick.

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