56. CC to the rescue!

319 14 7

[tw: Abuse, harsh language]

3 months later
June 20th 2016

Elijah was sitting at the park listening to NF while he watched the trees move due to the wind. He has gotten a bit better from the lack of sleep and eating and over all abuse. But the little Olsen has yet to get the actual love and attention he needs at a child still.

All the little 13 year old has gotten is neglect, hate, and abuse from his grandparents. And the worse thing is that he can't even contact anyone of his trusted adults. His grandparents blocked him from everything but he can still contact his friends from his schools. Which he was really grateful about.

But over all he's been okay, he's seen the movies he's been in and they are surprisingly great hits to kick off summer. Little does he know that his movie with Sebastian had a whole premiere but he wasn't aloud to go since his stupid hell watchers where with him. Also he doesn't know about how many people from the cast to his family were trying to contact him throughout the past 4 months. Even his small fan base has been wondering where he's gone but he doesn't know anything. Since Jacob's parents blocked him from everything.

The boy looked up at the sky before he looked down at his wrists and arms to see the many faded glass markings and harmful cuts that littered them. He soon closed his eyes and soon heard Son My Son by Milo Greene Eli just sat there in shock. He hasn't heard them in a while and he felt the stinging pain of missing Robbie and Lizzie. He just sat there and furrowed his eyebrows before he did a small smile. "I miss you guys so much.." he said sadly before he soon decided to go back to his terrible household he lives in. As he was walking to the house he listened to his Milo Greene shuffle and took the long route which took about 25 minutes. And he enjoyed the small amount of time he had before he gets home to deal with his abusive grandparents.

58 minutes later

Eli was home alone tending to his new beating wounds. He had his music blasting from his phone while he tended his numb bloody upper arms and back. "Ah!.. s-stupid ungrateful.. grandpa you are.. Ah!.." he said as he cleaned his wound on his back. "UGH! I HATE IT HERE! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!!" He yelled out before he soon punched the small mirror which shattered. "AH!" He yelped out in pain before he looked at his cut up fist. Eli just stood there watching his fist bleed.

The small 13 year old closed his eyes and took a deep breath in before he soon exhaled. "Why did I have to be put through this.. dad why must your parents do this to me.. how did you ever put up with all of this?.." he asked as he soon looked up at the ceiling. The boy then did a sigh before he soon started to go ahead and clean up his wounds and bandaged up everything new and fresh. As he was fixing up everything and cleaning the glass and blood he heard his phone play Yellow by Coldplay. The boy did a small smile before he soon started to somewhat sway to the music.

Elijah was now in his room just doing his dancing he used to do when he was back in dance class. He swayed and danced along to all the music that bring him comfort. As he was dancing he let go of everything and started to be free again. As he was in the middle of dancing he stopped to his grandpa slamming the front door open. Eli quickly ran over shut his phone off and listened in on him just to make sure he didn't need him.

The boy stood next to the door quietly before he soon realized he didn't need him. He sighed in relief before he finally went over to his bed and sat down. He then opened his phone up to see the many text messages that his friends did.

The Junkies 👻- 578 unread messages
3 Idiots & Baby E 🔥- 456 unread messages
Mother Hope💙- 125 unread messages & 90 missed calls
CC (Cole)🔥- 236 unread messages & 108 missed calls
Vinny👾- 107 unread messages & 59 missed calls
Marky mark👽- 89 unread messages & 46 missed calls
Henry mann🙄- 98 unread messages & 36 missed calls
Lena<3💙- 134 unread messages & 99 missed calls

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