10. Travel pt.2

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New York

When the three of them got off the plane, they walked to their next gate that was on the other side of the airport. Eli held onto Lizzies hand while he looked at the different airport and the small shops. Once they found their gate they seen that their plane wasn't going to be taking off in about 2 hours, so they went to Ruby Tuesday's and got something to eat.

Eli was sitting in his seat looking down at the kids menu, he kicked his legs and hummed a little tune. Lizzie and Robbie both where looking at their menus before they new what to get. Eli new exactly what we was going to get, his normal Chicken Tenders with either a water or sprite. So he was only doing the small little puzzles and coloring that was on his kids menu with the crayons. When the waitress came up to get their orders she looked at Eli and waited for him to respond, Lizzie looked at him before she did a little sigh and nudged Eli. "Eli do you want your usual?" She asked him. Eli looked at Lizzie and nodded then looked at the waitress, Eli was shy when it came to ordering his own food. He nearly broke down when he was out with his mom and dad when they got lunch one time.

Lizzie looked at the waitress "he would like the chicken tenders with a Sprite." Lizzie said. The waitress wrote that down and nodded at them and took Lizzies and Robbies menus and left. Eli stuck his little tongue out as he did the little crossword puzzle, Robbie looked over at him before he smiled and started to talk to Lizzie. When Eli was done doing his small activities he looked at the 4 boxes of Tic Tac Toe. He smiled as he then looked over at Lizzie and Robbie "can you guys play tic tac toe with me? Please?" Eli asked as he noticed the adults look at him. Robbie smiled with a nod "yeah why not let's do it" Robbie said with a smile before he grabbed a crayon and started to play with Eli. Lizzie then played 2 rounds of tic tac toe with Eli, to their surprise Eli won all the round. "I did it!" Eli said with a smile. Robbie shook his head "I could have won! But you sneaky little thing beat me!" Robbie stated in a playful tone. Eli did a little giggle before their food came.

They all ate their food while Lizzie tried to teach Eli a bit of the accent to his character he's playing, but she found it to no use since the young boy seemed to be tired still.

When they where done eating they paid for their food and walked over to their gate. While they where walking to their gate Eli looked at the little stores they where passing, he seen little small nicknacks that looked cool. He smiled at them before he walked behind Lizzie and Robbie. Robbie noticed the young boys wondering eyes and he smiled a bit before a thought came to his head. "Hey Lizzie I'll be back in going to go get some snacks for the long plane ride to Italy." Robbie stated while he looked at Lizzie. Lizzie looked at him before she nodded "oh ok. I'll have Eli with me since I'm going to help him with his accent. Well meet you at the gate." Lizzie said with a smile before she grabbed Elis hand. "Come on Bubs let's go." Lizzie stated as she started to walk off with Eli. Eli did a little huff before he followed her.

Robbie smiled at them before he walked off to the little stores. While Robbie was off in the little stores Lizzie and Eli sat in the seats at their gate, Lizzie then started to talk in her accent. "Eli now come on let's practice." Lizzie said in her 'Sokovian' accent. Eli cracked a smile before he tried to do the accent back "Ok Lizzie I think I got it. Maybe..." Eli said back, but his accent sounded a bit rushed. Lizzie put her hand on his shoulder "Eli when you talk in the accent try slowing down your words a bit. That should help it out." Lizzie stated. The young Olsen just nodded before he took a deep breath "so I talk like this? Slow and a bit steady?" Eli spoke out in his accent, now this time it sounded a bit better. Lizzie smiled and nodded "Just like that. Now you have it! Just keep practicing like that and you are ready for the part!" Lizzie said happily. Eli smiled from cheek to cheek before he did a yawn "I'm tired still..can I take a nap..?" Eli said while he put his hood on his hoodie on. Lizzie just nodded and put the small blanket around Eli.

The young Olsen did a little smile before he cuddled the blanket, he looked over at Lizzie then laid his head against the hair arm rest. Lizzie just smiled at him before she went on her phone. Soo Eli then fell asleep, the young boy was still really sleepy. Even though he's been asleep most the ride to New York he was exhausted.

Time skip

When Eli woke up he was in the seat on the plane, he looked over at the window of the plane and seen they where in the sky. He then tilted his head a bit before he looked over and saw Lizzie next to him and Robbie next to Lizzie. The young Olsen smiled a bit before he laid his head against Lizzie, Lizzie got a bit startled by Eli but she then smiled at him. "Well hello sleepyhead." Lizzie said with a smile. Robbie looked over at him before he smiled too "lil man is finally awake!" Robbie said. Eli smiled at them "I feel a bit sleepy but I don't want to sleep now..I haven't been in a plane and watch the sky go by!" Eli said with a bright smile before he turned his attention to the window. The two adults smiled at him before they both carried on to their little movie they where watching.

After about a hour of Eli looking out the window he pulled his phone out and played on his phone. Lizzie looked at him before she nudged Robbie "Robbie. You have Elis DS right?" Lizzie asked in a whisper. Robbie nodded at her before he got his bag out and pulled out Elis DS. "Here it is. Ready for gaming." He stated. Lizzie smiled at him before she placed a kiss on his cheek "thank you Robbie." Lizzie said. "No problem Liz." Robbie said with a smile. Lizzie then got the DS and placed it in her brothers lap, Eli stopped playing Temple Run on his phone and looked at his DS. He then smiled and turned his phone off and looked at Lizzie "thank you!" He said in a happy voice before he then started to play on his DS. "Your welcome Eli." Lizzie said as she went back to watching the movie, Robbie smiled at them before he started to watch the movie with Lizzie.

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