17. Unexpected Visitor

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2 week later

Eli was already way ahead in all his school work. His mother didn't know about it but Eli found a way to breeze by time while his friends where in school. He found a way to finally upload videos on YouTube, he found it as his outlet in a fun away. He would either post about 2 videos a day or if not 1 a day since he was bored. He would do random skits of his 'horrible' acting while he sang along to funny things. But in the videos he would hide his lower face since he didn't want his family to find out about it till later on. So on YouTube he went by the YouTube name 'RoLi Does Thingz'.

It was about 2:45 when Eli was recording himself. He propped his phone up to where you can only see his stomach to his chest, he then grabbed his ukulele and song book and also propped it up right next to his phone. He hit record on his phone and took a deep breath. "Hey guys! It's RoLi! Today I'm going to sing a cover of 'RipTide'! Hope you enjoy!" He said in a slight accent. He looked at the notes he written down on his song book and started to play the cords. He soon then started to sing, he was in the groove of playing and singing he forgot that he was recording.

When Eli finally got done playing he smiled then looked at the video. "Well thank you for listening! RoLi over and out!" He said before he then ended the Video. He then grabbed his phone and smiled, he kept his song book out and ukulele out since he was probably going to sing and play again.

Once Eli finally rewatched the video he then uploaded it to YouTube. He didn't really care about the views or anything he just wanted to have his fun and have a creative outlet since acting was still new to him. Plus his mother did talk to him about how Lizzie would call her if he had gotten a audition request for a movie or anything. So Eli just had to wait, the trailer for Age of Ultron was going to come out in about a couple of days so he was already hyped for that.

Once Eli finally got the video uploaded to YouTube he went on a started to play on his PS4 for a bit and wait for his buddies to get online. It was 4:35 so he knew that his friends would be on around 4:50 or 5:00 depending on what they do. The sad thing is that Eli was alone, his missed his friends and they missed him. So he would always play online games with them and call on the phone while they played.

25 minutes later

While Eli was playing Minecraft he heard the door slam. He did a little jump before he stopped playing and just listened for anything to happen. "WHERE IS HE?! YOU TOLD ME I COULD SPEND TIME WITH ELI! AND ITS BEEN 3 WEEKS! YOU NEVER CALLED BACK!" A deep voice yelled. Eli had a shiver run up his spine before he then heard his mother "HE DOESNT WANT TO BE WITH YOU! GIVE HIM TIME! WHEN HE WANTS TO BE WITH YOU HE WILL!" His mother yelled back. Elis eyes watered up a bit before he then went over and locked his door, he then turned off his game and just laid on his bed.

After about 30 minutes of Eli just listening to their yelling about him, he stopped listening and went over and grabbed his Ukulele. He then played his ukulele to tune them out. He started to play his tune and rhythm on the ukulele. He then grabbed his song book and decided to slowly and surly right a song that came to his mind. After he got done writing the lyrics he then took it from the top and played his song and sang his song while his parents fought in the background.

When he finally ended his song he heard glass shatter and more yelling. He jumped he then quickly put his things all down on the bed, he ran over grabbed his phone and hid in the closet. He dialed Lizzie and called her "pick up pick up..please!.." he said as he trembled a bit. He then heard footsteps stomping upstairs. The phone then went straight to voice mail. He called her again and again but it was no use. He then heard the door knob wiggle. Eli tried the twins but their phone went straight to voicemail and same with Trents. He sighed and huffed before he got out of the closet and slowly walked over to the door and unlocked it.

His father looked dead at him and then did a deep breath before he said in a quiet little hushed voice. "Eli come with me. I will let you go spent time with your friends and we can have fun. Just pack up your computer for school and we will go ok?" He said before he walked down the hall to his and his mothers room. Eli did a sigh and just agreed with him, he knew that His siblings where old enough and didn't want to bother with him. He quickly packed up his phone and computer along with his DS in a backpack. He knew that he would probably go over to Conners or Vins house since his dad had to work.

After he was done packing he put on a marvel hoodie and put his backpack on. He then opened his door and seen his father look at him "hey be quiet. Your mother might get mad again so you hurry up and quietly go to my car. I'll be right behind you." He stated. Eli nodded "o-ok dad. I'll hurry." He said before he quietly walked out of his room and tiptoed down the stairs and to the front door. He then heard his father "JUST SO YOU KNOW JARNIE! ILL SEE YOU IN COURT!" He blurted out as he then walked over to the front door. "GOOD!" She yelled back. His father opened the door for them and ushered Eli out the door "go. Let's go." He said quietly before he then slammed the door behind them.

Eli did a little sigh before he then walked out to his fathers car. He then hopped in and put his things down next to him, his father then jumped in the car and drove off. It was quiet in the car for a good 15 minutes. Eli didn't know what to say so he just looked out the window and saw that they where going a new different way. Eli then decided to break the silence "Dad?..what are we going to do when we get to your house?.." he asked as he looked up at the front of the car. His father sighed and rubbed the back of his neck "Well I was thinking we could drop your things off and we can go bowling." He stated as he kept his eyes on the road. "Oh ok. Sounds good dad." Eli said with a small smile. He felt a bit better knowing that his father wanted to at least spend some time with him.

Time skip

They where at the bowling alley just enjoying themselves. Eli was finally feeling better that his dad was spending time with him and having fun. He really did miss how much fun they had when they did small little things like this. "Ok Eli after we this game we are going to head home. I have to get to bed early for work. And you are going to have someone babysit you." He said before he patted Elis shoulder. Eli nodded "Ok dad! I bet I will eat you!" He blurted out before he got up for his turn. "Oh it's on little man!" His father said before they then laughed together and finished up the couple of rounds.

After their bowling match

Eli and his father where now in the car heading back to his fathers small little home. Eli smiled at the fun time he had with his dad, he looked out the window and listened to the light music that was playing in the background. He then felt his phone buzz, he turned down the brightness from his phone and looked at his screen.

ELI WHERE ARE YOU?! ANSWER ME!!.             9+ messages

ELI! ANSWER! ME AND MOM ARE WORRIED! PLEASE ANSWER US!                        9+ messages



Momma❤️ 10 missed calls
Lizzard🙈 15 missed calls
MK🌸 5 missed calls
Ash🌺 6 missed calls

Eli did a little sigh before he quickly turned off his little location from his phone and just put his phone back in his pocket. Even though he didn't want to spend time with his dad in the first place he had a good time spending time with him. So he decided to see how it would go for tomorrow and the day after. If he doesn't like it right away he will call someone to have them pick him up.

Eli just watched the cars drive by as they drove back to Elis fathers home. To Elis surprise he lived a bit far, he lived over by a High School, and it was like 5 blocked down to where Conner lived so he was happy. The young Olsen then started to drift asleep after about 15 minutes from when he looked at his phone.

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