Chapter 16 - The game

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Each and every time Tillie had run into Timber over these past couple of days, he had made an ugly comment on her behalf. He had done that even right in front of her men. It started to weigh on her, as she was doing her best to keep each and every sneer inside.

It was game day and Tillie was feeling nervous, she knew what her team would face if they lost. She had told them honestly what the consequences of losing would be. But they laughed and continued their training, it still bothered her that they would suffer because of her. She wasn't sure if they were ready to win this thing yet. Every day they had been to the ruins to train and run over different tactics, giving room for different game plans as needed. Tillie wanted her men to be prepared.

And now it was time, they marched over to the grounds while she ran through everything in her head. Ace walked beside her: "You are thinking way too hard." "Maybe" she simply replied. "Trust me, you are." Ace reassured her. "Doesn't it bother you?" she asked. "What?" "That we will get all the dirty jobs because of me?" She answered his question. "We all joined your squad because we think you can do better than Timber. Because what he is doing isn't the right way, as you said it yourself power isn't the only answer. By choosing to do that, we all have a target on our backs. But it's wort it, in the last few weeks I learned more than all those years in Timber's squad. Trust me after thousands and thousands of pushups I have had it." Tillie smiled at Ace. "Thank you" she said. "For what?" "Being my friend" Ace looked around to make sure no one could hear him. "I will always be your friend, even if I still think that you being here is stupid." Tillie rolled her eyes.

The group stopped at Timber's sign. The soldiers lined up in their squad formation to listen to the explanation of their leader. "Soldiers, we are here for the monthly competition, this is the first time the fourth squad will participate. And to make things interesting the loser does all the chores. So now you all know what's at stake. First squad, we are blue, Second squad green, third brown and fourth yellow. As always if your color band is ripped off, you are dead in the game." Timber explained. It was silent for a second. "Are you so afraid of us that we get the most revealing color?" Robert shouted what the whole squad was thinking.

Timber took a threatening step in his direction, Tillie quickly moved herself between the two men. Timber looked dead serious in her eyes. "Move Breaker" He commanded. Tillie didn't want to she had to stop him, if he would punish Robert the whole squad would be punished and she didn't need that right now. "He is right you know" she said. "Whining about playing fair again? Aren't you capable of comping up with a good strategy to win? Guess you are not used to actual achieving anything yourself." Timber laughed. "Excuse me?" she asked "I can imagine that everything in live has been delivered to you on a silver platter, using your body as a bargain." He said. "Excuse me." Tillie turned angrier by the minute. And then she felt a hand pulled on her shoulder. "Don't" Valen tried to calm her down. "I would slap you for your words, but then it will be less satisfying when I do so during the game." She fired back. "You will be below me in seconds, maybe then you would finally know your place." He retorted. "Not if I beat you to it." Makin smirked. "Seriously guys?" Valen tried to pull them apart as the eyes of all the soldiers were pointed at Tillie and Timber. Tillie huffed and turned around with her squad.

When the squad arrived at their part of the site Tillie took her time to listen to their insecurities about the plan, their thoughts and ideas. Tillie had listened to her squad, who had given her the knowledge of her enemies. Timber would likely attack with brute force, counting on wining the fights. Makin would just go for it without thinking about it. Valen was the hardest to place. "So none of them will be focusing on one squad?" Tillie asked. "No Timber even has a system where whoever frees the hostage gets a free pass on doing the tasks. He will probably include a bonus for taking you out." Ace said while looking directly at her. "Valen was the only squad leader who had a bit of a strategy, but it's hard to beat the brute force of Timber." Robert said.

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