Chapter 39 - New world

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Tillie opened her eyes, a strange feeling washed over her. As she looked around, she realized that she was in a secluded room in the infirmary in the new world. She sighed as she tried to remember what had happened. The last thing she remembered was the black snow and how it had consumed everything. Tillie closed her eyes for a moment as tears tried to escape. She remembered the state of the battlefield and how bad it had been. Somehow she had defeated Illmenni and saved Timber's life. She felt a small kick in her belly and smiled at the thought. But then her mood quickly changed, Timber wasn't by her side. He was alive, but he wasn't here. That could only mean one thing; he still didn't want her. Tillie felt her heart grow heavy, she let the emotions take over until sleep came.

"I could feel that she was awake." "It doesn't look like that to me, now." Tillie heard faint voices around her. "What if she doesn't wake up and I can't apologize for the massive asshole I have been?" Tillie recognized that voice everywhere and a small smile played on her lips. "I think you are right." She heard as she carefully opened her eyes. Timber and Valen were standing by her bed. "You are here." She softly whispered. Timber immediately walked over to her and grabbed her hand. "I am, how are you feeling?" he asked eyes filled with concern. "Now that you are here, better." She smiled. Timber softly kissed her hand. "I am sorry." He whispered. Tillie put her hand on his cheek. "Don't, you are here now. That's all that matters to me." He leaned into her touch.

"How is the baby?" Timber asked cautiously. Tillie pulled his hand under the blanket and placed it on her belly. The room was quiet as Timber looked into Tillie's eyes with concern. And then he felt the smallest kick. A smile so bright formed on his face. It was the most beautiful thing Tillie had ever seen. He leaned over and pressed a kiss on her forehead, it was soft and delicate but Tillie could clearly feel the promise it held. Valen smiled at the two of them. "Since I am the one who opened this asshole's eyes, the only way you can ever thank me properly is by making me the baby's godfather." Timber looked baffled at Valen. "Isn't that a Makin thing to say?" he asked. "Maybe, but it sure is the truth."

Suddenly the door of Tillie's room flew open. "I am going to be an Aunt" Althea squealed as she rushed in to hug Tillie tight to the chest. August followed right after her. "Congrats big brother." She said as she smashed Timber against her chest. "How do you know that?" Timber asked confused. "I had a vision." Althea replied a little embarrassed, looking down at her feet. "A vision?" Timber looked bewildered at his little sister. "Yeah, I always hoped that I could be the godmother of your firstborn. But I have learned that it isn't my turn now. You will do a perfect job Valen. Have you asked Ace yet?" She smiled. Tillie rolled her eyes. "Sorry, I am spoiling things." She giggled. "Wait." Timber looked confused at her. "Not your turn?" he asked. "Ooh big brother, there will be many more of those sweet beautiful Ayton Amor babies." She winked and Timber paled a little.

Tillie felt tired of all the commotion as she looked around the room her old and new friends had met. Foreman and Nobleman were discussing strategy and training with Makin. Valen and Ace were discussing how they would spoil their godchild. August and Althea were making out in the corner of the room. Timber looked at the girl he loved so deeply when he noticed she was getting tired, his voice boomed through the room. "Everyone out now." He said sternly and quickly the room cleared itself.

"Are you okay?" Timber asked Tillie as he lay down next to her on the small bed. "Just a little tired." He smiled as he gently kissed her lips. "When will we meet her?" he softly asked. "I don't know, we are unique." She softly whispered. "What do you mean?" Timber asked confused. "Normally a mage and human can't have children." She replied. "So we don't know anything about her. It is impossible to estimate how fast she will grow" "Since you are so powerful." Timber filled in the blanks. Tillie nodded her head. She carefully looked at him. "There is always a chance" "That she is a mage too." Timber answered. Tillie held her breath, she was scared for a moment. "I know, I don't care. I will still teach her how to fight." He said proudly. "Her?" Tillie asked with a smile. "What are you now, a mage?" she laughed.

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