Chapter 25 - Queen

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Boris escorted Tillie through the compound, his arm tightly clutching her waist. Tillie felt disgusted by his touch, although he was a very attractive man, she longed for Timber's touch. "Don't plan anything stupid. If you try something another soldier dies." Boris said sternly. Tillie realized she had to play along if she wanted a chance to free her soldiers. "I said I would listen to you, that will be all I'll do." She replied. "And if I want to tell you a story with my body?" He smiled seductively at her. Tillie swallowed the bile that rose in her throat. "I doubt Cassandra would like that." Tillie smirked. "Fuck Cassandra, you are the one I want." "And how do you see that turning out? I won't be your next toy." She said. "No you are not, I am going to make you my queen. You aren't leaving our bed ever" He grinned mischievously. "So that's your idea of a queen? Just spreading my legs whenever you are in need of a good fuck? You do realize who I am?" she asked. "Yes you are the breaker and you are divine. I won't let anything happen to you. You are far too valuable. I am not as stupid as Timber, I won't let you out of my sight." He said confident. His strong jawline was covered with a 5 o'clock shadow, he towered over her, just like Timber, he was beautiful and yet he wasn't Timber.

Boris dragged Tillie through the camp until they were standing in the central square. Fire torches where lit casting a warm glow over the tied soldiers. As they stepped between them, their eyes lit up with hope. The soldiers looked at Tillie as if she was the solution to this problem. "Why are they tied up?" Tillie asked. "If they join my elite they are free." Boris answered. "I see that has been a success so far." Tillie chuckled. A smile formed on most of the soldiers' faces. "Don't disrespect me, Breaker." Boris warned her. "You have to earn my respect." Tillie answered. "Wat will it take? Killing soldiers? You will submit." He stated arrogantly. "Timber earned her respect." Robert said from in between the bounded soldiers. And a smile formed on Tillie's face as an idea sprouted in her head.

There was a loud bang at the gate. Soldiers immediately ran to Boris. "He is here." One of them said. "Showtime." Boris grinned as he dragged Tillie away. He climbed the wall near the gate and dragged her along. Tillie looked down and saw Valen and Timber standing in front of the gate. Their squad lined up behind them. "Open the gates" Timber commanded. Boris just chuckled. "Why would I do that?" He asked mockingly and then he pushed Tillie in front of him, pressing her tightly to his chest. "I am having so much fun here Timber, I think I'll be staying for a while." He grabbed Tillie's right breast as he pressed her closer to his body. "Think of the soldiers before you react." He hissed in her ear. Tillie didn't make a move as tears streamed down her cheeks, her hands clenched into fists as she tried to control every fiber of her being to not push him away. His touch however made her sick. Tillie turned her head away as she tried to avoid Boris as much as possible. She saw how Timber was already fuming. "Your new squad leader is really something else. I think I am keeping her to myself." Tillie couldn't take it anymore, she grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back. "Wrong move sweetheart." Boris made a signal with his fingers in the air. A gunshot echoed through the camp and Tillie immediately fell to her knees. She knew what he had done. "Don't tell me I didn't warn you. Timber I'd love to chat with you some more, but as you can see, I've got some work to do. I have to tame this lioness." He lifted Tillie in his arms as he made his way back down.

He walked towards the middle of the square and dropped her to the ground, next to Robert's dead body. "You are a monster." Tillie huffed between her teeth. "I warned you. Now I'll have to punish you. Take off your shirt." "What?" Tillie looked confused at him. "I've already told Timber, I am taming the lioness, something he clearly couldn't do. I don't have to shoot anyone else now, do I?" he asked. Tillie pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her sitting in her black bra in the middle of the camp. She closed her eyes, the magic was sissling over her skin. It was ready to burst out, she could feel that the rage inside her was slowly growing stronger than Alden's spell.

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