Chapter 19 - Inspecting the grounds

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Tillie had never felt more hot and bothered by someone's touch as she did now under Timber's. How she had wanted more, how she had wanted to straddle him and take things further here and now in the middle of the desert. But she couldn't, he was still Timber leader of the black elite. Ace's words kept running through her mind, with each touch of Timber she felt their connection growing stronger.

Timber stopped and Tillie studied her surroundings. They had driven closer to the big city to an old ruin, which looked a bit like where the new world was hidden. A shiver ran down Tillie's spine. "What are we doing here?" she asked. "The council has informed me that a group of mages are hiding around ruins in the dessert." Timber answered. Tillie felt all the blood drain from her face. "Are you all right you look pale?" Timber asked. "How does the council know?" she asked. "They received a tip." "So you have to check if that's true." Tillie studied Timber's movements. "Yes, I study them to assess the danger." "And what are the possible outcomes?" She didn't like where this was going. "There are several options. No one is here, we pass by a few more times. There are normal people on site, I assemble a team to bring them in for questioning. There are mages on site, I study them, report back to the council and probably bring them in." He explained.

A shudder ran down Tillie's spine as she remembered the stories of what the council did with mages. "What happens to the ones you bring in?" she needed to know how much he knew. "You know what happens to them." He replied. "I only have heard rumors." Tillie answered. "Most of them get killed." Timber said. "How many of them have you killed?" she asked. "I didn't kill one of them, however I brought in many." "Why? What have they ever done to you?" Tillie felt how her anger was rising, why was he doing this?

"Tillie watch it, they are evil, they are responsible for destroying part of the world." Timber said sternly. "They are also the reason we still have an earth." Tillie argued back. "Don't tell me you believe in that rumor." He almost mocked her. "The council must have truly poisoned your mind." She said. "I saw it with my own eyes." "What are you talking about?" she asked. Tillie looked up at Timber, pain flashed through his eyes. "I hid along the battlefield with Ace when we were young. My parents forbade me to participate, but the fool I was I wouldn't listen. Luckily Ace convinced me to hide. I watched my own parents get killed as a side effect of a spell. No one is safe as long as there are mages living and breathing air." He answered star. "So you let the council kill innocent people? Even if they had no part in the war? Even if they have a family?" Tillie as shocked. "Yes"

"Then what's the difference between you and the mage who killed your parents? You are just as bad." Timber looked over at the ruins, ignoring Tillie. She felt devastated, as long as he was convinced that mages were bad there wasn't a future for them. She however realized something as she thought back to all the soulmates stories, that soon she would not be able to resist Timber. Soulmates were bound to end up together, if they met, they would be drawn together. Even the strongest couldn't resist that bond. And then there were only two options left, suppressing her powers for the rest of her life or coming clean and getting killed. "Why are you so pro mage?" Timber asked. "I saved a lot of them, I never met one who wanted to hurt anyone else, let alone humans." Tillie answered. Timber looked baffled at Tillie. "So you know where they are hiding?" he immediately asked. "No I don't." She lied with gritted teeth. Timber took a step toward her. "Are you sure?" he questioned her. "Yes, and if I would know, you'd be the last person I'd tell." Timber grabbed her wrist.

"Why am I attracted to you?" he asked while staring into her eyes. "Why are you such an asshole?" she retorted. He laughed loudly and Tillie felt how her heart betrayed her mind as butterflies formed in her stomach. "I will convince you that you are wrong." She said stern. "I do hope so." He answered. He stared in her eyes and moved closer, until he was standing right before Tillie. A soft smile played on his lips and his eyes sparkled mischievously. "Don't you have an inspection to do?" Tillie tried to stop what was clearly about to happen. "I'd rather inspect you" He answered. "In your dreams."

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