Chapter 24 - Boris

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Boris stood in the center of the camp, looking out over the soldiers captured from the black elite. The beautiful woman was standing right next to him. "Cassandra I presume?" Tillie asked Ace. He nodded. Tillie and the others moved as quietly as they could over the containers, staying out of sight until they could hear more clearly what Boris was saying. "I have no beef with you guys. I only want to hurt your leader and take what is rightfully mine." Boris began his speech. "Two years ago, I was the leader of the second squad. But those of you who know me, know that I am much stronger than Timber and therefore the rightful leader of the black elite." Ace snorted "As if" "Timber felt threatened and tricked a woman into sleeping with him to get rid of me." Boris continued. "Is he delusional?" "Or under someone's influence." Louis pointed out looking at Cassandra.

Tillie studied the beautiful woman, she hadn't said one word she just stood there looking at the soldiers. "So I want to offer all of you a place in the new elite, under my rule. No one will be harmed." The soldiers who were tied up didn't move. "I know this is an important decision, so I'll let you all think about it." "Why is nobody agreeing?" Tillie whispered to Ace. "Because for one Boris used to be much worse than Timber and I think most of them think you will save them all." Ace smirked.

"First order of business. Anwir come here." Boris said and Tillie watched how one of the soldiers from Makin's squad walked over to Boris. She noticed that it was the same man she had seen at the gates. "You were right." Ace whispered. Tillie nodded her head. "You know where we can hurt Timber, don't you?" Boris asked. Tillie saw how all soldiers looked shocked at Anwir. Everyone could see that Boris was up to no good. "His sister." Anwir replied with a smug smile. "That bastard." One of Tillie's men said. "Find her, it won't be so hard to find a woman here in this hellhole." Boris laughed mischievously. Immediately a part of his soldiers disappeared back into the camp to look for Althea. "How fast will our messenger reach Timber?" Tillie asked as she looked at Ace. "At least four hours before they get here." Tillie sighed. "Follow them discreetly through the camp. I don't need to stress that they can't find Althea." Tillie signaled a couple of her guys. They nodded and disappeared.

"Close the gates." Boris commanded. "I am going to take a look at my office." He laughed as he walked towards Timber's office. "Bring that pathetic piece of squad leather along." Boris pointed to Makin. "Who in their right mind would give you a squad?" Makin's head hung low in defeat. Tillie felt how her blood started to boil. "Why didn't Anwir correct him about Althea being the only female here?" Louis asked curiously. "Because he only hates Timber and Althea." Ace answered. Tillie sighed this was going to be a long night.

Darkness fell over the camp as Tillie and the others moved over the containers. Althea still hadn't been found, giving them more time for a plan. Tillie looked at the container holding Timber's office, Boris had put a chair in front of it and looked out over the camp with an arrogant smile. Tillie needed to contain herself not to smack it off his face. "What's the plan Breaker?" Louis asked as they watched the soldiers march through the camp. All elite soldiers were lined up in long lines, tied up in the central square. "We have to take Boris out, that's for sure." Ace whispered. "But while we do that we need a distraction and we need to be able to free our soldiers."

Suddenly there was a commotion as the group watched how Boris walked towards the square. "My patience is running out, surly there must be guys among you who hate Timber as much as I do. Think back to all the times he humiliated you, do you really want to keep going through all that? All this will end the moment I have his little sister in my hands." Boris yelled. Tillie noticed that he was getting angry. No answer followed. "Fine, I'll start killing soldiers until I have her." He simply stated. Tillie balled her hands into fists. "You have to sit through this. You can't help us if you are exposed." Ace tried to calm her. "I am not going to stand by and look how he is murdering our people." She answered angry. "He isn't going to actually do it, no one will join him if he does it." Louis added. And then the unthinkable happened. Boris pulled a random squad member from the line and slit his throat in one swift movement. Tillie swallowed loudly, one of Makin's soldiers was killed, a shock wave passed through the camp. "I am going to kill him." Tillie declared deadly calm.

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