Chapter 28 - Magic

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Tillie jumped over the wall and ran straight towards the tumult. She saw Althea standing there surrounded, by a wall of fire. Soldiers had lined up around her all with sword drawn. The flames rose higher and higher. Tillie was out of breath as she tried to push through the crowd. She had to stop this, she had to save Althea. As Tillie approached the fire she shouted Althea's name, but nothing happened instead she saw how Timber approached herself, he came right at her and attacked her. The most intense fight Tillie had ever fought ensued. She had a hard time keeping up with Timber's hits, he delivered hit after hit. And then Tillie saw his sword near her head, everything around her went black. Next moment Tillie woke up in front of a cell, a girl lay there on the floor crying. Tillie tried to call her, the girl looked up and Tillie gasped, she felt how tears streamed down her face.

"Love, Love" Tillie felt how two big arms wrapped around her. "Tillie wake up, you are having a nightmare." Timber's soft voice filled her head as she awoke. "You are safe here." He tried to comfort her. "Same nightmare again?" Tillie nodded her head, ever since she met Illmenni the three same nightmares continued to haunt her in her sleep. It started with Boris, trying to rape her, which she could do nothing about. The next dream was about a fight with Illmenni, it always ended with Timber's death and the last dream always ended with the girl in the cell. And like every morning Tillie couldn't remember her face. Timber had woken her up and she was laying on his chest as she studied his face. "Are you okay?" he asked. Tillie nodded her head.

After meeting the council, Timber had insisted that Tillie moved into his room. At first she had refused, but because she had spent every night with him, she finally agreed. Tillie felt empty and tired, the same series of nightmares appeared over and over in her dreams. She couldn't decipher whether they were visions or something else. A shudder ran down her spine. Timber pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "I am sorry for everything you have been through." Timber softly whispered. Tillie placed her hand on his chest as her fingers trailed over his abs. "I think it was all worth it." She grinned. Timber smiled as he grabbed her closer and flipped her over. He immediately lay on top of her, placing kisses all over her body. The kisses quickly turned into full-blown passionate love making, leaving them both breathless.

Tillie had taken off her clothes as she dipped into the lake, she hoped the cool water could clear her mind after the long day it had been. She looked up at the stars and wondered when the trouble would begin. From the vividness of her dreams, she knew that things were about to change, that something was coming for her and it was coming fast. She let her fingers glide over the ring and looked at the memories of her parents and a soft smile played on her lips. "What are you doing?" Althea's voice startled Tillie. "Thinking." Tillie replied. Althea let her feet dangle in the water. "About my hot brother?" Tillie rolled her eyes at Althea. "Seriously is it because you are missing action?" Tillie asked as she raised her eyebrows. A blush formed on Althea's cheeks. And then it clicked in Tillie's head, Althea was a mage after all. "You are waiting for the right one to come along." She smiled. "Yeah I do, it's stupid isn't it?" she asked. "No I did the same." Tillie replied. "So my brother is the right one?" Althea asked surprised. Tillie shrugged. "I think so." "I am so going to be the godmother of those beautiful babies." Althea giggled. Tillie rolled her eyes. "Yeah of course, at least twelve." she replied sarcastically.

As they walked back to the camp a strange feeling settled in Tillie's stomach. Althea jumped over the wall as Tillie had taught her and Tillie followed. But to her surprise they were immediately cornered by four soldiers. "I told you they would be here." One of them said. Tillie studied them for a few seconds, she hadn't seen them before, they weren't from her squad or Makin's squad. "I could use some action." The other replied. Althea gave Tillie a frightened look. "I will take the spoiled princess, she will be below me, fucked into oblivion." Tillie took a step in front of Althea. She watched how she was struggling to keep her cool. "Althea breath, nothing will happen to us." "Ooh you are wrong sweetheart. I am going to ride that pretty little ass of yours. You see, Timber is nothing compared to me." One of the others answered as he tried to grab Tillie's arm. "I am going to ask you politely, let go of me." Tillie hissed through her teeth. Her arm went up behind her back to draw her sword. The soldier pulled hard on Tillie causing her to fall to the ground, Tillie hit her head and for a second the light went out. She quickly shot up as she watched how flames surrounded her and Althea.

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