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"Seulgi? Open the door, there's something I want to talk to you

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"Seulgi? Open the door, there's something I want to talk to you." Mr Kang knocked on the door but there's no response. He knocked again, still, seulgi didn't open the door.

He twisted the doorknob and was shocked that seulgi is not there. Mr Kang let out a groan before grabbing his phone to call Wendy.

Wendy answered it, "Hello?"

"Where did you hide seulgi?!"


"My daughter! She's not in her room! Is she with that bae Irene right now?! Answer my question, Son Seungwan!" he shouted. Wendy let out a sigh, if seulgi is not in her room then it's obvious that she's with Irene. "Why did you ask me instead of Irene? I have no idea where she go!" she lied.

Mr Kang gritted his teeth, "Listen, if you lie to me then I won't hesitate to sue you!" he said and end the call. Wendy gulped,

'shit, i'm dead.'


Irene carried seulgi to their room and gently place her on the bed, carefully not to wake her up. She smiled, brushing a strand of hair from seulgi's cheek.

"I love you." she whispered.

"I love you too."

Irene looked at her in shock, she doesn't know that seulgi was awake. She scratched her head, "Did I woke you up? I'm sorry, my lady."

"It's okay. I just faking sleep so that you can carry me." the brunette giggles. Irene kissed her lips before standing up, but seulgi quickly stop her, whining, "Where are you going?"

"Well, you must be hungry and I already prepared breakfast for both of us. Just wait here, alright? We will have breakfast in bed." Irene said as she ruffle her hair and went to the kitchen. When she was about to pick up the tray, her phone start to ringing. She pick it up, "Hello? Who's this?"

"This is me, Wendy."

Irene's eyes widened open and she let out a nervous chuckle, "S-Seulgi is not with me right now!"

Wendy sighed, "I know she's with you, irene."

"Oh . . ."

"Her flight is in six hours. Do you want her to stay or go?"

Irene stare at the food sadly and said, "I don't know."

"You don't know? My question is simple, bae irene! You want her to stay or not? If you want her to stay, then tell me. I'm not going to be mad. She's your girlfriend." Wendy frowned as she sat on the couch. She could hear Irene sigh from the other line. "I'm not worried about you getting mad at me for wanting her to stay. It's just that . . .  it's really hard for both of us right now. No matter what, her dad will not give up on trying to break us up."

"So . . . do you want her to stay or go?"

". . . stay. I want her to stay with me." Irene answered and clench her fist, "But we can't be together for now. Maybe I should just let her go and if she come back to me, we're meant to be then."

Wendy smiles, "You really love her huh?"

"I do." Irene nodded her head.

"I guess we will see each other at the airport later. Bye."

"Bye." Irene ended the call and bring the tray of foods to the room, she look at seulgi sadly before coming inside, "Sorry for making you wait, my lady! Let me feed you!" she smiled.

Seulgi turn to her, frowning, "I overheard you talking to wendy earlier. You want to let me go, do you?" she ask. Irene lift her head up to look at her and she purse her lips, "It's hard for me too, seul but this is the only way–"

"B-But I don't want to be without you." Seulgi suddenly cry, causing Irene to become panic and hug her, "Don't cry, please. I want you to stay so that we can be together but you know that we can't for now." she patted her head to calm her down. Seulgi hugged her tightly as she continue to cry.

Irene let out a sigh and cup her cheeks, "You know I'm always yours, right? Even if we breaking up, it won't change anything. I'm only yours. If you need anything, I'll be here for you."

"Y-You already promise not to fall in love with someone else. You won't break that promise, right?"

Irene smiles, shaking her head, "No because nobody can replace you. I promise you, my lady. I will try be good for you and I will work hard to get you back. And I promise I will make your dad accept our relationship. So, promise me something too." she said and hold her hand, "Promise that you won't leave me alone after all of this is over."

"I won't." Seulgi sobbed and weakly smile at her, "Because I love you so much and nothing will change that."


Irene started the car and look at the girl beside her, "You ready?"


"We already talked about this, seulgi." Irene place her hand on top of Seulgi's, smiling, "We will see each other again after all of this is over. We just need to trust each other."

Seulgi nodded her head, "It's not going to be that long. Just three years without you." she said and look down, "Can I . . . sit on your lap?"



"But we will be late." Irene said as she help her unbuckle the seatbelt, letting the brunette sitting on her lap. Seulgi cup her cheeks and smile, "Joohyun-ah, you know I love you, right?"

Irene chuckles and wrap her arms around her waist, "Of course I know, my lady. And I love you too."

"I don't want this to end."

"Me too." Irene kissed her lips and buried her face on her shoulder, "I don't want this to end too. Because I want you to always be with me."

Seulgi patted her head, "Can I not go?"

"You need to go and there's no going back now. We just have to believe that everything will be fine." Irene kissed her cheeks before pointing at the passenger seat, "Come on, sit. I have to drive a car."

"Fine. . ." Seulgi sighed.


After a couple of minutes driving, they finally arrived at the airport. They could see Mr Kang, Yerim, joy and wendy were waiting for them. Seulgi still hasn't let go of her hand and Irene afraid that they will miss the flight.

"Come here now, seulgi. We will be late." Mr Kang said to her but seulgi didn't move. She don't want to go but seeing the angry look on his face scared her. Wendy let out a sigh, "Just let them have their moment first." she said to Mr Kang who glare at her. Joy and yeri didn't say anything but they're sad that seulgi have to leave.

The brunette turned to Irene, tears rolling down on her cheeks and Irene wipe it away, "I guess our story ends here." Irene said while hugging her. Seulgi lift her head up and smile, "I love you."

"I love you too and I always will." Irene lean in to kiss her. Seulgi slipped her arms around her neck as she returning her passionate kiss.

Wendy just watched them and try her best not to cry while Mr Kang stood there, glaring at Irene. Joy and yeri already cried after seeing those two like that.

They pulled away, staring at each other for quite a long time. Someone suddenly announced that their flight will take off soon and seulgi begin to cry, "P-Promise that you will always be with me."

"I promise." Irene caressed her cheeks.

Seulgi let go of her hands and walk to her dad, giving her one last smile before going inside.

Irene started to cry as she watch the love of her life go,

'My dear kang seulgi, who always make my life happier and make me feel loved. Goodbye.'


-the end-

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