New Normal

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Maya's POV
Carina met her a day ago. A day ago and somehow? Somehow she's been able to get something out of her. I've only managed to yell at her.

After I got to manage to keep myself together and breath again I slowly walked again into the leaving room. I could listen to Carina and Mia talking in the kitchen. As I walked in I saw Carina cooking and Mia stirring something on the fire.

"That's amazing Carina" I heard Mia saying

"So you've been playing Hockey ever since you were?" Carina asked

"Around six?" Said Mia

"Wow" said Carina

"Yeah" laughed Mia "I know"

"What about school? What subjects are you after?" Carina asked

Mia shrugged her shoulders and smiled "I've got no clue yet" she admitted "I mean I know I should know, since I'm supposed to give an answer next year" she said

"You've got nothing to worry about. I mean, I had no clue I wanted to be a doctor till I decided" Said Carina with a warm smile "grades okay?" She asked

"Grades okay" smiled Mia back

"Then that's all you need to be worrying about so far bambina" smiled Carina

As I walked in closer I could realise how Mia's smile turned into a worried look, her body tensed up and I could see all her muscles contracting.

Mia's POV
she looked so much like dad when she was angry. When she yelled. When she raised her tone. So alike it sacred the hell out of me. Carina was amazing, warm, nice. Just amazing.
As I saw maya walking into the kitchen I froze. Didn't know weather I should say something or what.

"I'm sorry" I heard Maya say between ver teeth.
I could see how Carina glared at her.

"I'm so, so sorry" she said as she got closer

"No worries" I said as I nodded

"No, I should. I should worry. I was a dumb head and I'm sorry Mia. I should have never yelled at you" she said

I nodded and she got closer to me till I felt her hand on my shoulder.

"Mia you're scared of me?" She asked with sadness on her eyes

"You just, look quite alike to him" answered I said as I looked down at her hands "when you yell. You look so much like him"

I could see that probably made Maya feel awful.

"I'm not like dad" said Maya as she held my hands

"I know. I know" I said

As she lifted up my chin she looked into my eyes "I'll never. Ever. Will be like him. Okay?" She said and I nodded "I'm so. So sorry" she repeated as she kissed my forehead and pulled me in for a hug.

Carina's POV
I was so happy they finally got to somehow talk. Maya isn't the best talker and clearly Mia either.

It was quite late already and after having dinner the three of us together which by the way I realised how little Mia ate. The three of us were watching a movie on the couch and basically falling asleep since it was almost 1am.
We got up and Maya slowly shook Mia who was fast asleep.

We both got into bed after Maya made sure Mia was okay.

"She's on her phone I guess" she said as she walked into the room and climbed into bed.

"You did amazing" I said proudly

"Please you met her hours ago and got much further than me" she chuckled

"You know teenagers aren't that hard to get through." I said

"What do you mean?" Asked Maya confused

"I mean. They're not that complex after all. You just need to know how to make them trust you" I explained

"Kinda hard when it's your little sister" said Maya
"Well of course. I mean teens hate people who establish their boundaries" I said

"Oh great" Maya laughed

"Just gotta remember those boundaries keep them safe" I said as I pulled Maya closer "now go to sleep" I laughed

"I love you" Maya whispered

"Love you" I said back.

Maya's POV
I woke up around 5 am and headed to the kitchen to grab some water.

As I walked out of our room I could see a dash of light coming out of Mia's room. She was awake. I looked down at my watch to notice it was quite earlier than what I thought. 4:30 am.

What on earth was she doing up.
As I walked back into my room I noticed

Carina was also up.

"Hey" I smiled

"It's early" she said as she smiled back rubbing her eyes

"It is" I said "got paged?" I asked and she nodded and patted the bed so I laid back again

"Mia is up" I said

"Wait what?" Said carina as she looked at her watch "did you talk to her?"

"Nope" I said as I walked over to the bed

"What's the plan?" She asked

"Truly? I've got no clue" I admitted

"Then, we'll figure it out. Together" carina smiled.

Carina's POV
Maya fell asleep quite instantly, she was deeply asleep in seconds.

As I was on my way out I could still see Mia's light on.

I gently knocked on the door and slowly walked in.

I saw Mia already in gym clothes on the floor doing push-ups. One after the other. Chest right to the floor and up.

Seems she didn't quite noticed me coming in till I was standing in front to her.

"Hey. Carina. Sorry" she said as she finished her series and stood up. "Did I wake you? I'm so so sorry" she said cleaning her face with a towel.

"Oh. No, no no. I was paged and I saw your light on. Wanted to check everything was okay. It's 4:45 am" I said kinda worried.

"Oh. Right right. I'm sorry if I woke you" she said again with a small smile

"You don't sleep much. Do you?" I asked

"What do you mean?" She asked kinda confused as she drank water

"We went to bed around 1am. And it's, 4:45 am and you're already doing workouts" I said "so I guess you don't sleep much"

"Just wanted to get some done before going on a jog" she said as something completely normal. Workout. Running school. With only 3 hours of sleep.

"Thought you had practice today?" I asked kinda surprised

"Yeah. Yeah. Just, in the afternoon" she explained.

As I realised I would start to worry her will en all my questions I excused myself and walked over to the door to head to work.

Still in shock. No wonder she looked that exhausted. I had to tell Maya

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