Little Do You Know

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Maya's POV
I knew it. I just. I knew it and couldn't do anything about it. She was just like, just like me before meeting Carina.
"Bella can I come in?" I heard Carina knocking on the door.
"Yeah?" I asked confused
"May I?" I heard on the door again as she walked in and I nodded. She walked over and stood next to me as she wrapped her arms around me.
"Breath" she said as she breathed on my neck
"I know. I know" I said quickly
"No no." She said as she pulled apart and looked into my eyes "stop. And breath" she said as she breathed deeply in my face. "There you go" she said pulling me into her embrace again.
"Is she?.." I asked
"She's asleep." Carina reassured me.
"I can't.." I began
"Can't what Bella?" Asked Carina as she walked me over to the bed as I sat down
"I cant look at her without seeing me" I admitted as a single tear began rolling down my eye
"Maya. That's not true" carina said
"She's just like me before knowing you. She's as broken as I was" I cried
"You're not broken and neither is she maya. The same way I helped you and you got better we'll help her. You'll help her maya" she smiled as she rubbed my back.
"She's asleep?" I asked
"She is Bella. Her fever is quite high I gave her some meds already" she smiled as I rested my head on her shoulder and cleaned my tears
"You're doing an amazing job Maya. You just had to figure out where you were standing" said Carina placing a kiss on my head

Mia's POV
Woah. Woke up on the couch. Covered in sweat. But alone.
For some seconds I thought I was alone until everything came to my mind. The fight. The everything.
As I was trying to pull strings together I heard the footsteps coming into the leaving room. Scared to hell it was maya.
"Buona Giornata" I heard someone saying in a happy voice. Course it was Carina.
"Hey" I said through my horse voice.
"How are you feeling?" She asked as she got closer and placed her hand over my forehead
"Feel great" I smiled not to worry her
"You know for being Maya's sister that's the first sign that tells me I shouldn't trust you with that answer" she smiled "and your temperature doesn't say the same" she laughed making me chuckle
"Have been better" I admitted "Maya? Is she...?" I began
"Is not something to worry about right now cause everything will be okay" she smiled as she handed me over some pills and I sat up.
"I'll go get showered" I said getting up
"Okay just, if you get dizzy or something you gotta call me okay?" She said as she smiled and I nodded

Carina's POV
Not sure on how Maya will react and yeah I'm kinda afraid of it.
As Maya walked into the leaving room she looked everywhere for Mia
"She's getting showered. She'll be out in some minutes" I said and she nodded sitting down in the couch
"What do I tell her?" She asked "how do I.."
"What you have already told her" I smiled "she's with us now. It's not like before"
I made coffee for both of us and after some minutes we heard Mia walking back in.
"Hey" said Maya as she stood up
"Hey" said Mia as she slowly got closer to Maya "I'm..- I'm really sorry" she said through that tired voice
"Mia what are you talking about?" Said Maya
"I'm just. I'm sorry for being a mess" she added "I just.."
"Stop. Stop" said Maya as she walked her over to the couch where we were sitting down.

Maya's POV
She was apologising now. The worst part of all is she really believed that she was wrong.
"Mia. Listen to me" I began "you did, you did screwed up in drinking at that party once I had told you not to and getting drunk. You did screw up there and we'll work on it okay?" I said. "I know, I know not going to practice is something which doesn't fit into your head. It didn't either in mine. Okay?" I said
"I just." She began
"It's what you were raised to" I said and she slowly nodded "Mia, Lane is not here. He's not here" I said "he's not the one telling you what to do here and there anymore okay?" I added
"Bella, you know neither one of us forces you to go practice or do something you don't like to. Ever" said Carina
"He kicked me out. Cause I said I was quitting Hockey. Cause I didn't wanna train that much and that hard everyday." She said slowly "I didn't want you two to think the same way he did..." she said and I instantly interrupted her
"Never in a million times ever think that okay?" I said "ever. We care about you being okay and happy and sending you to practice while being that sick I know it was something usual but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do" I said and she nodded
"You have the right to fall down sick and I promise to you each and every time we'll be here okay Bella?" Smiled Carina
Mia looked into her pocket and handed me the bike keys
"You want me to keep hold of them or?" I asked confused
"Thought you were angry about the bike" said Mia
"No no. I don't love the bike but. I understand" I said "just. Let me know when you're gonna ride okay?" I smiled and she nodded
"What if he finds out?" She asked "what if he finds out about me not going to practice as I used to or..." she said and I exchanged a look with Carina since I had no clue on what to say after listening to that since my heart had been broken to see how scared she was.
Carina got up and sat next to her on the other side.
"Bella. Listen to me." She said "I promise he is not in control anymore. Not in control of you, of what you do. Not anymore. You're safe here with us you don't need to worry about him anymore okay?" She said and Mia nodded "if he ever talks or suggests something we'll deal with it" she said pointing at me and her "but he's not deciding or making calls about you anymore okay?"
Mia nodded and rested her head on her hands as I placed a hand on her back and looked at Carina
"Feeling okay?" I asked
She lifted up her head and nodded "yeah" she said as she cleaned off a tear before I could see it.
Carina got up and got dinner started as I was laying the table.
As I walked into the kitchen carina pointed towards the couch to see Mia completely out.
"Should I wake her?" I asked her as she shook her head
"She's sleeping off the fever" she said as she finished cooking
I walked over to Carina as she was taking out some glasses
She placed her hands over my waist and kissed my cheek "you need to get rest. Sleep. Breath"
I nodded and kissed her back "I know you don't want me to thank you" I smiled . "But Thanks. Just thank you"

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