Break My Heart Again

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Maya's POV
I woke up early for work, carina had already left. Probably was paged earlier.
Mia had been coughing like crazy all night long. Course...
Carina had told me she probably had a fever but never thought she was that sick.
As I walked over to the kitchen I found her sitting down on her laptop finishing some kinda homework
"Morning" I said still with a stern tone
"Morning" she said and as she finished saying it she began coughing again
"You sound amazing" I said sarcastically
"Could be worst" she said with a horse voice
"Stay inside I don't want you getting worse" I said as I placed my hand on her forehead "you're still running a fever. Take something" and as I said that I headed over to the kitchen to have breakfast and leave.
"Have practice in 30" she said as she closed the computer
"Well, call the coach, you're not going" I said
"I can't..." she began interrupted by the coughing "I can't not go"
"You're not going anywhere like that" I said as I looked at her
"Maya I can't skip practice" she said as she turned to me
"You're not going. End of discussion. Not like this" I said
"Maya.." she began
"Mia you're not going." I said slowly but sternly "you've been running a fever ever since last night, you're not going. Not talking about it anymore"
As I said that course she walked out of the kitchen into her room. I wasn't gonna argue with her. Enough is enough.

Mia's POV
Skipping practice? What the hell Maya. What the hell
I was on the run for the national team I couldn't just "skip practice" not an option. Wasn't even that bad, I've been worse.
I didn't need Maya to know. I didn't need Maya to drive me. I didn't need her.
As I got up from by bed I felt everything kinda spinning but after everything stabilised and heard maya closing the door as she left I rushed to get changed and ready for practice.
Looked into my Hockey bag and found them. My bike keys.
Yeap. Practice here we go. Took some few painkillers and hopped on my bike. Helmet on and road

Maya's POV
"Hey my love" I said as I picked up my phone
"Hello Bella" carina said on the other side
"You left quite early"'I said
She breathed and said "yeah I know. Was paged quite early didn't want to wake you up" she said "oh I forgot to tell you, this morning Mia was coughing like the whole night like crazy."
"Yeah I..- I know" I said "had quite an argument this morning"
"Everything okay?" She asked
"Yeah. She just wanted to go to practice and I told her there was no way" I said
"What did she say?" Asked Carina worried
"She left, angry. To her room" I admitted
"Bella you're doing the right thing. You know you're taking care of her don't feel bad" she said
"I know. I know just, she reacts like this cause it's me. If it was you talking she'd probably listen to you but because it's me she ignores it." I sighted
"Maya that's not true. Just, you're her sister it's normal she takes it out on you" carina said
"Feel like I'm screwing up" I admitted
"You're taking care of her" I said

Mia's POV
Practice here we go. I made it over to the club, turned off the engine and walked over to the pitch.
Training was insane. Insane.
Felt like my body couldn't was dropping any time soon. Looked down at my watch, 5pm. Shoot. Carina was coming home soon and she'd notice I wasn't there.
As I was about to get on my bike I heard the coach
"Yeah?" I asked
"Some of the upper team are heading to the gym." She said
Oh men. Not today. Come on. Course I accepted. I mean upper team. Then I did reflected tho. 7pm maya was coming home. I was going to be murdered.

Carina's POV
"Maya?" I asked as I walked in "Mia?" I asked as I knocked at her door and walked in.
Empty. Somehow I remember. The motorbike downstairs was gone. She couldn't be that stubborn. But then I thought. Maya's sister. Course she can she is a Bishop.
I waited till Maya come to tell her I found no point in worrying her before.
I made myself a coffee and worked on some charting till I heard the door.
"Hey" I smiled as maya walked in
"Hey gorgeous" she smiled and she got closer to me pecking my lips "be right back wanna check on Mia feel kinda bad for leaving her sick after yelling at her" she said but I stopped her
"Maya" I said
"She better?" She asked as she took off her shoes
"Mia isn't here" I said "I came home and she wasn't here"
"What?" Asked Maya "oh come on" she said "bike right?" She asked and I nodded "gotta be kidding me" she exhaled

Mia's POV
Can't feel my body, can't feel my legs can't feel how I'm standing up.
Got on my bike and after making a hell of an effort not to fall asleep I somehow got home. Parked downstairs and before walking upstairs I noticed. Two cars. Shit. Then everything came to me. Carina and Maya were home. They'd kill me.
As I opened the door I saw both of them sitting down on the couch having coffee and Maya didn't doubt on getting up instantly
"You gotta be kidding me right?" She said as she stood up
I coughed a couple times and said "Maya you need to understand.."
"No. No nothing. Go get showered and you come straight here" she said and before I attempted to saying anything she shut me down "not even a word"
Course I made my way to my bathroom and got showered under the warm water. Started to fall asleep under the water and then remembered fuck Maya.
Despite I hated it I got out of the shower and got changed. Almost fell asleep on my bed as I put on my shirt on but somehow got up. Jesus it was hot. Winter but I was burning hot.

Carina's POV
Maya was boiling. I mean probably Mia too but cause of the fever. Maya's was just, anger.
We heard some footsteps coming into then living room.
Mia. She was wearing some sport trousers, short sleeved and no socks. Our apartment was warm but, still winter.
I saw Maya's face beginning to crook and her body tensing up. On the other hand I could see the young women who was definitely so weak she would fall if you blew her.
"Winter Mia. It's freaking winter" snapped Maya in a harsh tone and Mia clearly having no clue what she was talking about.
"I'm not cold" she answered as she got closer.
Maya got closer placing her hand on her forehead "you're not cold cause you're burning up." She snapped "what the hell were you thinking? I explicitly told you not to. Didn't I?" Maya said raising her voice. "You left without telling me when I told you not to. You did what you wanted" she said now yelling "everything you do has a consequence! Can't you realise?" She almost yelled
I could see Mia wasn't listening she was just afraid. Scared to hell
"You disobeyed me the other night! You disobeyed me this morning! What am I supposed to do now!" Maya yelled
"Maya I had practice" she said with an awful horse voice.
"I don't want to listen to it again!" Snapped maya 
Before Mia could have the chance to talk
Maya just yelled at her sending her into her room.
"I lost it" said Maya as she sat down next to me
"You did" I said
"I just... I need her to.." began Maya
"You need her to understand something she won't be able to" I said as I placed a hand on Maya's thigh
"What?" She asked confused
"When did your dad ever tell you skip practice cause you were out sick?" I asked "cause since I've know you? You won't skip a single day even tho you can barley stand" I said "as far as I know Mia was raised by your dad wasn't she?"
"Carina.." she began
"It's okay what you said. Just not okay to whom you said it too" I said
"I'm awful" Maya said as she placed her face on her hand
"Maya you're not..." I said
"I'm awful, an awful sister." She said as I placed a hand on her back.
"Do you want me to go check on her?" I asked as she nodded and as I was about to get up from the couch we heard footsteps approaching the door.
Mia? She was dressed in sports clothes heading for the door, thanks god Maya is extremely agile and jumped up stopping her.
"Where do you think you're going?" Asked Maya as she closed the door being pushed over by a clearly weak Mia since she wasn't able to even move her.
"I'm.." she began coughing "I'm going for a run" she said
"Mia you're going back to your room come on" said Maya as she tried to walk her out
"I need to go run Maya. Stop" she said as she kept on trying to move Maya
"Mia. Stop, you're burning out. Come on" said Maya as she placed her hand on her forehead "Mia you're burning up come on"
"Maya, stop" she said almost crying as she kept on struggling to move Maya "I need to run it off. Stop" she said and as maya kept on fighting her back Mia began falling into the floor
"Mia" said Maya as she held her down on the floor "Mia stop. What are you talking about" she asked
"The fever maya. The fever. I need to run it off. Let me go" she said crying now
"Mia no. No you don't" said Maya calming her down
"He said so Maya. You know he said so. I need to run it.." she said and maya shut her down
"Mia no. You're with me know. You don't need to run it out. You don't. You're with me. Okay? He is not here. He isn't here Mia" said Maya and slowly Mia began to stop fighting back.
My heart broke as I saw that scene. I had no clue what to do. Or say. As maya helped Mia up I saw how she began to lose. It. Her eyes slowly drowned into tears and I rushed up to them. Nodding to her and she excused herself to the bathroom.
"Come on Bella" I said as I helped her over the couch, her forehead was burning out. "You're burning out bellina"
I said and rushed over to the bathroom and brought her a couple medicines. As she laid down on the couch I covered her up with a blanket and rubbed her back slowly whispering "it's okay. Everything will be okay. You're with us now" till she fell asleep completely. She was broken. It was just. I couldn't believe how scared she was. It just broke my heart.
As she was completely out I rushed over to my room to find Maya.

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