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Carina's POV

"you feeling alright?" I asked as we walked into the apartment and I unloaded some groceries

"yeah" she nodded as she walked over to help

"oh no bella" I smiled "no no no" I said before she could even bend to grab a bag "no picking up bags"

"right" she smiled as she slowly walked back to the living rooms

I finished putting everything away and walked back to the living room to find Mia fast asleep on the couch

I smiled and placed a blancket over and turned the TV volume down

M: hello there
C: you're being obsessive :)
M: am I? I just wanted to let you know I'll be home in couple hours, won't take as long as I thought
C: great, love you. Now, stop obsessing. I've got everything under control.
M: love you

"morning" I smiled as Mia's eyes fluttered open

"hey" she said "did I fall asleep?" she asked and I nodded "not sure what I'm tired of"

"pain meds" I said "and your body is healing"

"oh right" she nodded

"when's your friend coming?" I asked smiling

she laughed and said "my friend could be here any time soon now"

Half hour later the door bell rang

"got it" I said from the kitchen and opened the door

"hey" I smiled "Noah right?" yes ma'am" he said as he shook my hand "nice to see you again" he said

"come on in Noah" I smiled

"I brought some flowers for you both" he said handing me over a bouquett

"oh noah, you didn't have to. Thanks so much" I smiled

"my pleasure" he smiled

"Maya is not around, she will be back soon" I explained and he nodded as I showed him to the living room and I headed out to chill out in the dinning room, closing the doors behind me. Course once Maya came back she'd open every single door

Mia's POV

"hey there" said Noah as he walked over gently hugging me

"hey" I smiled "sit down, haven't seen you in a while" I said

"I've missed you" he said as he sat down next to me "I wanted to come over as soon as I heard, your friends told me to give you some time though" he explained

"yeah, I was kinda stressed" I said "sorry about that"

"don't be" he smiled "it's okay, I get it." he said as he placed an arm round me and I placed my head on his chest "how you've been feeling?"

"getting better, ribs are sort of killing me, and my arm and pretty much everything" I laughed

"sounds great" he laughed as he placed a kiss on my cheek "you'll be better soon" he said "movie?" he asked and I nodded

"control is there" I said pointing at the coffee table as he got up "oh, and a blanket" I smiled "and another one"

"got it" he smiled back as he sat down once again as I curled up next to him

Maya's POV

Boring meeting was over, as soon as it did I drove back home. Dropping Andy at her place. As I parked my car I noticed another car in the driveway, next to Carina's


"hey" I said as I opened the door and found Carina in the dinning room on her laptop

"hello bella" she smiled as she picked up the look from the computer "how did the meeting go?" she asked

"quite alright, boring as usual" I smiled as I pecked her lips "I assume the car in the driveway belongs to whoever brought those flowers right?" I said and she nodded

"so cute" she said

"and doors are closed" I said

"they're in the living room" she said

"yeah..." I said

"they're watching a movie" she said

"that's what they say they're doing" I said

"no, that's exactly what they're doing" she said "now, can you please relax?"

"I am relaxed" I said

"oh yeah, sure sure" she said

"right, okay. I'll try not obsess with the door situation" I said "so, how did the surgery go?" I asked

"It went alright" she smiled "Maya"

"Yeah" I smiled as she walked over to me massaging my shoulders

"Deep breath" She laughed

"Fine you win" I said giving in to her contact

Mia's POV

"You're not paying much attention to the movie" smiled Noah as he pulled back from the kiss

"Can't really pay attention like this" I said as I pulled him closer

"Im afraid of hurting your ribs" he said

"You won't" I said and he carefully laid down as we returned to making out

"I'm pretty sure your sister could murder me if she walked in" he laughed "woah, woah, what happened?" He asked as he instantly sat up

"No no, wasn't you. Just painkillers, I need to take them again" I said

"Do I call your sister?" He asked and I shook my head

"They can wait" I smiled as snuggled next to him

"You sure? Mrs. Stubbornness?" He smiled as he placed his arm around my waist

"Sure" I smiled as our lips got closer

"You know movie is over?" He smiled "it's not like our time is up right?"

"Movie could be long" I said as I we made began making out once again

Carina's POV

Maya fell asleep pretty much after 2 minutes I started massaging her shoulders. Even tho I could perfectly tell her mind was still being driven crazy by what was happening in the other room.

I got up to grab my computers charger carefully moving not to wake Maya up
Slowly slid the door over to the living room.

"Carina I..." instantly said Mia as they instantly got away from each other. Noah standing up

I couldn't help it but slightly laugh about how scared both of them looked

"So, I need to get going" said Noah as he blushed up

"Yeah" smiled Mia matching his tone of blush

"I'll get the door" I kept on chuckling as I walked him over to the front door

"Carina I..." he began as I opened the door

"Noah, please" I said "whatever Maya has threatened you with. You can breathe" I said

He smiled and nodded "thanks for everything. And once again my apologies for... that"

I chuckled as I closed the door and saw Maya walking over to me

"Did he leave?" She asked as she looked through the door peak

"Maya!" I laughed as I wrapped my arms round her "he's gone."

"Mmm" she said as she turned to me "you and Mia on the same team? I'm not liking that"

"I love it" I said as I pecked her lips

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