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Maya's POV
"And that's how my day finished" I said as I finished speaking to the baby

"It somehow made the kicking stop" smiled Carina "thanks honey"

"Always" I smiled as I got up "I'm gonna go check on the moody teenager"

"I'm proud of you" She said and I turned to her "you did the right thing Maya" she said

"Did I?" I asked

"Yeah, of course you did. You know it was no good to her and I'm proud you managed to stop her" she said and I smiled as I made my way to Mia's room

I knocked on her door and walked in "Hey I know you..." I began as I walked in "are you kidding me?!" I asked and walked out "is she kidding me?!"

"Woah" said Carina

"She's gotta be kidding. She left" I said "god is she actually kidding me"

"Okay okay Bella its.." she began

"No. It's unacceptable." I said "doesn't she understand when we say no?"

"Alright. She went out for a run. She'll be back, and you'll talk to her once she gets here" she said 

Andy's POV
I had finished folding some clothes as Vic came over

"Hey" she said

"Hey" I smiled "hey do you think Maya was right?"

"Being right by being worried or worried with Mia" she asked

"Uh, about Mia?" I asked

"I think" she said "I think so yeah. I just think, she's not actually conscious of her limits."

"Well Maya isn't either" I said

"Well yeah. I know" She said "but I gotta say Carina has changed her. Somehow."

"Yeah definitely" I agreed

"But Mia, I mean firstly she doesn't have or know what limits are. Plus she's young and she's on that stage of life where you just believe you can take the world down"

Mia's POV
I jogged up to the station heading to the gym.

I made my way over to the locker rooms and back to the gym

"Oh hey" I said as I saw Andy and Vic chatting about

"hey" said Andy "I thought Maya said she was heading home to see you guys"

"yeah, I saw her" I said "I just went out for a run and now I was just gonna hit the gym for a while" I said as I walked in

Maya's P0V

"where the hell is she?" I asked as I headed back to the living room "it's been over two hours"

"she might be coming back" said Carina "she could be here in no time"

I sighted as I layed back on the couch to look at my phone

"hey, we're here with your mini you" - Andy

"She's at the station" I said as Carina looked at me confused "she might be at the gym"

"okay Maya at least we know where she is" she said

"why is she like this?" I said "why can't she speak, or just text me at least"

Mia's POV

I got showered and walked out of the locker rooms to find Maya sitting at the kitchen

"oh hey" I said trying to ignore the fact that I had pretty much escaped from her

"sit down" she said and I nodded as I walked over to her "Mia" she said "why can't you listen to me from time to time"

"I tried to" I said "I really did try to, but I just needed to clear my head a bit"

"and why can't you tell me that instead of just taking off like that" she asked and I shrugged "I said you couldn't go out for a run but I would have listened if you had told me that"

"I know okay I'm sorry. I meant to tell you" I said

"but?" she asked as she looked at me

"But I don't know, I just felt like I had to leave" I said

"Mia you can talk to me or Carina whenever you feel like that" I said "we're gonna listen to you, and we might me able to help with that anxiety you feel"

She slowly nodded and looked up at me "I know I'm sorry" she said

"Come on let's go home" I said as I placed my arm round her shoulders.

Carina's POV
Soon later I heard the door unlocking and both of them of coming. Having Maya getting ready for bed minutes later in our room

"She alright?" I asked and she nodded

"Yeah" I said "just sad she feels like can't really talk to us"

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Apparently she started to feel anxious and that's why she left for a run to clear her mind. Even tho I told her not to" she sighted as she for into bed

"Oh poor bambina" I said "do you think she gets it a lot?"

"What?" She asked as she placed her arms around me resting her hands on my belly

"This anxiety" I said

"Possibly" she said

"Don't you think it'd be good for her to talk to someone about it. I mean before she decides to fully open up to us" I said thinking about how at first it was really hard for Maya to open up about it.

"Yeah but I'm sure she won't like the idea of therapy" she said which she was right. Cause Maya didn't like it either at first

"What about Diane?" I asked "maybe she could try. She really did work for you at the beginning"

"Yeah I could ask if she could by through the station at some moment she's there" she said "maybe it could be a good beginning for her. To try open up to her"

Mia's POV
I woke up with this weird feeling. Like something just bothering me. I looked at my phone noticing it was only 4am. Not sure what I could possibly do since Maya would murder me if I left again

I got up and made my way to the kitchen to grab some coffee

"Oh god you scared me" I said as I saw Carina at the kitchen

"Sorry Bella" she chuckled as she saw how scared I looked "what are you doing up?" She asked

"Same as you" I said pointing towards the glass of water in her hand walking over to the fridge sitting in the kitchen isle "I'm sorry for leaving yesterday" I said "I know it was stupid"

"It wasn't stupid if you needed it" she said "Mia I wanted to tell you, we're here for you. We are here for you at 100%, for whatever you need if you need to talk or just need anything."

"Thanks" I nodded

"I mean it. If you ever feel that kind of anxiety you can just come talk to us. Either one of us we're here to listen and help in any way we can"

I smiled again, not quite being used to this kind of kindness back at my home.

"Now. Being almost 4:30 am" she chuckled as she looked down at her watch "we should both head back to bed. Or tomorrow it's gonna be quite a hard day"

"Yeah you're right" I smiled as I walked back to my room "thank you Carina" I said before walking into my room

"Of course" she smiled as she walked into hers

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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