Nothing at All

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Mia's POV

My alarm went on at 4:45am. Argh damn, forgot I had dumb practice at 5:30 this morning, I just wanted to sleep for a couple more hours. I carefully got out of bed trying not to make any sound at all, even tho I knew anytime soon either one of them would be up getting ready for work.

It was Carina's pager to go off first, as I was having coffee in the kitchen she walked in surpirsed to see me

"Bambina, it's 5 am. Why are you up?" she asked concerned

"hey" I smiled tiredly "practice" I said as I finished getting my keys

"oh, I see" she said confused "at this time? It's Sunday, I thought you had a big match today" she said

"yeah the qualies" I said "I do, just, I need to train with the national now, so I can have the afternoon for the club" I explained

As she saw I was grabbing my keys she said "you want me to drive you over? It's freezing cold" she said and I smiled

"no worries, I'll be back soon" I said "gotta be ready for school at 8" I said as I walked over to the door

Carina's POV

Oh god, I was really taken by seeing her at 5:00am, I thought she could be studying, not getting ready for practice.

I wanted to tell Maya I was also worried, but I somehow knew that would only make her feel worst. Feeling she wasn't doing something about it.

I got into my car and drove over to the hospital, thinking I should tho talk to Maya about it.

As I was thinking bout Maya my phone rang and her name appeared on screen

"hey you" I said as I heard her voice

"you were up early" she said still in her sleepy voice

"yeah, was paged" I explained "but I should be able to have some free hours for lunch"

"perfect" she said "oh, damn I forgot. After lunch, I need to drive over to the PD central station, I'll be home late. Seems there is an emergency meeting" she explained

"everything alright?" I asked

"I guess so" she said not completly certain and before I could talk she said "oh damn, I knew it"

"what's wrong?" I asked as I was already close to the hospital

"Mia's match, damn" she said "I won't make it in time" she said

"damn, I'm trapped in here till 7" I said rembembering I had a surgery "I can pick her up tho" I said

"thanks, you're the best" she said

Before I got out of the car I said

"Maya, don't punish yourself for this, she will understand"

Maya's POV

I knew she would understand, course she would. I just felt like I was not present enough, felt like I was dumping her when I had said I'd be there. Said I'd be on her first match back. Damn

I loved how Carina could always manage to say the right thing in the right moment, she'd make everything right out of the mess.

Mia's POV

Match day. I finished school almost falling asleep in my last class and as the bell rang I rushed outside and hopped on my bike, riding as fast as I could back home.

I got showered to wake up a bit and began getting ready for the big match.

I was thrilled to be back, back in the pitch. As I was finishing getting dressed I got Maya's text saying she wouldn't make it to the game. It did make me a bit sad knowing she wouldn't be there, but I knew she had something important to do. I then recieved Carina's text, saying she would be only able to pick me up since she was stuck in surgery.
Course I wanted them both to be in my match, I loved to have them cheering, but I knew both of them had demanding jobs.

As I was about to open the front door my phone buzzed

Noah: I'll be there as soon as it begins :)

That message did make me cheer up, knowing at least Noah would be there cheering.

Maya's POV

"I feel awful" I said as I handed Andy her cup of coffee

"I know you do, but this is not something you decided Maya" she said

"yeah I know but I should be there, and instead I'll be listening to Dickson saying stupidites" I said and she nodded

"Carina's gonna be there tho" she said trying to cheer me up

"She's got a surgery, she's only able to pick her up" I said sadly

"damn, screw Dickson. We should all be at that match" she said

Carina's POV

"I just don't know, don't know if I should talk to Maya about it" I confessed "I'm just worried"

"how worried?" asked Amelia

"really worried" I said

"then I guess it's quite obvious what you've gotta do" she said and I nodded even tho I knew that would make Maya get worried.

Mia's POV

The match was about to begin and the first thing I did was look all over the steps to find them, then rembemberd they couldn't make it. But in seconds I caught I of Noah standing in first line. The bell got me into the match again, it had began.

Carina's POV
I tried to get out from work early but everything seemed to be stuck today, by the time I got to Mia's match it has already finished. I parked and waited for her to come feeling kinda sorry knowing neither one of us was able to watch her play.

I saw Mia walking over, she hadn't seen me. But she was walking hand in hand with the tall guy we had met in her previous match. Noah was it?
As I was looking at them Mia checked her phone and must have seen my message letting her know I was there. Before looking out to where my car was this guy pecked her lips deeply and said something. I could see her not being able to stop smiling.

She looked everywhere till she found my car, I didn't wanted her to notice I had seen her kiss that guy and make an awkward situation so I just played along as if I was staring at my phone.

Mia's POV
God I was exhausted, just exhausted.
Damn. Then it came. Noah wanted to come over. Formally meeting my family.
I wasn't sure I was ready to be in a serious relationship.
I came out of my shock and found Carina's car. And could see her sitting in the drivers seat looking at her phone. I walked over and hopped in

"Hey" I smiled

"Hello bambina" she smiled warmly "tell me, everything" she said

"We won" I smiled "5-3" I said as I showed her the goal I scored recorded in my phone

"Bella that's amazing!" She said excitedly "you're amazing" she said "how's your knee feeling?" She asked

"Feels amazing" I said and she smiled

"I'm so so, happy for you" she said "I am really sorry neither one of us was able to make it to the match" she said

"Carina no worries" I said truly "you two are amazing" I said and she smiled widely

"You need to show that video to Maya as soon as we get home" she smiled as she turned on the engine and we drove away.

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