We Belong

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Maya's POV

*Phone ringing*

Argh, four am what the hell

"yeah?" I asked over the phone "yes sir?" I asked. Argh, Dicksson "I'll be on my way sir" I said jumping out of bed and getting changed

"Maya?" asked Carina as I was finishing buttoning my shirt "It's four am" she said looking at her watch

"I know, there's an emergency. I'll be in  downtown" I said "I'll be back in the afternoon"

"Be careful" said Carina as she sat up

"I'll be" I winked as I pecked her lips and rushed out waiting to see what the hell was going on that was so important to make a meeting at five am

Carina's POV

After Maya left I turned around and continued sleeping till it my alarm went on. I got up, showered and headed into the kitchen to have breakfast

"hey bambina" I smiled as I saw Mia on her laptop typing something

"morning Carina" she smiled

"should't you be in school?" I asked confused since it was quite late

"I've got my vocational exams today" she said

"ohh" I said as I grabbed my coffee and sat down "you nervous?

"kinda" she said "specially since I've got no clue" she smiled

"you know voactionals really did helped me decide" I said

"yeah, hoping it does the trick" she smiled

"you've got it" I said "need me to drive you?" I asked

"No no, thanks tho, I'll drive over there at midday so I've got enough time" she explained

"okay bella" I smiled "if you need anything you know I'm just blocks away" I said as I grabbed my stuff

"thank you Carina" she said

"oh, Maya had an emergency meeting so.." I began to explain

"yeah, I heard her leaving, she sounded quite mad" she laughed

I chuckled and then wondered how could she have heard her if she was sleeping, Maya rarely made loud noises when she left.

Mia's POV

Fucking hated the vocational thingy, couldn't find something which stressed me more. What's the need in knowing what I'll study this soon, Jesus.

As Carina left I continued typing and completing the form for the voactionals even tho I had no clue on what to answer in mostly every question.

Noah: hey you

Mia: hey there

Noah: you nervous? :)

Mia: should I?

Noah: not at all . See you after it?

Mia: sounds like a plan

Okay so at least there would be somethig good in this day.

As I was about to put down my phone another message came in

Maya: hey morning, after your test come over to the station <3

Mia: sure

not really loving the fact of going over to the station after the vocationals to everyone asking a million questions.

Carina's POV

"Carina" I heard a voice behind me

"Yeah?" I asked as I turned to see Jo "Jo" I smiled

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