Too Young To Let Go

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Mia's POV
Another practice, another fucking moment with my annoying father. Been considering quitting hockey for a while now. At least telling that to my dad so he'll back off from me. I love the sport, just not the way he wants me to.
Can't keep up with this. Can't keep up with this kinda practicing and training.
I get home from a practice and straight to the gym. As I get home I try to get studying done but, usually just fall asleep on my desk after some minutes.

After I broke the news to my dad he basically kick me out. He just didn't want to use that words. So instead he just said "get the fuck out of this house" so been basically leaving out of friends houses. Hopping in and out at nights. Hopping in and out in the mornings to get showered and changed when I know he's asleep and won't listen to me.
Feel like I'm being consumed tho. The sleeping 3/4 hours a day is starting to hit me.

I went for a run before it turned dark. 5K run. Short but fast.
Station 19. I run pass through it. Somehow it rang a bell in my head. Something about that name. Sounded familiar. Kept on going till I reached 5k and started heading back. Not sure where I'd go tho. Was still early and had to get showered.

"Mia?" I asked a voice as I walked by "mia?!" I heard again after me

As I listened to my name I slowly turned around. Maya? What the.

"Maya?" I asked as I took out my headphones

"Mia" she smiled getting closer to hug me

"I'm quite sweaty" I said smiling

"Come here" she said and hugged me anyway "I've missed you kiddo"

"Missed you too" I said trying to get away somehow

"How's mom doing?" She asked me

How can I know that. I don't live with them

"She's doing okay" I smiled

"Dad?" She asked me

I basically froze after that word. I just swallowed and nodded

"Everything okay?" She asked

"Yeah. Everything okay" I said lying and began walking away

"Hey hey. Hold" she said jogging after me "Can you come in?" She asked

"Come in?" I asked confused

"I work here" she smiled pointing at the fire station.

I didn't really wanted to. I knew she'd wanted to ask me questions.

Maya's POV
Something was up. I knew it. More like I felt it. The second I mentioned dad she has the same reaction I would have when I was her age.

"This is my office" I smiled as we both walked in

"This is amazing" she said looking everywhere

"Well yeah" I said laughing and indicated her to sit down

"So?" She asked quite nervously

"So.." I began "so what's going on?" I asked her

"School? Friends? Sport?" She asked me trying to get out of the question.

"With you" I said without hovering around
"you look exhausted, you look skinny. What's going on?" I asked.

I didn't wanted to make her feel bad. Course I didn't. But all of it was true.

"I've got no clue what you're talking about" she smiled

"But you do" I said softly "it's dad right?" I said

She breathed out deeply and looked at the door and back at me again.

"I mean yeah. That used to be the issue. Just not any more" she said

"You're not talking to him anymore?" I asked confused

"No no" she said "I'm just not living with him anymore. Nor with mom"

What? I mean. What. I may have listened wrongly. I just didn't wanted to yell at her

"Mia. What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"He kicked me out Maya. What was I supposed to do?" She said

"Mia. Mia. What are you talking about" I asked again

"Maya it's not like I've been sleeping under a bridge" she smiled

"You're 15 Mia" I said seriously

"Yeah Im aware. I just couldn't handle it anymore okay?" She said

"Mia. Where are you living?" I asked with a broken heart

"I've been rotating?" She said "friends houses. I sometimes sneak in sleep a couple hours and leave before he's up and then just spend time at the club and school" she said

I couldn't believe what I was listening. I mean. I just couldn't.

"Mia that's not." I said holding my head "why? Why didn't you come look for me?" I asked

"What was I supposed to do. Come her knock on your door and just say hey dad kicked me out?" She said lifting her arms

"Yes Mia! Yes! That's exactly what you should have done!" I yelled

"Don't yell at me please" she asked

"Sorry. Sorry" I said realising I was scaring her "I just. You can't keep up this rhythm. Okay? You can't"

"What do you want me to do? Go live back to that mad house?" She laughed "I'm perfectly okay with how I'm living"

"But I'm not" I said

"My life Maya" she said

"No. No, no no. Cause you. You're 15 okay? You can't keep on going this way." I said getting up.

"Okay, gorgeous office. And I love you. But I've already received enough crap from that guy who calls himself my father. I don't need it from you" she said as she stood up and opened the door. Leaving me sat on my desk with my head on my hands.

"Mia please" I said and as I lifted my head I saw she was gone. Damn.

Carina's POV
I was working on the dinner as I heard the door unlock and I walked over to the leaving room.

"Hey Bella" I smiled as Maya walked in. She got closer to me and pecked my lips

"You smell smocky" I laughed

"I'll get showered then" she smiled back

As she came back now cleaned up we both laid the table and as we sat down I noticed something was up with her. Something was bugging her.

"Maya what's wrong?" I asked as she sat down
She looked confused and said "what do you mean" with a smile

"Something is bothering you" I said "I can't tell"

Maya's POV
Seems I was quite easy to read. But she was right. I couldn't stop thinking about Mia. And how she was leaving alone. Not having a home. Hopping in and out of friends houses. I needed to do something about it.

I told everything to Carina. I knew I could trust her with everything.

I could only see her surprised face and just. Shocked. She didn't know Mia. Just the stories I've told her.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she was getting up

"Grabbing my car keys Maya." She said looking for her bag.

"What?" I asked confused

"Your car then?" She asked

"Carina what are you talking about" I asked confused

"Maya you're not letting your sister out there. You're bringing her in here. She's your sister." Carina said

"Carina.." I began

"It's not an option to leave your sister out there. Okay? Come on" she said

I know how she felt about brotherhood ever since Andrea.

We both walked out. Hand in hand. To go look for my sister

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