Lose Control

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Carina's POV

As we walked in I could breathe again, she was awake, eyes opened.

"I'm fine, please I need to go" she said as she struggled to get up since everyone was trying to hold her back

"Carina!" Said Amelia pulling me out of my shock

"Mia, Mia bella" I said as I got closer and after some seconds she noticed it was me

"Carina?" she asked confused and I smiled

"Yes, yes it's me" I said as I tried together with the others to get her back down "It's okay, it's okay look at me" I said and the door slammed open by Kepner followed by Maya who rushed in

"What the hell happened?" she asked as she stood in awe looking everywhere "oh my..." she said as she looked at Mia

"Car missed a red light" said Kepner to Maya's ear and she looked at me getting closer to Mia

"hey hey it's okay" she said as Mia looked at her

"Maya?" she whispered confused as she began to fall down not reaching the floor since we caught her

"Okay you need to get back to bed" said Arizona "right now"

"No no, the papers, Carina's papers" she said opening her eyes again "I need to give them to her"

"Bella, I'm here it's okay" I said as I turned to Maya who was distroyed

Maya's POV

*20 minutes before*

"oh please that's not even true" I laughed

"please, we all got drunk and did something stupid while being young" said Jack

"definently" said Andy

"we still do" laughed Vic

I laughed and felt my phone buzzing on the table not recognizing the number

"Maya Bishop here" I said until I froze


"Maya?" asked Andy "Maya!" she said again

"there's been an accident" I muttered

"what?" asked Andy not understanding

"Mia is in the E.R. There's been an accident" I said

"Maya, Maya breathe, we're going over to grey sloan right now" she said as she grabbed her car keys "Maya look at me, breathe"


"Maya?" asked Kepner as she shook me a bit

"yes sorry" I said

"is she allergic to any medication" she asked but I just couldn't answer listening to her moan in pain

"penincilin, she's allergic to it" said Carina and Kepner nodded

"I... need to" I said as I excused myself and sat on the floor on the other side burring my head on my hands against my knees.

"Bishop?" I heard a voice next to me, Bailey's voice "Bishop I heard" she said as she knelt down in front of me

"she's in there, I can't" I said and she nodded walking into the room

Carina's POV

"she's still in shock, let's give her a sedative" ordered Arizona and in seconds Mia was laying down flat

"how, how how could this have happened" I muttered as Bailey walked next to me

"she needs you" she said "she's outside"

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