Back On Track

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Maya's POV

"Mia come on! You'll be late!" I yelled as I waited for Mia to be ready as I finished yelling she came into the kitchen as she finished getting dressed

"I'm coming, I'm coming" she said "you know if you'd let me drive over in my bike then we wouldn't have to have this morning arguments" she said grabbing her bag

"Not until Callie clears you" I said as I lead the way over to my car, knowing that even if she was cleared I really didn't love the motorbike thing.

"I am more than cleared" she said as she hopped into the passengers sit

"No you're not" I said smiling "and I love driving you over, at least I can keep track of where you are" I said

"where else would I go?" she laguhed "That I'd escape?" she said

"I don't know nor want to give you ideas" I said as I stopped at a red sign

Mia's POV
Argh I was tired of everything, tired of not being able to train, not being able to run. Just hated it. As I made my way through the hallways I caught eye on my physics teacher coming over to me. Fuck. I tried to make a run for it and hide into a classroom but it was damn late, she was already in front of me

"Bishop" she said stearnly

"yes ma'am?" I asked

"I can imagine you know why I'm here" she said in that unbearable tone of hers

"Yes ma'am" I said. Course, I had failed my test, once again for the second time

"Are you planning on doing something about it?" she asked as she looked at me "or just plan on failing and coming in summer?" she asked and before I could answer she walked away saying "up to you Bishop, up to you"

Argh, Maya would kill me, I kept on having low marks on physics, chemistry and maths, she would kill me.

As I was trying to come up with a plan I heard a voice in my back "Calling earth Mia" He said

"Noah" I smiled and somehow all the subject issues dissappeard "hey" I said blushing up

"I've missed you" he said as he helped me with my books

"So have I, I'm sorry, I've been quite a mess and now..." I said and he began

"yeah, seems like that witch is definently after you" he smiled

"yeah no kidding" I sighted

"You know I rock at physics" he said

"no you don't" I laughed

"no I don't" he said and I chuckled "but, I could be your study budy anyway" he winked as he kissed my cheek and after leaving my books in my locker he walked away


Maya's POV

"how are you and Carina doing?" asked Andy as she sat down at the table

"aww the love nest" said Vic as she poured coffee

"everything's going smoothly so far" I nodded and turned to Vic

"why that face" I laughed

"I've just, never seen you like this" she said

"like what?" I chuclked "as old?"

"not old" she laughed "so happy, so settled, so... I don't know, grownup" she said

"now you're depressing me" I said

"don't be silly" said Andy "it's something good, I mean way better than the first "I make no friends" Bishop we had here before" she said laughing make me think of how much I had changed ever since I met Carina

"Despite you'll pay for that imitation of myself" I laughed "you're right" I said

After finishing my shift I headed home and found Carina in the kitchen on a phone call which seemed like work

"argh hate them" she said as she hanged the phone and I walked over wrapping my arms round her

"hate who?" I asked laughing

"interns" she said as she pecked my lips "they're just so useless sometimes" she said and shook her head "I'll go have clean up their mess tomorrow morning" she said

"have I ever told you how much I love you?" I said and she smiled at me

"hmm not sure" she said as she looked at me and I laughed pecking her lips

"where's Mia?" she asked as she looked outside the window "it's rainning" she said

"yeah..." I began "some friend's probably dropping her back, I don't think she'll consider walking back" I said knowing she'd probably walked back anyway

"she's got an appointment tomorrwo with Callie" she said smiling "proabably getting cleared" she said and I smiled

"damn, I know, time flies" I said and both of us headed towards the living room and snuggled in the couch

Carina's POV
I had been picturing marrying Maya for a while now, had been coming round the idea of proposing for a while and had pictured as being married over and over again.

"are we really watching this again?" I said as Maya turned on the PD investigator series she loved

"come on! It's amazing" she said as she showed my last episoded ending

"Maya there's only murders and punches and blood in this" I said

"yeah I know" she said as child with her favourite cartoon and I laughed as I wrapped my arms round her

As Maya was watching that series and I was replying some mails the door opened and a soaked wet Mia stood by the door. And of course in seconds Maya was bursting into laughter

"oh god I knew" laughed Maya hard as she looked at the soaked wet teenager and I could't avoid laughing about Maya's laughter

"yeah" said Mia as she nodded and began to take off her soaked watery clothes.

Maya continued to laugh as we both walked over to the door "sorry just, can't avoid it" she said as she grabbed her backpack which was also wet

"No worries" smiled Mia as she walked inside and I handed her a hoodie

"You'll freeze up" I smiled and she thanked me as she quickly put it on

"So, why on earth would you walk back?" said Maya now she had controlled her laughter

"cause I just didn't think it was raining this hard" she said as she made her way after us to the living room

"you know, sometimes I question the way you think" Maya chuckled

"you know if I had my bike, then I wouldn't be this wet" she said

"that's not gonna be for that long, Callie said she wanted to see you tomorrow, she might clear you" I said and I could see the huge smile forming in her face

"really?" she asked amazed and I nodded

"I'll go back to playing?" she asked

"after some physical therapy and being 100% ready" said Maya

"but" I said "you're definently on the right track" I smiled and could see how she was starting to feel like herself again

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