Next Thing You Know

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Maya's POV

We walked in back to the living room to find Mia curled up on the couch, a blanket on her

"you alright?" I asked as I walked closer and she nodded "right" I said unconvinced "you need painmeds right?" I asked and she shook her head

"It's okay" she said

"no it is not" I said as I made my way over to her bedroom to grab her pills and jogged back "here" I said as I handed them over

"Maya I'm okay" she said as she looked up at me

"don't be stubborn" I said and she sighed as she took the bottle of my hand "congrats" I said as she swallowed the pill

"So" I said "you two and your secret club" I smiled

"Bella there's no such thing" she laughed

"oh yes, there is" I said

"you fell asleep when he came, not my fault" smiled Mia

"sorry what about the closed doors?" I asked

"not on purpose" she smiled

"and what's the difference with doors open or close?" said Carina and I turned to her "I mean in the living room Maya" she smiled "they're watching a movie, in the living room, doors can be closed" she said and I shook my head

"well I tried Bella" she said turning to Mia as she made her way over to the kitchen

"I knew it!" I said "secret against Maya"club"

"oh please" said Mia as she picked up her phone

"you texting about me now?"I smiled

"jesus" she said making me laugh "no, I just want to know when I can get my stitches out"

"oh, yes Bella" said Carina "that's tomorrow" she said coming over "I forgot to tell you, you can drive in with me in the morning"

"I'll pick you up as you're done" I said "or I'll get someone to get you"

"I can walk over" she said

"no you can not" I said smiling as I got up

"great" she sighed

Mia's POV

"when will I'll be back to normal life" she asked as she walked into the kitchen

"soon" said Maya "or soonish" she smiled

"that's comforting" I smiled

"at least it's an answer" she shrugged and I nodded

"oh thanks" I smiled back

"so. question" She said as she sat down on the kitchen island

"sure" I shrugged

"i was wondering if you were feeling like doing a little summer internship at the station" She said and I could only feel how my smile grew bigger and bigger

"you serious?" I smiled and she laughed and she nodded "heck yeah" I said

"if" she said and I leaned back

"there had to be an if" I said

"yes there's has to be an if" She smiled "if we don't have any more trouble with your grades" she said

"hmm" I mumbled "fine, it's a deal Cap" I said as I shook her hand

"a deal then"

Carina's POV
I came out of the shower to find Maya reading some news already tucked in bed.

I got changed and crawled next to her

"what are you reading Bella?" I asked

"just some reports" she smiled as she put them down and turned to me placing her arm round me

"are you alright?" I smiled looking at her

"I want a child" she said and I looked at her in shock

"a child?" I asked and she nodded "Maya are you?"

"you've always wanted to be a mom" she said "and I want to do it with you"

"you know this is not a decision we can just..." I began

"Carina. you've always wanted to be a mother, and I know I wasn't ready before and I made you wait. But I just, I'm ready Carina. I'm ready to be a mother with you if you still wish for it"

Mia's POV
I woke up early and made coffee for us all as I finished some school stuff for next year

"morning" Smiled Carina as she came over placing a kiss on my head "how are you feeling?" she asked

"feeling great" I smiled "I made some coffee"

"oh thanks Bella" she said as she poured some "you made this coffee?" she asked and I nodded "you didn't" she said

"what?" I chuckled

"this is not something an american can do" she smiled "this is good italian coffee" she said

"oh yeah, that's only because Maya's coffee sucks" I said

The door opened and Maya came in quite sweaty from her run

"I heard my name" she said as she took off her shoes

"yeah we were criticizing your coffee" I said

"oh i'm glad you're feeling better" she said as she nudged my arm

"careful Maya!" said Carina

"yeah, Mamma Italian" mocked Maya

Carina's POV

Maya came out of the shower and came back to the living room

"so" she said "Mia can we talk for a second?"

"sure" she said as she closed her laptop "everything alright?" she asked

"si bella" I smiled "we just want to talk to you for a second"

"so" Maya began "Carina and I we have been talking about this for a while and..." she looked at me and I nodded "we're going to have a baby" she smiled

"really?!" Asked Mia as she stood up "oh my god guys that's amazing!" she said as she came over to hug me

"uh? hey?" smiled Maya and Mia moved over to her and hugged her

"i'm so really happy for you both" she said

"thank you bella" I smiled

"wait you guys will need my room?" she asked

"oh no no no" I said "bella no"

"no Mi" said Maya "of course not" she said "you're staying with us. That's it." she said and she nodded

"when the time comes, we will move into a bigger place" I said

"oh okay okay" she nodded "i'm really happy for you both" she said "damn it's gonna be so great"

I smiled and looked at Maya

"gonna be a little worried about what you might teach our baby" she said

"oh please" laughed Mia "I'm gonna be the best"

"the best troublemaker" said Maya

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