Maxwell Lord-Good Neighbors

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You and Maxwell Lord are neighbors. He can really annoy you. Until one night, he decides to invite you over and you bond. (Kinda.)


The loud singing wakes you up and you groan, realizing that you forgot to close your bedroom window last night before you fell asleep.



Now you're awake at look at you alarm clock. It's barely seven in the morning! You grit your teeth as you struggle out of bed and walk over to firmly shut the window.

Maxwell Lord is such a jerk! Must he sing so damn loudly that early in the morning?

What is wrong with that guy anyways? He's clearly not playing with a full deck. You shuffle back to bed and climb back in. You don't have to be up for another hour or two since it's your day off.

You eventually manage to fall back asleep. Thank God.


"Good evening, my little primrose!" Ugh. What. The. Hell. Why Maxwell even talking to you? You ignore him.

Unfortunately, Maxwell doesn't take the hint very well. He marches right over to you, gently touching your hand. You jerk.

"Uh, what the hell are you doing?" You demand. Maxwell just grins at you and you can't help but notice his... dimples.

He's not a very good looking man, although you wouldn't necessarily say he was totally ugly, either. That smile, those beautiful brown eyes and the...Yelp.... dimples..

"I was just trying to be a friendly neighbor," Maxwell informs you. You snap out your trance and glare at him.

"If that were true, you wouldn't be singing so loudly so early in the morning when some people are trying to sleep!"

"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry! I'll try to tone it down."

"I'd appreciate it." You turn to go into your apartment, but Maxwell stays where he is.

"I know you probably don't want to, but would you like to join me for a glass of wine?" You stare in befuddlement at this strange man standing there.

"Uh, why would I want to do that?" Something in Maxwell's eyes  change. He looks kind of...sad. He starts to turn away.

"Forget it. It was stupid of me to ask." Crap! You can't just let him walk away when he clearly needs a friend.

"Wait!" You say. "I'll come. For a few minutes." Maxwell's entire face lights up.

"Thanks." He motions for you to follow him and you do, all the while silently cursing yourself.

Maxwell unlocks his apartment door and ushers you inside. You're a little taken aback by the meagerness of his apartment.

You figured Maxwell Lord would have an outrageously over decoratively place.

Maxwell tells you to have a seat and disappears into the kitchen, returning a moment later, with a cheap bottle of wine and two simple wine glasses.

He uncorks the bottle and pours some wine for you. You thank him.

Maxwell smiles a little shyly at you as you both slowly sip your wine.

"Uh, sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to bite your head off."

"Apology accepted, my dear."

"Can I as ask you something?"

"Of course."

"How come you live in a place like this?"

"Uh, well, my company is kind of slowly getting back on it's feet. But I have hope that it soon will be."

"You know, I used to think that, well, you were kind of a...jerk. Sorry." Your face gets hot. Maxwell just smiles.

"Ah. Yes. I rather do have a bit of a reputation for that. I'm trying to... change." You actually smile at him, feeling like maybe you understand him a little more now.


You end up staying at Maxwell's for a couple of hours, just talking and learning about each other a little bit.

Finally, though, you realize you should be getting on home. You rise from your seat and Maxwell offers to walk you back to your apartment. Sweet.

"Uh, I guess I'll see you later?" You say. Maxwell nods.

"Yes. Uh, can I ask you a question?"


"May I kiss you good night?" You're surprised by this. But you decide it would be okay.

"Yes, Maxwell. You can." Maxwell leans closer and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips. You smile.

"Good night, my dear."

"Good night, Maxwell."

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