Frankie Morales-All Of Me

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You met Frankie at an MMA fight a few weeks ago. You've continued to see him, but.... you've never been over to his place.

Frankie finally invites you over and... he's got a little surprise for you.

It's unexpected, but you love him more than anything. Well, maybe.

Swearing and innuendo.


You pull into Frankie's driveway and cut the engine. You open your car door and just sit there for a few minutes.

You've never been invited over to Frankie place until this evening. You've been dating for a few weeks now.

Frankie is so sweet and gentle and genuine and has a great sense of humor. You smile. He's also very handsome.

You climb out of your car, shut the door and walk up to the front door and knock.

Frankie answers the door, looking handsome in a black shirt and some black jeans.

He welcomes you inside and immediately your gaze falls on a small figure sitting in the middle of the floor.

An adorable little girl, with Frankie's dark looks and smile. Ah. Now it's all making sense. This is obviously Frankie's... daughter.

"Y/N," Frankie says softly as he takes your hand and pulls you over to where the little girl is sitting, looking up at you both.

"I'd like you to meet my daughter, Isabel Morales." Frankie releases your hand and kneels down next to her and she stretches her little arms out towards him.

Frankie scoops her up into his arms and turns so that you can see her. She's a living doll, with her big, brown eyes and dark brown hair.

She grins at you, suddenly stretching her little arms You look at Frankie and he nods.

You take the little girl and she nestles against you and you smile, gently stroking her hair.

"She's absolutely beautiful, Frankie. How old is she?"

"She just turned one last week," Frankie says softly, touching his daughter's arm.

"And her mama?"

Frankie looks away and you decide not to press the issue. Something bad must have happened to her.

The thought breaks your heart. This poor little angel in your arms, her mama is... gone.

"Oh, geez, Frankie. Now I feel guilty, all those times I kept you from her." Your eyes well up with tears.

"Hey, no. Ssh. It's okay. You've met her now and we'll spend lots of time together."

You manage a smile. Frankie smiles, too, leaning over to give you a kiss.

"I think that sounds wonderful, Frankie."


Over the next few weeks, you, Frankie and Isabel spend lots of time together. You've fallen in love all over again with Isabel.

She really seems to like you, too, and that seems to make Frankie happier. He seems to laugh more and more, which makes you happier.

"She's definitely yours," you tease Frankie one time as you're all having a picnic and Isabel tries to eat anything that she can get her little hands on.

"I'll take that as a compliment!" Frankie laughs and you gently squeeze his arm.

"Ma-ma! Da-da!" Frankie's eyes start watering slightly and he reaches over for Isabel and holds her close.

"Just wait until she's talking," you say. "I bet she'll never shut up!"

"I've no doubt." Frankie kisses Isabel's head and she gives him a big grin.

"Can I hold her?" You ask softly. "Unless you just want to keep holding her?"

"You can hold her," Frankie says, passing Isabel into your arms and you cuddle her.

"I still can't believe that you kept this precious baby from me!" You give Frankie a Look.

"I didn't want to spring this on you, Y/N," Frankie says quietly. "I mean, I did want you to meet her, but I wanted to be sure I was doing the right thing."

"I understand, Frankie. I'm just glad that you finally decided to introduce me to Isabel. She's beautiful and amazing and perfect."

Frankie laughs. He touches Isabel's cheek and she grins at him again. You cuddle this precious little girl close.

You're happy that Isabel is willing to share her handsome daddy with you. Isabel hugs you and you gently squeeze her back.

"Puppy!" Isabel is pointing at a young couple coming along, with a black lab puppy.

"Would you like to go see the puppy?" You ask. Isabel nods.

You and Frankie stand up and approach the couple and ask if Isabel could pet the puppy. They say yes.

Isabel is squealing with laughter and the puppy is licking her face. Both you and Frankie are smiling and Frankie is even taking some pics of this.

Isabel isn't happy when the couple moves on.

"Let's get her home," Frankie says. "It's time for her nap."

"Okay." You pack up and head for home.


"There's a couple of things I want to talk with you about," Frankie says a few days later.

"Hit me," you say.

"First, would you like to move in with Isabel and me?"

"I'd love to. What's the other thing?"

"I want to surprise Isabel with her own puppy. Will you help me?"

"Oh, I see how you are," you tease. "You just want me to move in so I can help you out with the puppy."

Frankie laughs. Then he pulls you up into his lap and kisses you deeply. You cling to him.

Frankie rests his forehead against yours and states at you.

"I love you so much, mi amor."

"I love you, too, Morales."

"Well? Will you help me with the puppy and our daughter?" You gasp.

"You want to marry me?" Frankie produces a ring. You kiss him passionately and start to cry.

"Hell yeah, Morales! To all of it."

"You've made me the happiest man alive."


The next day, Frankie gives Isabel her own puppy. She absolutely loves her, too.

"What's her name, Isabel?" You ask as the puppy frisks around and Isabel keeps giggling and trying to grab her new best friend.

"Bubbles!" You look at Frankie, who shrugs. You move to Frankie, wrapping an arm around his waist and holding him close.

"I think we'd better keep an eye on those two," you tell Frankie. "They're going to be trouble."

Frankie kisses you on the top of the head and gives you a gentle squeeze.

"I feel the same way about us." You just laugh. Frankie just laughs, too.

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