Marcus Pike-Be Mine part two

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This is the second part of Be Mine. You and Marcus have gotten even closer.


Marcus sneaks up behind you as you're finishing up the report for the latest case. You were finally able to put this case on the shelf and you couldn't have been more relieved.

"Ahhh!" You shriek as Marcus' hugs your body to his. He chuckles softly.

"Sorry. Did I scare you?" You turn, glaring at him.

"Yes!" Marcus gives you a wounded look and you immediately soften. You can't stay mad at him.

"I really didn't mean to scare you, Y/N," Marcus says softly.

"I know. So? Was there a reason why you came in here?"

"Yeah. I was wondering if you were finished?" You move to him, clutching his crisp, white dress shirt and Marcus grins.

"I just need to add a few more things and then, I'm all yours." Marcus leans down to give you a gentle kiss.

"All right. I'll get my stuff together and hopefully by that time, you'll be finished."

You smile and kiss Marcus and then step back.

"Yes. You do that. So I'm not getting distracted by you!"


You and Marcus are cuddled up together against each other on the couch, just relaxing.

You're really happy to just be sitting here with Marcus and having some down time.

These last few weeks have been insanely busy and most nights, neither you or Marcus weren't able to leave the office until after ten o'clock in the evening.

And by the time you reached home, all you wanted to do was have a hot shower and get right into bed and cuddle with Marcus.

"I am so glad this case is all wrapped up," you murmur, stroking Marcus' mustache and beard. Marcus grins and gives you a gentle kiss.

"Me too. This was definitely one of those tougher cases." You nod absently.

Sometimes you wonder why you wanted to do this sort of stuff. It's so crazy sometimes. But you do enjoy finding the criminals and making sure that they can't hurt anyone else.

Marcus wraps his arms around you and you lean into him. Marcus could always make you feel safe.

He's a good guy who deserves to have somebody who's going to love him whole heartedly, unlike the woman he was with before he got together with you.

You'd never say anything bad about her, but you really don't like the way she ended up just dumping Marcus, even though she claimed to love him.

That was crap. Although, you know that's not really for you to say. Besides, anytime you've tried to say something about it to Marcus, he'd immediately shut you down.

"I never thought I'd come across someone else that I'd fall so hard for again," Marcus says quietly, nuzzling your face with his scratchy facial hair on his chin. You smile.

"Well, I'm certainly glad that you decided to take a chance with me, Special Agent Pike." You pull Marcus' head closer, kissing him deeply.

He smiles as he caresses your cheek. You gaze into those beautiful brown eyes of his and completely lose yourselves.

"You know, Y/N," Marcus murmurs softly. "As am I."

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