Javier Pena-Partners

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Steve Murphy was injured on his last mission with Javier. Now Javier has been teamed up with you.

And he's not happy about it. He thinks you're too raw and unequipped for this job.

Javi treats you like a child. Until you step up and show him what the hell you're capable of.

Swearing and some violence. A bit of inappropriate talk, but nothing major.


You could tell from the look on DEA agent, Javier Pena's face that he was not happy about getting you for a replacement partner while his usual partner, Steve Murphy, recovered from his injuries he acquired during the last raid that he and Javier went on.

You weren't exactly thrilled yourself, getting stuck with this growly, sour faced man. You'd heard that the rumors. You knew that Pena was known for his questionable behavior with.... women.

Your supervisor walks away after the introductions are made. You and Javier stand there, staring each other down for several seconds before he finally speaks.

"There's a folder on the desk over there," Javier says, jerking his chin in the direction of the extra, empty desk, sitting in the corner of the office.

"I strongly suggest that you get it and read up. I'll give you ten minutes. Then, we need to go."

You head for the desk and snatch up the folder and lean against the desk, flipping through the numerous pages of reports and photographs.

You try to discreetly glance in Javier's directly. He's reading his own file and puffing away on a damn cigarette. Yuck. You can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke.

But you don't have much of a choice. It's either work with Agent Asshole or forefit your job. And you sure as hell aren't going to do that.


Exactly ten minutes later, you and Javi are out, in his car, driving to a disclosed area, to check out some people. Yay. Oh joy. Oh happy day.

Javier rarely speaks to you. A d when he does, he acts like he kills him to. You feel like telling him that this wasn't your doing. But he probably wouldn't give a damn and would just snap at you.

No. It was better to just stay silent unless you had something to say that was actually of any importance.

Javi stops at a run down looking house and cuts the engine, getting out of the car. You follow him. You both get your weapons ready, just in case things go south.

You wait to receive some instructions from Mr. Sour Puss. He gestures for you to follow behind him. You get in position, perfectly fine with allowing Javier to take the lead.

Javier positions himself in front of the cracked, wooden door of the house. He suddenly kicks the door in and it splinters, barely handing on by the old, rusted hinges.

Javi bursts into the room, you right on his heels, weapon ready. Javier stops short, though, when all he sees is a young woman, holding a baby, who's crying, an old woman, who looks half blind and several, young children.

Everyone looks positively terrified and you feel like cussing Javi out. Really? This was his hot tip?

The young woman lets loose with a flood of Spanish, her face, frightening. Javi ignores her, although you know for a fact that Javier speaks fluent Spanish.

You, on the other hand, only caught pieces of the speech, as you only know enough Spanish to get you by.

Javi heads straight for the back of the house and you follow him. You notice the young woman following behind you, the frightened look still on her face.

Javier reaches a bedroom, where the door is partially open. He pauses briefly before nudging the door open with his foot. A flurry of motion over by the bedroom window and Javier bursts into the bedroom, gun firing.

A man falls to the ground and the woman screams and then starts shouting angrily in Spanish at both you and Javier.

Javi slowly makes his way over to the man, who's bleeding profusely from his left leg. He's not dead and he's trying to stop the heavy blood flow by covering the bullet wound with his hands.

Javier tucks his gun into the back of his jeans and reaches out to pull the man up. The man is speaking rapidly in Spanish and you can, unfortunately, tell what he's saying.

"Shut the hell up!" Javi snaps. "You're under arrest for the murders of several individuals and for drug trafficking."

Javi turns to you and you hand him a pair of handcuffs. After Javier cuffs the man, you wrap up his leg with a t-shirt that's lying there, so he won't bleed to death before he can receive medical treatment before going to jail.

Javi looks at you after you both get the man in the back seat of his car. You wonder what he's thinking.

"Not bad." You give him a little smirk.

"Back at you."


Later, at the DEA headquarters, you and Javi share a drink together. He's actually been halfway decent to you ever since you returned from busting that guy.

"I'm sorry if I acted like a douchebag," he said, perching on the edge of his desk while you recline in his desk chair.

"I just don't like getting thrown a plot twist right when I'm so close to getting my target."

"Don't worry about it," you say. "It's water under the bridge."

Javi reaches over to light up his sixth cigarette and you have to smile.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Just.. you. You're awfully cute.". Javier barks out a laugh and you chuckle.

"Yeah. I get that line a lot."

"So the rumors are true?" You ask. "You're a real ladies man, huh?" Javier lifts his shoulders in a slight shrug, but neither denys or confirms that statement.

"I hope you'll get your old partner back soon."

"I'm in no hurry." You lift your eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh? Why's that?" Javi snuffs out his cigarette and stands up, walking around his desk to you and leaning close.

"Because, my backup partner isn't so bad." Then Javier gently kisses you and you like that.

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