Javier Pena-New Agent part four

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You're out tracking one of Escobar's men and you end up getting injured. Javier is distraught, thinking he was going to lose you.


Gun shots fly all around you. You stay low, just like you were taught to. You have your own weapon ready to go, if it comes to that.

Even though you've been at this job for over five years, you still don't like having to shoot at people. There's just something wrong with that.

Unfortunately, it's part of the job, like it or not. You glance over at Javi. He looks calm and focused. You can't help but smirk just a tad, remembering what you two did last night.

You sigh. What you wouldn't give to be lying next to him in bed, your bodies intertwined. Javier glances over at you.

He slowly slips closer to where you're huddled down at. He looks so... concerned. You'd laugh if it wasn't such a life and death situation.

"Hey. You holding up okay?" You reach out, barely brushing your fingers over Javier's mustache and he smiles just a little.

"I'm okay, Javi. You don't need to baby me, okay?" He nods, but you don't miss the fear flicker in his dark eyes.

"I'll be fine."

"Javi! Y/N!" Steve snaps quietly,. "We need to move! Now!" Javier slips closer to Steve and quickly glances around before motioning you forward.

You cautiously approach him, weapon ready. Several more shots ring out. You hear panicked shouting and some cursing in Spanish.

You think of all the innocent people who have suffered because of these assholes. Anger pulses through your veins. He's not going to win, you vow to yourself. He's not.

Steve is suddenly running towards a group of men, hellbent on killing him. You think of his wife and winder just how the hell she endures this shit day after day?

I mean, this is your damn job and you struggle with dealing with this crap day after day. But you chose this. Steve's wife didn't.

Well. You mean technically she did, agreeing to marry Steve. Only you  wonder if she really knew what the hell she was getting herself into?

You can't dwell on that shit right now, though. Maybe if we make it out of this crap alive, you'll ask her.

Now Javi is running and that's when I spot the damn sniper, just a couple places down. You don't think; you just automatically react.

You turn, aim and...fire. The guy drops and you turn away. That was your first mistake. The second one was that you didn't get back to cover fast enough.

You hear a shout and then....a sharp pain in my back. My vision starts to blur as the pain grows. You drop to your knees, the gun slipping from your grasp.

You can't.... breathe. You dare to slide my hand behind me. You pull it away and move it in front of you blurred vision. You see it now. Blood. And a lot.

Someone is screaming your name, but you're too woozy to tell who it is. You feel strong arms lifting up your body and someone is still screaming out your name.

Just before everything goes black, you briefly catch a glimpse of your savior. It's...Javi.


When you regain consciousness, you feel.. odd. Not like yourself at all. Your vision is still somewhat blurred and you can hear all these voices.

Except they're all blended together and you wonder if maybe you're actually..dead.

"Y/N?" You turn your head, willing your eyesight to focus. You blink a few times and suddenly.... Javi's face swims into view.

You immediately notice that he's been... crying. Oh, crap. He thought he was going to... lose...you.  You reach out for his hand and Javier immediately leans forward, tightly grasping your hand.

"Oh, mi amor. Oh my god. I thought..." Javier's voice breaks and I feel terrible.

"Hey, I'm going to okay. I mean, right?" You squeeze his hand tighter and Javier swipes at his face, tears still dripping off his chin into his lap.

"Yeah. You will." Abruptly, his demeanor changes and you know he's going to start lecturing you. You also know it's only because he was so worried.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Javi stands up and starts prowling around the hospital room, his handsome face a thundercloud.

"You never, ever turn your damn back on something like that! Ever!" He stops and turns to face me. You can see his body trembling.

"I know," you admit. "I messed up. I deserve your anger." Javier marches back over to you, suddenly grasping you tightly in his arms and kisses you with so much passion that your head swims.

"Just swear to me you'll never do that shit ever again." Javier looks right into your eyes. You can see the tears beginning to form again.

"I can't lose you, Y/N." Now you're crying as you clutch at his hands.

"You won't, Javi. I swear on my life."

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