Javier Pena-When I Loved You

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You and Javi used to be super close. Then he left for Columbia and you thought you'd never see him again.

Fate is a funny thing. You end up working with Javi again. He seems to think that everything between you two is good.

He couldn't be more wrong.

Strong swearing and innuendo.


Shit. This wasn't happening. You're standing in Javier Pena's office in Columbia. He's eyeing you like you're a prime rib steak and the only thing that you feel is utter repulsion.

"Long time no see, Y/N," Javier says, still eyeing you. You don't gaze directly into his face or you might end up punching it.

"Bite me, Pena," you snap. "I didn't come here for you!"

"I know."

"Do you? 'Cause I'm getting the impression that you don't."

Javi scowls. You smirk. Asshole. Steve Murphy enters the office and you introduce yourself to him.

"Wait," Steve says, his eyebrows raised. "You said your name was Y/N? That's not the same Y/N,is it, Pena?"

"Unfortunately," you say, giving Javier a Look. He flips you off and you just flip him off.

Steve laughs. He takes a seat at his desk and props his feet up on his desk as he reaches for a pack of cigarettes and a matchbook.

"Well. This is gonna be fun "


You avoid Javi as much as possible. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, you're put on his team.

Of course, just because you're on his damn team doesn't mean that you have to like it. Or even be nice to him.

You're just going to do your damn job and bust the bad guys. Without Javier Pena breathing down your damn neck.


"Can we talk?"

"No." You're typing up your last report of the day and the second you're through, you're going straight to your shitty, little apartment and crash for the next two days.

"Look, I'm sorry about how things ended between us. I know it was my fault."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Can't we at least start over?" You glance up at Javier. He seems different all of a sudden. Almost like he's a different person then the one you used to know and... love.

"We can be friends, I guess," you admit somewhat begrudgingly. "That's all. I'm not interested in having a relationship with you."

"I wouldn't expect you to want that from me." You finish your report, tear it from the typewriter and stand.

As you push past Javier, your arm gently brushes against his shirt sleeve and to your dismay, it causes your heart to race.


One very late night, it's nearly midnight and you're about to head out. It's been one hell of a day.

There were some... deaths. It's never easy to deal with that shit. No matter how many times you see it, it never gets easier.

Steve comes in the office. You can't help but notice how wore out he looks. You feel sorry for his wife. Who the hell wants to be married to someone who deals with this shit all the time?

You suppose that was the main reason you couldn't stay with Javi anymore. It was too damn hard, seeing him struggle all the time.

Plus, you were always afraid, deep down, that you'd...end up losing him. And you just couldn't stand the thought of that.

You loved Javier Pena. And you really wished that you hadn't. Because he only reminded you of everything that was screwed up in this world.

"You gonna heading home soon?" Steve asks. You nod.

"Yeah. You?" Steve flashes you a brief grin.

"Yeah." You're gathering up your shit when you hear Steve loudly and obnoxiously clear his throat.

"You need something, Murphy?" You turn to face him. He's leaning against the wall, arms folded.

"I know it's none of my damn business, but Javi really loved you. I know he's kind of a douchebag and likes to play the damn field, but he's a decent, genuine guy."

"Look, Steve, I know you mean well. And I know that Javi isn't really an awful person. But what took place between us, is our damn business. Nobody else's."

You walk out the door and try not to start crying as you leave the building.


"Y/N! Can you hear me?" You crack open one of your eyes. Oh god. Your damn head is killing you. What the hell happened to you?

You groan as you roll over and open your other eye. Javier is kneeling beside you, holding one of your hands as you lay on the ground.

"What happened?"

"You took a bullet. Luckily, since you were wearing your bulletproof vest, so hopefully the worse you'll have is a nasty headache. And maybe a skinned elbow."

Javier helps you get to a sitting position and you feel a wave of pain from your head hit you.

"Here." Javier helps you take a drink of water from his water bottle.

"Thanks." You sit there for a few more minutes before attempting to stand. Javi stays right next to you, holding you by the waist.

He carefully guides you over his car and opens the passenger side door and gently eases you into the seat.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh, helping out a colleague?"

"No. You're trying to get me to kiss you!"

"What?!" Javi looks offended. "That's bullshit!"

"Is it?" You smirk at the asshole. Geez, talk about pathetic.

"I know you're still in love with me, Javi," you said, reaching out to touch his sexy mustache. He squirms some and you like seeing that.

"And what if I am?"

"You're not allowed to be in love with me, asshole."

"Bite me!"

"Don't tempt me." Then you're leaning in closer and you gently kiss Javier.

He grips your back and kisses you back. You smirk. So does he.

"I am still in love with you, Y/N. And I don't give a shit if you don't like that."

You sigh as you touch his face. This is so not a good idea.

"Fine. Feel how you want to, asshole. Just don't expect the same from me."

"Oh, trust me, chica." I won't." And Javier kisses you once more.

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