Marcus Moreno-I've Always Loved You

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You and Marcus are both superheroes. You have the ability to read emotions and you know for a fact that Marcus is in love with you. He just refuses to admit it. Until he almost loses you.


You absolutely hated your superhero name, Emo Girl. Emo Girl? Seriously?

All because your superpower is reading people's emotions and feelings. People always thought that was such an incredible superpower to have. Ha. Fat chance.

It really took a toll in you. Some days, you seriously considered giving up on being a superhero. Was it really worth it, putting not only your life on the line, but also your mental health?

Being around those evil masterminds, who constantly thought that taking over the world was the best solution. Did they honestly not realize just how much work taking over the world could be?

Talk about dumb. Of they had an real brains, they reconsider what they wanted to do. That goes to show you just how stupid they really were.

Then there were the crazy fans. People who bugged the crap out of you, thinking that you needed their praise and admirations to make it.

Uh, no. Not even. In fact, that was about the absolute last thing you wanted from these weirdos.

If it wasn't for Marcus Moreno, You didn't know what you'd do. He was the only one that kept you sane in this mad world.

You and Marcus have been friends for a long time. He wasn't just a great superhero. He was also handsome, thoughtful, kind and funny.

He took being a superhero very seriously. (Unlike you.) He said he wanted to help people. Marcus kind of enjoyed the fans and their admiration. (Also unlike you.)

But he wasn't a cocky jerk about it. He was very humble, which you also appreciated. He was always looking after you, too, which not all the rest of your fellow superheroes did

Miracle Guy was so stuck on himself that sometimes it took everything you had to not beat him senseless.. Blinding Fast thought he was damn fast and cool.

And don't even get you started on Invisible Girl. Sometimes you wished she'd disappear. Permanently.

Shark Boy and Lava Girl weren't awful, although you did think their relationship was kind of on the weird side.

Tech-No wasn't awful, either. He was just such a...nerd. Anytime he caught you alone, you were forced to stand there and listen to his knowledge of everything technical until it made you want to scream.

You usually had to fake an emergency just to get away from the guy before you ended up wrapping all those damn wires around his neck.

But Marcus. He was something special. And you knew a secret about him. He was secretly in love with you! That made you happy.

Except, he'd never actually said as much. That was the problem with having this damn superpowers. Sometimes you discovered crap that you really wished you hadn't.


"Y/N?" You look up. Marcus is hovering in the doorway of your office and you motion him inside.

"What's up?" You ask.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to join me for lunch?" You hit a few keys on your laptop and close it, moving to stand.

"Sounds fantastic." Marcus grins at you and you feel your pulse quicken. Damn. This man is fine!

You just really wish he'd open up to you a little bit more.  You follow Marcus down to the company restaurant in the basement of headquarters.

That's one major advantage to being a superhero. Having your very own restaurant on sight, so you don't have to leave this place just to grab some decent grub.

You find a cozy, little booth in the back and order BLT's. Bacon, lettuce and tomato! Yum! And some Diet Coke's.

"Thanks for inviting me to lunch," you say. Marcus grins.

"No problem." Your food arrives and you chow down. You didn't realize how hungry you were until you started eating.

For dessert, you order hot fudge sundaes. You linger over your ice cream, not wanting your time with Marcus to end.

But unfortunately, you both have get back to work. Marcus actually gives you a little kiss, though, before he leaves you. You feel like you're floating as you turn back to your desk


"The city is under attack! I repeat, the city is under attack!" It's go time. You suit up, wearing your red superhero suit and follow everyone else out.

You can already sense the evil from this guy. He's half man, half machine. His army of shooting robots are running loose all over the city, causing mayhem and panic amoungest the citizens.

You close your eyes and focus on what this jerk wants. He wants power and control and for everyone to fear him.

You call out to him in your mind. He freaks, realizing that he's beat, having someone like you, knowing what he's capable of.

"Stop," you tell him.

"No! I'm not going to let you inside my head again! GET OUT!!" 

You're walking towards him. He's screaming at you. Miracle Guy swoops in, landing a punch and dropping him.

That only makes this guy angrier. He screams out for his robots to attack you and Miracle Guy.

You hear them coming. Tech-No is desperately trying to find a way to stop the robots. He's stopped a few, but not enough.

One robot is coming closer to you. Closer, closer, closer. Since it's a machine and not a human, you can't reach into their mind and stop them.

Suddenly, Marcus is rushing towards you, using his magnetic pulling powers to stop the robot. It tumbles over into a pile of junk.

Marcus pulls you close to him, kissing you. You blink at him in surprise.

"What was that?"

"I'm in love with you, Y/N. In fact, I've always loved you."

You smile. This is awesome! Marcus actually admitted that he loved you! But before you can celebrate, you need to stop this power hungry jerk before he takes control of the entire city.

"As lovely as that is, Marcus, we still need to stop this guy." Marcus nods.

"Yeah. Then I think we can relax together."


Once the guy is finally stopped. By Lava Girl blasting him and Tech-No finally getting a firm handle on robots, along with Marcus' and Miracle Guy's help, you and Marcus quietly slip away from everyone and everything and just relax.

"I thought you'd never admit that you were in love with me," you whisper.

Marcus chuckles.

"I should have known I couldn't keep that from you."

You gently kiss him and he holds you closer. You grin.

"No. You couldn't."

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