Commander Veracruz-Second In Command

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You're working a mission with Rio Veracruz. You know he's secretly in love with you, but refuses to admit it.

You both end up in a very bad situation and Rio is forced to admit his feelings for you. But you aren't sure you're gonna let him in so easily.

Swearing, innuendo and some violence.


First things first, Rio Veracruz was a complete and utter moron. Seriously. This mission was supposed to be cut and dry.

Get in, get the sensitive intelligence and get the hell out. Kill whoever stood in our way, if necessary.

Luckily, Rio had zero problems with that latter one. You're not as quick to pull the trigger as Rio Veracruz was.

Except....things got screwed up. Really, really screwed up. You were trapped!
Rio keeps firing his damn weapon, as though that's going to do any good.

"We need a plan," you snap, wondering what the hell you see in this jerk. He's not exactly Mr. Nice Guy.

"Don't you think I've already realized that?" Rio snaps in his heavily accented voice. Ooh, sexy. You love the sound of his voice and even though you could possibly die at any moment, you get shivers down your spine from hearing Rio speak.

"What should we do?" You say, more to yourself then Rio. You're wracking your brain, trying to think.

"I think," Rio says. "There's a tunnel underneath here. If we could just get there, we could find a way out."

That sounded... doable. There was just one problem: neither of you had a damn clue where the tunnel started.

Rio turned and quickly looked around to see if anybody was coming or close by. He motions for you to follow him.

You hold your gun close, ready to fire if you have to. You press up against Rio's back and flashbacks of last night flit through your head.

Rio Veracruz is a tiger in bed. That's not all that shocking, though, especially for those who know the man. He's tough, however, in occasion, he's willing to show you this sensitive side.

Rio is cautiously making his way down the darkened corridor. Yiu follow, staying as close as you can.

Every time you touch his body, it makes you ache with desire for him. Rio makes a sound in his throat and you stop, scarcely and to breathe.

You're not afraid. This is isn't your first time being in this sort of situation. You and Rio have been doing this shit for years now.

You hear footsteps echoing, coming closer and closer until they stop, right near where you're standing. You can feel Rio's body trembling, but you know it's not from fear, but adrenaline.

The footsteps start walking away and you release a breath. You automatically reach out for Rio's body, giving his waist a gentle squeeze.

"I think we're almost there, chica. Come on."

You continue on down further in the corridor, until you reach a heavy, wooden door that is blocked by several heavy, wooden crates.

You can't help it; you groan. This is just plain annoying! Rio sets his weapon aside and starts moving the crates. He ends up hurting his hands, slicing them on rusty nails and loose boards.

He drops a few of them, narrowly missing his feet numerous times and you're wishing you could just take care of him.

Soon, you tell yourself. Soon, we'll be away from this awful place and you'll take real good care of Rio.

At last, Rio has enough of the wooden crates moved and his hands are bleeding and you just want to kiss away his pain.

"We need to move. Quickly." You both slip into the darkened tunnel and you start to feel your heart rate rising.

Rio is walking briskly down the tunnel and you practically have to run to keep up.

Suddenly a mob of men are right behind you, shouting and firing their own weapons in your direction.

Rio whips around, pushing you behind him, blocking your body with his. He can say whatever the hell he wants; you know he cares about you.

You lean slightly to the left, just past Rio's body and start firing your own weapon. Assholes! There's no way they're going to take either of you down.

Not today.

Rio turns, pushing you back, but you grab his arm, pulling him along with you. You both start to run. As much as you really don't want to admit it, you're scared.

You're scared you're going to... lose Rio. No. Your own adrenaline kicks in, full force and you spot a door, hopefully that'll lead you two out of this hellhole.

You reach out for the doorknob and yank, hard. It thankfully turns in your hand. You start to pull it open, but Rio's hand shoots out, closing it.

"What the hell?!" You snap. "Those guys are right behind us! We need to get out of here!"

"And what if there's more waiting on the other side? Huh? Because let me tell you something, Y/N, I'll be damned if I'm going to lose you today!"

Well, well, well. The devil finally admitted that he cared about you. You'd be touched, if this wasn't such a sticky situation you were facing.

"What other choice do we have?"

You expect Rio to start arguing with you. Instead, he leans down and gently kisses you. Your eyes widen in surprise.

"Let me go first." You sigh. There's no time for being difficult. Asshole

You slip past Rio, allowing him to be Mr. Macho Man and check out the door first.

He motions for you to come over and you take one of his hands. It's sticky with blood, but you don't care.

Rio carefully pulls you along. You can still hear the sounds of gunfire and shouting and footsteps pounding close by.

Luckily, you and Rio are able to sneak past, that is, until you reach the jeep and climb into it.

Rio quickly fires up the jeep, gunning the engine. Your skin prickles with goosebumps, the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You heft your weapon up on to your shoulder, firing at the idiots, trying in vain to stop you, as Rio expertly guides the jeep farther and farther away from the camp and the soldiers.

Finally, you hit a small town, but Rio drives for two hours straight before finally stopping at a crappy, little motel.

Rio allows you to get the room and take care of that. Then you both go in, heading straight for the bathroom to get cleaned up and you take care of Rio's wounds.


You're intertwined around Rio's tight, rock hard body, as his hands greedily roam your body.

"We did it, mi amor. We actually beat those assholes. And....I didn't lose my second in command."

"I always knew you loved me, you big dumb idiot." You roughly kiss him and Rio grins wickedly.

He grabs your arms, pinning you beneath him. You gaze into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Hell, Rio, what do you think I'm made of? Glass? I'm just as tough as you."

"Indeed you are, mi amor." Rio kisses you again and you grab for his body, clinging.

"And don't you ever forget it, Veracruz."

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