Zach Wellison -My girl

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You and Zach first meet after he took over the job as building manager in the apartment where you live.

You call him to come over and check out your furnace because it's not working. And sparks fly.

Some swearing, but otherwise, just flirting and some fluff

This is a small TV role that Pedro did some years ago called Brothers and Sisters. If you want to check it out, it's on YouTube.

This was the last straw. Your damn furnace was on the fritz. It seems to only want to work when the outside temperature is actually above fifty degrees.

Otherwise, once the temperature plunged below freezing, the furnace decides it doesn't need to work. And you're sick of freezing in your own damn apartment.

You'd contacted the building manager and he said he'd stop by sometime this evening to have a look and get a repair man in if necessary. If necessary?

It was certainly necessary, in your opinion. You kept watch, wishing the guy would just get here already. It was already getting colder in your apartment and you knew you'd end up running the small, electric heater again this evening.

Finally, a knock sounds on the door and you rush to see who it is. It's the building manager. Thank God. You unlock the door, pulling it open and smiling.

The guy walks in and you close the door. You turn back to him and...shit! This guy is freaking hot! He smiles at you and you realize that you've just been staring at him for a full thirty seconds.

"Uh, what seems to be the problem?"

"Uh, well, as you probably noticed as soon as you walked in here, it's freezing. My damn furnace keeps breaking down."

You lead the guy to where your furnace is located and show him. He crouches down in front of it and examines it.

"Yeah. It looks like it's pretty much on it's way out. I'll call somebody tomorrow, if that's okay?"

"As long as it starts working again. I appreciate that. Thanks."

"Not a problem. I'm Zach, by the way." He extends his hand and you shake it.


"I know I'm probably going to come off sounding like an idiot, but would you like to go out for coffee sometime soon? Say, Sunday afternoon?"

"You don't sound like an idiot, Zach. And I'd love to. Does two o'clock work for you?"

"That's perfect." Zach moves to exit your apartment. "I'll make sure that I get somebody here pronto to repair your furnace."

"Great. Thanks again "

"No problem."


Luckily, by the time you arrive home from work the next day, your furnace has been repaired. You're overjoyed at the fantastic news.

Zach even stops by while you're eating dinner, just to check on things.

"It actually feels good in here," you joke. "Not like the frozen tundra." Zach grins, looking pleased.

"I'm happy that I could get someone in here so soon. Sometimes that's not always the case."

"Well, you did. My hero." Zach's cheeks suddenly go pink.

"Sorry," you apologize. "I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"You didn't. I mean, not much anyways. I'm,uh, really looking forward to our coffee date on Sunday."

"Would you be able to bump it up a day? Like... tomorrow instead?" Zach grins.

"I think I could manage that. Same time?"

"Yep. I'll see you tomorrow."


You're nervous about your coffee date with Zach, but pretty excited, too. You really hope things go well so that maybe something might come of this.

You hurry inside the warm coffee shop. It smells heavenly in here. You look around and spot Zach almost immediately.

He grins and waves you over. You quickly head in his direction. He looks handsome, wearing a plaid shirt and some nicer jeans.

"This is the perfect way to spend a cold and dreary afternoon," you tell Zach as you undo your scarf and coat.

"Yeah. Let's go order." Zach flashes a bashful grin. "I'm anxious to get to know you better." You smile.

How cute is he? You get a warm feeling in your gut and realize, that yes, this could definitely work out between you and Zach.


You're having a great time with Zach. He's funny and interesting and kind and a sweet person.

You find yourself falling harder more and more. He has also has these cute little dimples that turn you to mush every time Zach laughs or smiles.

Ooh, you just want to touch them. And his cute, little lips! You suddenly find yourself reaching out for them before you stop.

"Everything okay?" Zach asks, taking your hand and giving it an affection squeeze.

"Uh, yeah. I just like your cute lips and dimples. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to embarrass you."

Zach just laughs. His face looks a little pink, but not terribly. Thank goodness.

"It's okay, if wanna touch me," Zach says softly. You carefully finger his lips and dimples.

"Touch me, too," you say softly. Zach's gentle fingers touch your cheek and you love the feel of it.

"Wanna come back to my place?" You ask, hoping that maybe Zach will... kiss you.

He nods and you both get up, put on your coats and head for home.


Zach stayed with you for a couple of hours before heading to his own place.

Actually, he took you by his place and showed it to you. His apartment was actually directly below yours and that was kind of funny to think about.

"I had a really wonderful time, Zach. I hope we'll be able to make it work that we can get together again soon."

Zach leans down and gently captures your lips with his. Ahh! He's... kissing you! Oh my gosh!

"We'll find the time,Y/N. I had fun, too. I'll see you tomorrow?" You nod eagerly and wave at Zach as he walks down the hallway to the elevator.

You go inside your apartment and squeal with excitement. Who would have thought that you'd meet your soulmate from the stupid furnace breaking down?

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