Javier Pena-New Agent part six

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You and Javier are incredibly close by this time. And he wants to ask you some special.

Some swearing, but that's about it.


It's been a very long week. In fact, it's been longer than a damn week. This shit has been dragging on for nearly six months already.

At least one good thing that's come from this, you and Javi are closer than ever became of everything you've experienced together over the last several weeks.

Javier finally learned to allow you to do what you do and to stop being such an overprotective bastard.

You learned to allow Javi to look after you and not get so damn uptight about everything.

You ended up moving in with him, too, because Javier said he was getting tired of going back and forth between your two apartments. (Sure, that was the excuse he gave, but you knew that Javier secretly just wanted to wake up in the mornings with you in his arms. But that was fine by you.)

You were just glad that things were going good between you and Javier. Because you were in some deep shit when it comes to loving that stubborn man.


It's late. You can't seem to stop yawning. You'd give anything just to be wound up around Javi in his bed, his arms around you.

"When can we go home?" You ask Javier, as you stand up and start walking around the office.

Javi is just finishing up some typing and then, hopefully, you can be on your way home.

"Just a few more minutes, chica," Javier replies, not looking up from the typewriter.

You go and perch yourself on the edge of Javi's messy and disorganized desk. Although he claims he can find anything on his desk in less than thirty seconds. You have your doubts, but won't comment on that.

Javier finally types up the last few lines, rips the paper from the typewriter and stands. He says he'll be right back and hurries off to get his report in.

Five minutes later, you and Javier are walking out of the DEA headquarters and heading straight for his car. You're so damn tired, you feel like you could sleep for an entire week.

You lean your head against the car window. All the lights of the city seem to be winking at you as Javi drives past them.

He finally stops the car and cuts the engine, exiting the car and coming around to open up the passenger side door for you.

You nestle against him as he carefully guides you inside. You lean against the wall as Javier unlocks the apartment door and helps you inside.

You head straight for the bedroom, plopping down on the bed and only removing your shoes before cuddling up in the blankets.

You feel Javier climb into the bed as well and you roll over, snuggling up against him. He'd only removed his shirt and shoes.

His arms come up around you as you settle your head in his chest. Being intimate with Javi this way is a very safe place for you.

"Go to sleep, mi amor. I'm here. And neither of us has to be into work for a couple of days."

Javier gently kisses you on the lips and then on your forehead. The tender gesture is so loving and you adore it.

Yes, Javier Pena can be a real asshole at times and can be hardcore and grumpy and irritable. But he also has this side of him, too. Gentle, tender and caring.

Which is exactly what made you fall for him in the first place.

"Good night, my Javi."


Both you and Javier don't wake up until after ten o'clock the next morning. It feels good to be allowed to sleep that long.

As hard as you've both been working lately, you needed the extra sleep. You snuggle against Javi, touching his mustache and face and lips.

He smiles and gently kisses you. Your stomach growls and then do does Javier's. You look at each other and laugh.

"I could use some breakfast," Javi says, climbing out of the bed and you follow him.

First, you both need to use the bathroom and then head for the kitchen, making yourselves breakfast.

After the breakfast is made, you and Javi take it back to the bedroom and eat in the bed, occasionally stopping to kiss or touch.

When you finish eating, Javier leans over and opens up one of his nightstand drawers, pulling something out and turning to you.

He realize he's suddenly sweating and looks nervous. What's going on, you wonder. You soon discover the reason.

"Y/N," Javi begins and his voice sounds strained. "I never thought I'd find somebody that I'd actually want to be with. Forever. But I'd be honored if you'd agree to become my.. wife."

Javi holds out a beautiful diamond ring and you gasp, shocked, that this beautiful, strong, kind, caring and gentle man wants to be with you for the rest of your lives.

You move, gently kissing Javier as tears slip down your cheeks and drip off into your lap.

"Oh, Javi," you whispers. "I'd love to become your wife."

Javier grins and slips the ring on to your finger and then tugs you into his lap and kisses you for two minutes straight.

You laugh as you put your arms around his neck and just gaze into his beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you so damn much, Y/N," Javi murmurs. "I never realized that I did, until that day I almost... lost you."

"I thought you loved me, but were just too damn stubborn to admit it."

Javi holds you tenderly against him. You want it to always be this way, just you and Javier, until the end of time.

"Let's make sure that we really have something to celebrate when we do get married," you say. Javier grins and you know that he knows what you mean.

"Let's make sure that we get Pablo Escobar." You gently kiss him, his mustache hairs gently tickling your upper lip.

"Damn right, Pena."

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