Pedro Pascal-Smile

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Pedro Pascal is beautiful. You've always thought so. You've been friends for years and couldn't ever admit to him that you were in love with him.

You finally find the courage to tell him and he makes him smile.

Nothing inappropriate. Just fluff 😍

Pedro Pascal is beautiful. Oh. My. God. He's just.... perfection. At least to you be is.

He'd never say that himself, though, because he's too humble and modest. But it's the truth.

You've been friends for a long time. And ever since you've been friends with Pedro, you've haha secret.

You're in love with him. It's not hard to see how anyone could fall for him. Sure, he's handsome and funny and charming.

But he's also kind, gentle, humble, talented, generous and supportive. He's always so supportive of his family and friends. Including you.

You've always flirted with Pedro as much as possible and he never seems to mind. Of course, sometimes, Pedro flirts with everyone he talks to and you don't like seeing that.

You know it's not nice, but well, you get a little... jealous when he's flirting with someone else.

You'd never say anything to him about it, though, because then he'd feel bad and you'd never want to make him feel bad. Not ever. You love him too much to do that to him.

So..... you've been thinking about it. You're finally going to tell Pedro Pascal exactly how you feel about him.

And if he doesn't feel the same way. Well, you can always run away and never return. (Like you'd actually ever do that!)

But you're still going to tell him. Ni matter what. Because damnit, you're sick of holding in these feelings.


You and Pedro are hanging out together, alone. You're not even sure how that worked out, but you're not going to question it.

Maybe it's...fate. You'd decided to tell him about your strong feelings towards him. Pedro is all stretched out on his couch, wearing his glasses this time.

You don't care. You think he's hot no matter what he's wearing. You're sitting next to him, watching a movie. Pedro is laughing at something in the movie, but you're mind is in how to begin this.

Should you just blurt it out? Or should you kind of work up to it? You decide you'd better just say what you want to say before you lose your nerve completely.


"Yeah?" He turns to look at you. Oh good lord. He's smiling and those cute dimples are making you melt inside.

"Here's the thing. I'm in love with you."

For a split second, there's nothing but the sound of the dialogue from the stupid movie and you're tempted to smash the TV, just so it'll shut up.

"P-Pedro?" You whisper, feeling the tears starting to well up in your eyes.

Pedro suddenly grins and grabs you up in a huge hug. You're not sure what exactly this is, but hopefully it's good?

"Oh, Y/N! You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that to me!" You laugh, feeling relieved and giddy.

"You love me, too?" Pedro pulls you back a little and plants a big kiss on your lips.

You completely melt into his arms and kiss him back. Ahhh! This is happening! Pedro loves you, too!

You're suddenly crying and Pedro looks slightly bewildered. He holds you, stroking your hair gently and speaking softly to you in Spanish.

"I-I'm okay, Pedro. Really. I'm just overwhelmed with happiness."

Pedro looks relieved. You grab his face, kissing him all over and finally on his full lips.

Pedro tangles his fingers in your long, loose hair and you begin to gently stroke his.

"I've felt like this for years. I just never could make myself say the words."

"Me neither. But I'm glad you did. Because now, you're mine. And that makes me smile."

You grin and kiss him again. You're happy to make Pedro Pascal smile.


Thanks for reading! I know this is a little short. Will try to do a longer one soon!

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