Javier Pena-Night Out

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You've had a rough week. Javier wants to take you out for some drinks and some dancing.

Swearing and some mention of sex.


Shit, shit and more shit. You just want... out. Permanently. You huff and puff, looking through mountains and mountains of folders.

You sigh heavily, leaning back in your chair, putting your hand to your forehead.

A hand touches your knee and you look over. Javi. He holds a half empty bottle of whiskey to you and you wordlessly accepts it.

You unscrew the lid and down the rest of the whiskey. It burns slightly as you swallow it.

"Let's go out tonight," Javi says, touching your knee again.

"I'm too damn tired to go out, Javi. Let's just go home and have our own fun."

"No. I wanna take you dancing, mi amor." You set the empty bottle on your desk.

"We can dance at the apartment." You lean forward, giving Javier a little smirk.

"Wearing absolutely nothing." Javier grabs you, tugging you upwards and wrapping his strong arms around you.

Javi's your anchor. You can't do anything without him. You'd feel lost and adrift if it wasn't for him. Javi says the same about you.

"We'll do that afterwards. Please, chica?" You look at his handsome face and sigh.

"Okay. I'll go. For a while." Javier gently kisses you.

"That's my mi amor."


The club is crowded, which puts you off a great deal. You groan inwardly, wishing you and Javi were, alone, in your bed, cuddled up together, in a quiet bedroom, that's not so damn noisy.

You cling to Javier's hand as you both weave your way through bodies and tables. Javi finally settling into a table in the far back.

"We forgot drinks," you remind Javi. He immediately stands and heads for the front, leaving you alone. Swell.

You keep your gaze trained on the floor until Javi returns with two bottles of whiskey and some hamburgers.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Javi." You both eat your hamburgers and drink some whiskey.

As soon as you finish eating, Javi grabs your hand and pulls you to your feet and out on to the dance floor.

You wrap your arms around his neck, holding him close. You can feel his hands on your back. You close your eyes and just sway to the lively music.

You feel Javi's lips and mustache against your bare neck and goosebumps prickle your skin.

"See, isn't this nice?" You smile and gently pepper gentle kisses all over his weathered face. Ooh, you just want him. Now.

You have to redirect your focus before you do something very inappropriate to Javi. You bury your face against his hot skin. He smells delicious.

"This isn't awful. But...."


"I still wanna be cuddled up against you, in our bed, naked." Javi chuckles softly against your hair.

"I want that, too."

"Let's go, chica. We can finish our dance back at home."


It's dark in your bedroom, the lights off, as Javi has the window open, allowing in a cool, night breeze and you can faintly hear some music from somewhere.

Your clothes aren't on-perfect-and your arms are wrapped around Javi's neck, your head resting on his shoulder.

Javi's holding you close, occasionally rubbing your back, his fingers gently grazing against your bare skin.

"Oh, my hermosa," Javi murmurs. "I love you so much and I'm so glad that I know you have my back during this shit."

"I love you, too, my sweet Javi." You gently and hungrily kiss him. He's so beautiful and amazing and strong.

Especially with all the shit he endures on a given day. Anyone less would have given up long ago.

"And I know you have my back, too."

"I do, mi amor." You stop dancing and move to begin kissing, as Javi slowly backs you over the bed and you both tumble down on to it.

You laugh and cling to Javi, scooting backwards, tugging Javi with you.

You snuggle closer to him, as your intertwine your bodies together.

Tomorrow is another day. But for now, you can forget all your troubles and just lie here, next to the man you love, Javier Pena.

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