Javier Pena-New Agent Part two

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Here's the second part of New Agent. Thanks to those who wanted a second part 🙂




Javier has decided that he wants you to make sure you can properly handle a gun.

"Uh, Javier," You say, giving him a Look. "I know how to handle a weapon, okay?"

Javier just smirks at you as he hands you a headset and some safety glasses.
You decide to humor him and do as he asks.

Men. Always acting so damn macho around women they like. It's kind of cute, you think. Even if it does annoy you just a little.

"All right." Javier is getting himself ready and sets up a paper target to fire the gun at.

"Now watch how I'm doing this, Y/N. Your stance makes a big difference."

Javier points the gun at the paper target and you watch him like a hawk. (Although you're not necessarily watching Javier for the way he's shooting his gun. If you get my drift.)

You silently admire his toned figure, which is kind of surprising, since the man drinks like a damn fish and smokes more than a fireplace.

Javier fires several rounds, hitting the target-mostly-and turning around to smirk at you.

Ooh, you think. Just wait until it's my turn. You're gonna show Javier how things are really done.

"Did you see how I did that?" Javier asks, the smirk still firmly in place. You just smile sweetly at him and get a new paper target to fire at.

"Watch and learn." You take your stance and aim your gun, hitting the target every single time.

You turn to Javier, your own little smirk on your face.

"How was that, Agent Pena?" You ask sweetly. Javier just scowls at you as he tears the safety equipment from his face and head.

He slams his shit down, stalking off. You sigh. Crap. Now Javier is pissed at you because you showed him up

You slowly remove your own safety equipment and set it down. You start to feel kinda bad that you did that.

Although, Javier kind of did have it coming, acting like you didn't know a damn thing about handling firearms.

You sigh. You'd better go find Javi and apologize. Poor, stupid bastard


Javi accepted your apology. You were glad. You hated to have him mad at you.

You decide he learned his lesson and to put it behind you.

Javi holds you as you both lie on the couch, all cuddled up against each other.

"You're so handsome, Javi," you whisper, dragging your lips over his mustache and gently sucking on it.

Javier squirms some and you like that you have that effect on him. He gently kisses you and you smile, as you begin combing your fingers through his hair.

"I should have known better earlier, mi amor," Javi murmurs softly against you.

"Damn right." He chuckles softly and you snuggle closer to him, closing your eyes.

Soon you're fast asleep.


I might actually do a third part for this, but I'll see if I can come up something good enough 😁

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