Din Djarin-Fire

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You're a bounty that Din is supposed to collect. But he makes the mistake of getting close to you.


"I will find you!" You can hear The Mandalorian shouting at you as you huddle up against a stone wall, hiding in an old abandoned, temple, you think.

You smirk. Who the hell does this bounty hunter think he is? Like he's the first one to come after you.

These games are getting old and you're really starting to get majorly pissed off by all these damn bounty hunters coming after you.

Okay. You'll admit it: you're not some goody goody that always follows the laws of the land.

But please. Who the hell always does do that? You'd bet a whole chest full of credits that this Mandalorians isn't always following the rules.

Hell, he's probably broken more laws than you have. Yet you're the one with the bounty on your head.

You quietly slip out of your hiding spot and try to be as quiet as possible, glancing around for that damn Mandalorian.

Just as you think you're in the clear, you hear twigs snapping behind you. Crap. He's found you.

"Put your hands where I can see them," Mando orders. You raise your hands up and slowly turn around to face the bastard.

"Thought you'd get away, huh, sweetheart?" The Mandalorian is wearing that damn helmet, and even though you can't see his face, you just know that he's smirking.

"Just pretend you never saw me, okay?" You say. "I mean, why bother with the likes of me? I'm sure you'd find someone else to haul in in no time."

Mando gets his special handcuffs and walks towards you. He roughly grabs your wrists and clamps the handcuffs on. You spit on his stupid armor.

Mando ignores you, grabbing your arm and pulling you along behind him. You consider kicking the asshole,  but he probably wouldn't even feel it.

Mando leads you to his crappy ship that definitely looks like it's seen better days.

Mando secures you in a back room, and then heads off to do who knows what. You take a seat on the floor and Mando returns a few minutes later with some food rations and water.

You ignore him now. You're pissed off at him. And at life in general.


Mando must be having an attack of conscience. He decides to let you have free run of his crappy ship.

You think that's pretty stupid, but since you're zooming through the galaxies at the moment, Mando probably figures that you really don't have any place to go.

You wander around, looking at everything. (Not there's much to see.)

You end up in Mando's sleeping quarters and just to get even with the bastard, you decide to sit on his bed and mess it up.

You suddenly feel the ship slowing down and your breath catches in your throat.

Tears start welling up in your eyes and you know that as soon as Mando turns you in, life as you know it, is officially over. Shit!

Why couldn't he have just left you alone? You weren't hurting anyone else. All you did was kill some nasty little creature that kept trying to enslave people and other creatures that were weaker than him.

It wasn't your fault that the asshole turned out to be some important asshole in on that planet.

You hear clanking coming closer and you know that Mando is coming. You wonder if maybe you'd be able to make a run for it.

But ha. Mando is bigger and stronger than you. There's no way you'll be able to get the upper hand with him.

Mando stops and you turn around and hold out your wrists do he can put the handcuffs back on.

You don't realize that you're crying as Mando hooks you into the handcuffs and turns to start leading you out.

By the time Mando has the back hatch open, you're fully sobbing. Crap. You hate yourself for acting so damn weak.

You expect Mando to bite your head off, but instead, he closes the back hatch up and unhooks the handcuffs.

"W-What are you... doing?" You ask as you use your tunic to blow your nose.

"Giving you a chance to calm down and save face before I take you in. You don't want all those assholes to see you like this, do you?"

You just gape at him, unsure if he's being nice or not. It kind of sounds like he is, but not totally.

"Look, Mando, if you're turn me in, I'd just as soon get it over with, okay?"

Then you're crying again and sink to the floor, covering your face with your tunic.

"You're the one who chose this life," Mando says gruffly, impatiently. "Don't think that you can just appeal to my sympathies."

"I didn't choose anything!" You cry. "All I did was try and help some people who getting bullied by some nasty creature! How does make me a criminal?"

Mando sighs heavily as he props himself up against the wall and faces you.

"I know. I heard the story. Unfortunately, those who were in on Jaffa's little scheme, didn't like the fact that you killed him. I know it's screwed up, but that's how things go."

You glare at Mando. Like he's got any reason to stand here and lecture you about what's right and wrong.

"Just take me in, you asshole. So those assholes can imprison me for the rest of my life!"

"You know what?" Mando says abruptly. "I've changed my mind. I'm not turning you in."

What is wrong with this guy? Seriously? You stand up and get right in his face.

"Yeah. So then some other asshole can get their grubby little mitts on me instead!"

"No. Because I'm keeping you with me." You blink at him. This guy is off his spaceship.

"Hard pass, Mando."

"Actually, it's Din," Mando says. "Din Djarin."

"There's no way I'm sticking around here with you, fly boy."

"Okay. Then you're free to go. See how long it takes for some other bounty hunter to find you and drag you in."

You huff and puff for a few minutes before finally agreeing to stay with Mando.

It's not ideal, but at least this way, you'll be protected.

"Fine. I'll stay. And I'd prefer if you'd call me by my actual name."

"Which is?"


"All right, Y/N. Let's get outta here. Before somebody recognizes my ship and your cover is blown."

You follow Din up to the cockpit. You take a seat. This is going to be one hell of an adventure.

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