Dave York - Target Practice

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Dave decides to take you out to learn how to shoot. You're both excited and nervous.

Luckily, Dave is being understanding and supportive towards you. Which only makes you fall more in love with him.

Some swearing and some innuendo, but not too strong.


You're shaking just a little. You're going to.... doing some target practice with David York. He's so cute and sometimes a little intense.

But mostly, he's a pretty, sweet guy. Especially since he wants to teach you how to do this. You want to please him.

Dave is setting everything up and hands you a headset and some safety glasses, which you put on and then wait for Dave to finish setting up.

"I still can't believe you want to teach me to do this." Dave straightens up and moves to put his arm around you briefly.

"Why wouldn't I want to teach my girl how to properly handle an automatic weapon?"

Dave kisses the top of your head and you move to give him a quick squeeze. Dave smiles and moves to put his own safety equipment on.

You take a step back and watch Dave line up his shot and fire the gun. Even with the headset on, you still jump a little at the sound of the rapid fire.

You're not sure if you'll be able to do this. You're trembling a little bit as Dave prepares the gun for the you to try it.

Dave moves, helping you to position the gun and steadies you from behind as Dave shows you how to properly hold the gun.

"You doing okay, baby? You're trembling a little."

"Just a little nervous." You smile. "But I want to do this. For you." Dave leans over to give you a quick kiss.

"You're going to do great, baby." You face forward again, allowing Dave to steady you once again.

You aim the gun and...fire. You get a little kick back from the gun, but nothing too bad.

"Oh, my gosh, Dave! I did it! I actually did it!"

Dave grabs you up in a big hug and you laugh, hugging him back. He gives you a big kiss on the lips before setting you down.

"You did great, Y/N. I'm proud of how well you did."

You grin, feeling proud yourself that you did so well.

You take a step backwards and watch as Dave reloads the gun. You study his handsome face and smile to yourself.

Dave looks so serious that for some reason, it makes you want to giggle. You don't even realize that you giggled until Dave looks over at you.

You suddenly... want to be...near him. You step closer, reaching out for him and Dave pulls you against his tall, lean frame.

"Oh, Dave. Just hold me. Please." Dave chuckles.

"Feeling a little needy, are you, pretty girl?" You look up at him and smile as you finger his lips.

"A little bit. Mostly, I just want to be near my big, strong man." Dave chuckles again and leans down to kiss the top of your head.

"Are you ready to go again?" Dave asks. You move and nod.

"You bet I am!"


After half an hour, you feel pretty good about handling a gun. You help Dave pack everything up and put it away.

As Dave is finishing up, you lean against the metal railing that surrounds the target range area and just watch him.

You know that he's gotten into some stuff that wasn't the best and you don't judge him for that. Dave has always been kind and loving towards you and you know he'd never hurt you in any way.

However, sometimes you wonder what in the world made him get into whatever it was that he did. Dave never talks about it, and you're okay with that.

Dave looks over at you and smirks some. You smirk back and move to help him collect everything.

You walk back to Dave's truck and put everything in the back. Dave grabs you and pulls you against him and him.

"Thanks for taking the time to teach me how to properly handle and fire a gun," you say.

"I enjoyed doing that, pretty girl." Dave leans over, capturing your lips with his.

"What'd you say we go grab some hot coffee and some lunch?" Dave opens up the passenger side door of his truck for you and helps you inside.

"I think that sounds perfect, Mr. York." Dave grin, closes the door and walks around to the driver's side and climbs up himself.

"Next stop, The Railroad Diner!" He says, sounding like a tour guide. You just laugh. What a goofball.

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