Din Djarin-Two Of A Kind

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You're a Mandalorian and you don't trust anyone else. You just keep to yourself and stay clear of anyone who makes you feel suspicious.

Then one day, you come across another Mandalorian. And things get complicated.

Swearing, innuendo and violence, but not much.


You don't need anyone. You're a one person band. You go where you please and do whatever the hell you want.

Sure, you took the damn Mandalorian creed and you follow it to the best of your ability.

But that doesn't mean that you can't live life your way, either. You hadn't ran across too many of your own kind since you swore the oath of the Mandalorians.

There's been a few, but whenever you interact with them, they seem just as leery of you as you are of them.

Mandalorians were once a well respected race. Now, if you asked most people, they'd tell you that Mandalorians were just out for themselves.

They weren't completely on the wrong path when they say that. A lot of the other Mandalorians you saw were just that.

Selfish, callused and distrustful of anyone who they crossed paths with. You were no exception.

All you wanted out of life was to do your own thing and try to fly under the radar and keep your head down.

Until one day, everything changed.


You're on Noth, cold and snowy. You actually never minded the place. If you asked most people, they'd say this place was nothing but a frozen wasteland.

Not in your opinion. You kind of liked it here. Probably because of the fact that it was so damn cold, there usually wasn't too many people out and about, which was just your style.

You enter a dimly lit catina, the noise isn't terrible. There's a few sketchy characters bunched in small groups seated at the small, wooden tables throughout the catina.

You go and order something to eat and drink. You almost change your mind about being hungry after seeing the shit you're served.

Sigh. Oh, well. You'll choke down as much of the shit as you can and go see if maybe you can find something a little more salvageable at the market.

You quickly finish, bit wanting to stuck around this craphole any longer than necessary. Cantina's too often draw too much crap and you don't care to get in the middle of it.

You're slipping out the door when you crash into another heavily clad... Mandalorian.

Since you're both wearing your helmets, it's impossible to know if this a male or female Mandalorian. You quickly discover which because the Mandalorian speaks.

"Watch where the hell you're going." A male. Ohh, you smirk. You'd bet an entire chest full of credits that this asshole thinks he's some tough guy.

"Watch yourself, asshole!" You snap and quickly hurry off, away from him. This is precisely why you fly solo. You have no patience for assholes like him.


You wander around the outdoor market, trying to find something edible to take back with you.

At last, you come upon some people selling some kind of dried, wild berries and meat.

Hell, it looked much better than that shit you tried to choke down at the cantina.

You take your food and head for your ship. It's nothing fancy, but it gets you where you want to go.

You reach your ship, only to find that other Mandalorian leaning against it, arms crossed and clearly studying you.

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