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This is a movie role that Pedro did called Hermanas-sisters-a few years ago.

You and Steve work together and you've had this huge crush on him and desperately want to tell him, but are scared he won't feel the same way.

Then you end up surprised by him.

Mention of sex and a little light swearing. And mention of some drugs, but not a lot.


You're watching Steve out of the corner of your eye, as you set the latest donations out in the charity shop

God, he's so adorable! All you want to do is just run over, grab his cute face and kiss him!

But ugh, no way. He'd probably start acting all weird with you of you did that. And then, you'd have to find another job, which you definitely don't want to.

Steve is reading his dumb book, instead of actually working, but since he's cute, you can easily forgive him for that. (Even if it's not fair.)

You finish as some young woman walks into the shop. You smile and greet her. She gives you a half smile and an unenthusiastic hello.

That's when you see it; Steve is suddenly paying attention to the young woman and you feel your stomach drop. Seriously?

Steve watches the young woman with great interest as she browses through the stuff in the charity shop. You continue to watch Steve, feeling sicker and sicker.

You finally have to turn away before you really do something to embarrass yourself. Like burst into tears. Or pick up the old fashioned record player and chuck it at the woman's head.


"What's with you?" You ignore Steve. He's not the only one who can ignore people.

To your shock, Steve grabs your arm, twirling you to face him. You stare at his brown eyes and you feel yourself getting emotional.

You tear yourself out if Steve's grasp and storm off to the back room, not expecting Steve to follow you.

But he does.

"Y/N, please tell me what's wrong?"

"Leave me alone, Steve!" You snap as your eyes well up with tears. Ugh. You're so pissed at yourself right now.

"I thought we were friends?" Steve gently touches your arm and that does it. The damn tears are spilling down your cheeks and dripping off your chin.

"Hey, you can tell me." Wanna bet?

"It's.... nothing. We better get back out front." You turn, marching back up front and silently cursing yourself out.


Luckily, Steve doesn't press anything for the rest of the time you're working. You're glad. The last thing you need to do is make a complete ass out of yourself in from of him.

"I'm having a barbecue this weekend, Saturday," Steve says as you're both getting ready to close up the charity shop.

"Cool." You flip the open sign to closed and then start towards the cash register.

Steve beats you to it. And then... he's... reaching out for your chin with his fingers. His touch is so gentle. You search his face and he smiles softly at you.

"I'd really like for you to come." Your breath catches in your throat and for half a second, you feel like you're drowning.

"I'll have to, uh, see, uh,if I'm not... already...busy."

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