Javier Pena-Hero

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Warning this chapter contains mentions of physical abuse and violence. Also some strong swearing.

You're a companion to a drug lord, but his days are over. You're scared to death when DEA agents come storming in.

You're hiding and Javier finds you and takes you in, wanting to help you.


The gunfire started unexpectedly. Yiu run into the big bedroom, hiding in the big closet, covering your ears with your hands.

Sweat has broken out on your brow and your heart is dancing wildly in your chest. Your mouth has gone dry and you can't hardly swallow.

There are terrified shouts and more gunfire. You close your eyes, resting your head on your drawn up knees, which are knocking together.

What's going on? What's going to happen to you? Will whoever has come in here going to...kill you, too? Your stomach suddenly lurches and rolls.

You remove your hands from your ears, leaning over and are sick all over his expensive leather shoes. You don't care if he hits you again once he discovers the mess.

You creep closer to the closet door and listen, holding your breath, wondering if it's... over. You don't hear anymore gunfire or terrified screamed.

Suddenly, the closet door is thrown open and you're momentarily blinded by bright light. You squint, trying to see who's opened the closet door.

A man, a handsome man, is standing there, a... gun pointed right at you. You scream, throwing a hand up, as if that can protect you from his bullets.

The man lowers his gun and kneels down in front of you, slowly extending one of his hands out. You lower your hand, trembling violently, unsure of what this man might do to you.

"It's okay. Shh. I'm not going to hurt you." You don't move. You don't trust him. Why should you? He's clearly a DEA agent.

"Come here, chica. I promise not to hurt you." His low, soothing voice is starting to get to you.

You slowly crawl out of the closet and shakily stand to your feet. You immediately nearly topple back to the floor, your still shaking so badly.

The agent helps steady you and you sag against his tall, lean and strong body. He replaces his gun in his holster and gently scoops you up into his arms, carrying you out of the bedroom and finally out of the house.

He stops  by an old, battered and beaten up car. He shouts at another agent to open up the back door of the car.

A skinny, blond man with a mustache, opens up the car door and the agent gently sets you inside. He gives you a little smile.

"Stay here, okay? I'll be back soon. Just don't leave the car. Do you understand me?"

You nod, wishing he wouldn't leave you here, alone. He closes the car door and you slowly dissolve into tears.


"What the hell, Pena?" You must have passed out for a few minutes. The skinny, blond man is scowling at the agent who took you out of the house.

"Bite me, Murphy!" The man goes and gets into the car and suddenly, you're afraid all over again. You don't know what this man is going to do to you.

"You okay, chica? I'm Javier. Or Javi. What's your name?"

"I-I'm okay, I-I guess. I'm...Y/N. Where-where are you taking me?"

"To my place for a few days. After that, well, I'm not sure. You okay with that?"

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