Marcus Moreno-I'm Your Man

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You end up in a precarious position and Marcus saves you.

Some violence, but nothing major.


If only this was a nightmare instead of reality. If only you could just wake up and you'd find yourself safe in bed.

Unfortunately, it's not a dream from which you can just awaken from to escape. The entire city is under attack by some weird cyborgs.

Half person, half machine. Ugh. Where's the Heroics when you actually need them?

They are out there, fighting, against these things, to the best of their ability. It just doesn't seem like they're breaking any ground so far.

You stay huddled down on the floor, sort of, peeking out the window in the building where you work.

Several of your coworkers are freaking out and huddled together in small groups, out of the line of fire. You wish there was something you could do to help.

You spot a couple of the Heroics, battling the cyborgs. One of them, you know well, Marcus Moreno. You're friends. Well, kinda.

Marcus comes in here, it's a bookstore, occasionally, to find books for his daughter or sometimes he says, himself.

You're often flirting with him, much to the annoyance of several of your coworkers. They find your flirting juvenile and ridiculous.

You figure, what the hey, right? It's not like Marcus is married or anything like that.

A cyborg comes flying towards the building, crashing into the window, causing the glass to explode into a million pieces.

You duck out of the way just in time. You see Marcus coming this way, a fierce and determined look in his face. Talk about sexy!

The cyborg raises his arm, ready to fire at Marcus. You grab a large piece of a broken desk, sneak closer and swing with all your might at the cyborg's legs.

He rapidly pivots, anger in his eyes and on his face. He raises his weapon and.... Marcus tosses one of his swords, knocking the weapon out of the cyborg's hand.

Another Heroic comes along, Blinding Fast and quickly ties the cyborg's hands behind his back. The cyborg is spitting mad. You can't help but smirk.

Marcus comes over to you and takes your hand and you feel your face heat up.

"Thanks for the assist, Y/N. I owe you."

"Catch me after all this crap us over?"

Marcus leans close, giving you a quick peck on the cheek before turning and joining his fellow Heroics.

"I'll be back."


"Thanks again for earlier." Marcus has taken you out for a quick lunch. It's nice. You could get used to this sort of thing.

"All in the line of duty." Marcus chuckles and you smile. Be really is a handsome guy.

"Maybe you should join the Heroics," Marcus teases. You roll your eyes. Ni flipping way.

"I don't have any superpowers, you dork," you say.

"Maybe you do, but you never realized it before." Marcus takes your hand again and your heart starts thumping ever so slightly.

"I'm pretty sure if I had a superpower, Marcus, I would have discovered it by now."

"I guess you have a point."

"How old were you when you discovered that you had a superpower?" You ask.

"About twelve, I think."

"I bet your mom was thrilled, huh?"

"Yeah, not so much." Marcus chuckles. "But she knew it was bound to happen eventually."

"Did you always want to be a superhero?"

"No. I always wanted to be a doctor.  But hey, that's life. What about you?"

"I like my life. I've always been a big reader, so working at a bookstore is a dream for me. Except for one tiny detail."

"What's that?" Marcus asks.

"I'm beginning to run out of space in my apartment for all the new books I keep buying."

Marcus laughs and you realize that he's still holding your hand. You don't mind. You like that Marcus Moreno is sitting here with you and holding your hand.

"Thanks for lunch." Marcus releases your hand and you both stand up, getting ready to head back to your jobs.

Marcus takes your hand again as you exit the diner. There's a huge mess in the city, from that earlier battle. You can only imagine how much money that the city has to pay just to keep cleaning up after villians who keep trying to destroy everything.

"Can I see you again?" Marcus asks as you pause outside the bookstore. You and your coworkers are going to be spending some time doing some cleaning of your own, thanks to that stupid cyborg shattering the window.

"Definitely." Marcus leans close and gives you a gentle kiss. You smile and kiss him back.

"Thanks again for saving my life. And my coworkers lives."

Marcus gives you a wink as he starts to walk away.

"No problem. If you ever need me, I'm your man."

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