Zach Wellison-Night Terror

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Warning this chapter deals post traumatic stress disorder. If that sort of thing bothers you, please don't read.

Violence, talk of killing in war, some strong language and innuendo.

Zach just woke up from a nightmare about when he was serving as a Marine over in Afghanistan and you comfort him.


You're jerked awake by the sounds of Zach screaming out in his sleep. He's had another nightmare about when he was in Afghanistan.

You quickly lean over, turning on the lamp on your nightstand before turning back around to comfort Zach.

"Hey, hey. Shh, my Zach. Ssh. I'm here. Ssh."

You speak to him in a low and calming tone, not even trying to touch him. Zach tears the blankets aside and practically jumps out of bed, rushing into the bathroom.

Oh, shit. You're scared to death that Zach will lock himself in there and do something... awful.

Luckily, he doesn't. He's.. getting sick in the toilet. You walk in and just barely brush your fingertips over his arm. He jerks a little, but at least he's not pulling away.

"Oh, my Zach. I'm here." Zach finishes, reaching over for a towel to wipe his mouth off and flushes the toilet.

You step back, not wanting to crowd him. You know he doesn't like that. Zach turns on the cold water, splashing some on his sweaty and red face.

Your heart aches deeply for him. You can't even begin to imagine how he feels. All that crap he dealt with while he was over there.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Zach sounds dejected and weary. Your arms ache to hold him. But you're worried it'll only agitate him more.

"Hey, it's totally cool." Zach gives you a half smile and much to your surprise, moves into your arms. You smile, reaching up to gently rub circles on his back.

"That feels so good."

"You know I'd do anything to make you feel better." You move, pulling Zach's head down and kissing his forehead.

"I know. I just feel guilty for interrupting your sleep."

"Don't. Can we go sit down? It doesn't have to be in the bed."

Zach takes your hand, leading you out into the living room and you sit down in the couch, clinging to each other.

"Sometimes, I just have these damn dreams," Zach says, sounding upset and angry. "These assholes are... chasing, firing their damn weapons and it just pisses me off."

"Oh, Zach." He blows his breath out, his face turning red and suddenly, he pulls away from you and moves to start pacing angrily around the apartment living room.

It scares you some, to see Zach this angry, but you can't really blame him. He suffered something awful, something that you can't even fathom and quite frankly, you don't want to know what it's like.

You wish you could just make it better, somehow. Anyway. You hate seeing Zach so unhappy and taunted by those old, horrific memories of war.

Zach stops, staring at you. Although you get this strange feeling that he's not seeing you, exactly.

"There was this... woman," Zach begins and his voice sounds strangled. " in the way and... well, it was nasty and bloody. Sometimes, when I least expect it, her vacant face comes to mind."

Zach covers his face with his hands and starts to cry. You jump up, gently wrapping your arms around him and just hold him.

Zach clings to you and in way, it makes you happy. He's not pushing you away, physically or emotionally.

That's definitely a good thing. It's good to know that Zach trusts you enough to tell you shit, so he's not holding it in and allowing the horror to eat him alive.

"Can.. can we go back and lie down in the bed?" Zach asks, his deep voice choked with heavy emotion. Oh, your heart is breaking right now for this man.

"Sure. But if you decide you want to get back up again, we can."

You lead Zach back into the bedroom, making sure to keep the light on. Zach says that sometimes it helps to keep a light burning. It seems to chase away some of the dark shadows and memories for him.

You gently hold Zach as he nestles his face against your shoulder and neck. You kiss his forehead again.

"Maybe if we did some... inappropriate touching?" You chuckle. Zach must be calming down if he starting to make inappropriate comments.

"I wouldn't say no." Zach raises his head and leans in, kissing you gently. You smile and stroke his hair and then gently trail your finger over his face.

He doesn't look so tortured now, thank goodness. You don't want to pity Zach. That's not right. But you can't help it just a little.

"I'm such a lucky bastard," Zach murmurs, tangling his fingers in your long, loose hair and you smile, kissing his face, all over.

"You better believe it." Zach slides his hand down your thigh, gently massaging it.

"I do believe it, Y/N. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you with me."

"I know you need me, Zach," you whisper. "But I need you, too. So much."

Zach wraps his strong arms around you and you nestle against him. You just lie there, holding each other.

You can feel Zach's body slowly, slowly starting to relax. You hope that he'll get back to sleep and stay asleep, not having anymore nightmares.

Zach is a good guy. He's kind, tender, funny, gentle and genuine. He deserves to be happy.

"I know you do. We need each other," Zach says softly as he closes his eyes and you watch him.

"I just want you to be happy."

"I am happy, Y/N. I have you. That's all I need."

Tears suddenly well up in your eyes and silently slip down your cheeks. Yiu lean over, very carefully, brushing your lips over his cheek and you feel Zach smile.

"I'm glad, Zach."

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