Javier Pena-New Agent part five

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It's been about a month since you got shot and Javi is acting just a little too overprotective for your comfort.


"Y/N!" You roll your eyes before turning and facing Javier. Ever since you got shot, he's been almost smothering.

"Javi, what the hell?!" He hurries over to where you're sitting in the back seat of the car that Steve was driving.

"How'd it go? Everything okay?" You roll your eyes again as you slide out of the backseat of the car and face Javi.

"Javi, I love you. I do. But please stop treating me like a damn invalid!"

Javier's dark eyes grow darker with anger and you're tempted to slap him upside the head. Asshole.

"Don't bark at me, chica!" Javi snaps impatiently. "I'm just making sure that you don't do something else stupid."

Steve exits the car, slamming the driver's side door shut and walking around the car to join you and Javier.

You slam the back door of the car shut and silently glower at Javi, who's silently glowering at you as well.

"Do you two need to get a private room?" Steve raises his eyebrows at the both of you. Smartass.

"She wouldn't let me do that now even if I begged on my damn knees!"

Steve sighs and starts walking towards the DEA headquarters, leaving you and Javiera alone.

You refuse to make eye contact with the bastard. You understand that you really worried him by putting yourself in a bad position.

That still doesn't give him the right to treat you like a child or an invalid or something else along those lines.

You're a damn grown woman, who's been doing this for long enough to know that sometimes shit like this happens.

"I have a report to work on," you say to Javier, without actually looking at him. "I'll see ya."

You head for the DEA headquarters yourself, forcing yourself not to look back at Javier Pena.


It's been three hours. There's been no sign of Javier. You know he's probably off, sulking, licking his damn ego wounds.

You lean back in your chair and tiredly rub your eyes. You've been at this damn typewriter for so long, you're beginning to feel cross eyed.

You decide to get up, use the restroom and maybe go grab a drink. You nonchalantly glance around for Javier.

He doesn't appear to be in the office at the moment. You head straight for the restroom and use the toilet and wash your hands.

You lean against the bathroom vanity, staring at your reflection. Shit. You look terrible. There's bags under your eyes.

You haven't been sleeping the best since you got shot. You keep having reacurring nightmares. That's probably another reason Javier's been so damn difficult.

You've been interrupting his sleep. And every time you have another nightmare, it probably only makes Javi feel like he needs to keep protecting you.

You sigh as you exit the restroom and go in search of a snack. You decide a strong cup of hot coffee would do you a world of good, along with a couple chocolate bars.

You know that it would probably be a good idea to talk about this with Javi, instead of holding everything inside. That's one thing about the both of you: you're both stubborn as hell.

Just as you're sitting back down at your desk to finish up your report, a figure slips next to you, unscrewing a cap on a bottle of whiskey.

Javi. He adds a little whiskey to your coffee and you smile your thanks. He gives you a small smile, too.

"Thought maybe you could use something a little stronger." You automatically reach over to take his hand.

"I'm sorry," you say. "I should have just talked to you about this shit instead of acting all bitchy."

"I was wrong, too," Javier says softly. "I didn't mean to act like you don't know shit about this. You're a damn good DEA agent."

You gently squeeze Javier's hand and he smiles before taking a long sip of the whiskey. You hand him one of the chocolate bars and he accepts it.

"We'll talk later." Javi leans down and gently kisses you. You smile.



"I know I screwed up. And honestly, it scared the shit out of me." You're all wrapped up around Javier's body.

There's something comforting about this. Javier smells of nicotine and whiskey and his cologne. It's a warm, musky smell and every time you smell it, it reminds you of him.

"It wasn't exactly easy for my, either, mi amor. I was scared shitless. I thought for a moment, you might not... make it."

You slide a hand down Javier's bare chest, his skin, hot against yours. You begin peppering his chest, neck and face with gentle kisses.

Javier hands are roaming your body. You squirm in pleasure. His lips find yours and he kisses you hungrily.

"I know I've been an overbearing bastard," Javier murmur. "But it's only because I care about you so damn much."

You nestle against his side, wrapping an arm around his middle, just holding on to him.

"I know that. But do you could at least try to stop breathing down my neck all the time?"

Javier kisses your forehead and you grin.

"Yeah, I'll try."

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