Frankie Morales-Sunshine

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You and Frankie were together for a long time. But then...he just took off and you thought you'd never see him again.

He returned. But you couldn't trust him anymore and decided that maybe it was best you just broke up.

It was killing you inside. Frankie was your sunshine and now.. he's gone and you don't know what to do.

Some swearing and angust and sadness.


The light of your life was gone. It hurt like hell. But it was for the best. At least, that's what you keep reminding yourself.

You loved Frankie Morales more than life itself. Yet he betrayed you and your trust. You begged him not to go.

He ignored you. So when he returned, you set him free. Only it hurt so badly. All you can do is lie in your bed that smells like...him.

It's both a comfort and a curse. It only reminds you of what you've lost.

Three months ago:

"Frankie, no! Stop!" Frankie is tickling you. But he's he's being very gentle about it. His fingers gently graze your sides and you squeal with laughter, trying to squirm away from him.

"I will if you kiss me, chica."

You sit up and grab his face, kissing him passionately. Frankie gently cups the back of your head as he kisses you back.

"I'll stop, mi amor." You smile and snuggle close to him, wrapping your arms around his middle and hugging him tightly.

Frankie gently traces his fingers over the back of your neck and down your spine. It feels amazing.

"Oh, Frankie. I love you so much. Never leave me." Frankie kisses your forehead.

"I promise, Y/N. I won't."


You can hear your damn cell vibrating again and again. You put your pillow over your head, trying to block out the sound. Shit.

You toss the pillow aside and angrily snatch up your phone and quickly turn it off before chucking it across the bedroom and bursting into tears.


You fell asleep. You're disoriented when you awaken, unsure of what time it is.

You look at your alarm clock. It says nine thirty. It's dark out so it must be nine thirty at night. You need to pee and badly.

You climb out of the bed and trudge off to the bedroom, using the toilet. You briefly forget about.... Frankie and call out for him.

Then you remember: Frankie isn't here. He's...who knows where. You finish, flushing the toilet and washing your hands.

You make the mistake of looking at your reflection in the mirror. You look like complete shit. Your long, brown hair is all tangled and sticking up in different spots. There's bags under your eyes and they're red and puffy from crying for...him so damn much.

You look as white as a sheet and even your lips seem void of color and flat. Oh, Frankie! You break down again, slowly sinking down to the cold, tile floor and just lay there, your very being aching for him.


Two months ago:

"Santiago has a...job he's looking into."

You frown. You thought Frankie was finished with getting involved with that kind of shit anymore. He told you over and over that he wasn't interested in doing that shit again.

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